PORTSMOUTH, OH – The hidden czar barking orders to Prez Biden behind the Oval Office door isn’t going to be able to wave his magic wand and change the outcome of the midterm election – unless Lucifer intervenes to rig the voting machines – again.
The former president will dust off his mask and cape to soar across the skies of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin. But not before he admonished his losing comrades.
“Obama bashes woke Dems! Former president complains Democrats are BUZZKILLS – who make people ‘walk on eggshells’ ahead of midterm election campaign,” is the caption for a recent article in The Daily Mail UK.
And recently, on Pod Save America, Obama gave a major interview of the midterm season to talk about the state of democracy here and abroad, the escalating situation in Iran and the ongoing war in Ukraine, and how Democrats can appeal to the broadest coalition of voters.
Okay, folks – who is running the country? Hint: It’s not Biden.
“Obama to jump into midterm campaign with events in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin,” reports Fox News.
Oct. 28, Obama will show up in Atlanta, where Stacey Abrams is making another gubernatorial run against incumbent rival Gov. Brian Kemp, and Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock is facing off against former professional football star Herschel Walker.
Next, Obama travels north, joining Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist and Michigan Democrats in metro Detroit. (miedemaproduce.com
Obama will join Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, Attorney General Josh Kaul, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Rep. Gwen Moore and Democrats in Milwaukee.
But can anything save lefty liberals from deplorable conservatives? Yes. Call in the drag queens for a grand finale. Hurry up with the fundraising evening events to dine and wine the wealthy elites of the Deep State cabal and their minions. The televised entertainment will be a drag queen in skimpy pajamas telling a bedtime story to Joey Biden:
Once upon time, there was a midterm election in America. The DOJ ordered the FBI to arrest all conservative voters the night before the polls opened. And then the big bad wolf gobbled Donald Trump and all the MAGA supporters. The Democrat party won and lived happily ever after. The end.
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