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Op-Ed: No Child Is Born In The Wrong Body

Members of the LGBTQ community are standing up for kids. Applause for Gays Against Groomers for speaking out for the biological sex/gender of children and teens.   File photo: Katya Rekina, Shutter Stock, licensed.

PORTSMOUTH, OH – Has the tidal wave of the recent revved up gender ideology movement and the radical activists of transgenderism played a part in gender affirming care and medicalization of minors? Are gender affirming schools, mental health centers, and churches increasing biological sex confusion in minors? Why are parents buying into the trans rhetoric for children and opting for medical procedures? 

“Gender dysphoria (GD) in children is a term used to describe a psychological condition in which a child experiences marked incongruence between his experienced gender and the gender associated with his biological sex. There is no rigorous scientific evidence that GD is an innate trait. Moreover, 80 percent to 95 percent of children with GD accept the reality of their biological sex and achieve emotional health by late adolescence,” reports Dr. Michelle Cretella, M.D., a board-certified pediatrician and president of the American College of Pediatricians.  

“Top Doctor Reveals Many Transgenders Regret Surgery, Want Reversal,” a 2018 article in The Western Journal, reports “Dr. Miroslav Djordjevic, a world-leading genital reconstructive surgeon, says he and other colleagues are seeing increasing numbers of those who have undergone sex-change surgery wanting to transition back. ( ” 

Cat Cattinson, a biological female, says, “My Body Was Never the Problem.” She started and stopped the trans process. And now Cattinson is a light in the darkness as she speaks out against the medicalization of minors. Watch her on YouTube. 

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Cattinson states when she learned about gender dysphoria, a mental disorder, her symptoms made sense. “Pediatricians should never affirm mental illness. Young people deserve proper psychological care, not medical experimentation.”  

Detransitioner Speaks Out On the Dangers. Watch on YouTube. “Gender affirming care is actually a dangerous practice of encouraging mental illness and self-harm. There is no scientific or medical consensus that this is a beneficial approach, yet trans activists are pushing for easier access to drugs and surgeries that are known to be detrimental to both physical and mental health.” 

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Members of the LGBTQ community are standing up for kids. Applause for Gays Against Groomers for speaking out for the biological sex/gender of children and teens.  

“We are a coalition of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children” is the mantra of Gays Against Groomers. “Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent years,” proclaims the coalition’s website. 

“I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse,” is the title of a 2017 opinion piece in The Daily Signal. “As explained in my 2016 peer reviewed article, “Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate,” professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job,” stated Michelle Cretella, M.D. 

“Transgender doctors warn against sex changes for children,” is a 2021 article in The Washington Examiner “Dr. Marci Bowers, who specializes in vaginoplasty, and Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco’s Child and Adolescent Gender Clinic, discussed the risks that come with gender reassignment surgery for children.” 

“Yes, trans surgeries are being done on minors. Here’s proof,” a 2022 article in The Christian Post. “Due to the media’s refusal to research and scrutinize these issues, the American public has been kept in the dark about these atrocities. Yet the facts are steadily emerging because of the dedicated work of alternative media publications and tireless online investigative sleuths.”  

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called for doctors who perform gender reassignment surgeries on minors to be sued, according to a 2022 article in The New York Post. “They talk about these very young kids getting gender-affirming care,” DeSantis said. “What they don’t tell you … is that they are giving very young girls double mastectomies, they want to castrate these young boys — that’s wrong.” 

Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, calls their gender affirming care program, the Gender Development Program. Their website states: “Our Endocrinology providers meet with patients and families to provide education on gender affirming care. This may include fertility preservation options, puberty blockers or gender affirming medicines….Specific services within the THRIVE adolescent medicine clinic include education initiation, management of gender affirming medications, inclusive sexual and reproductive health care, menstrual management and other affirming interventions.” 

A 2020 article in The Federalist reported, “Boston Children’s Hospital has been deluged with criticism after conservative activists highlighted its own materials promoting medical transition for minors. The hospital has tried to cover up its deeds, but it cannot escape the truth that so-called gender-affirming care isn’t.”  

In 2007, Boston Children’s Hospital opened the nation’s first pediatric gender clinic. Dr. Norman Spack, a pediatric endocrinologist and founder of the nation’s first gender clinic at Boston Children’s Hospital, launched the pubertal suppression paradigm in the United States.  

As a former child therapist, I did not offer or provide mental health counseling for trans children/adolescents because it was outside of my scope of practice – meaning that I didn’t possess training, coursework, experience, or certification in that area of treatment. Moreover, I had no inclination to seek or obtain specialized training to validate, encourage, and support trans children and families in pursuit of medication and/or surgery. 

My questions: Why aren’t child psychiatrists, child psychologists, school counselors and mental health professionals speaking out against the medicalization of trans minors? Where are the voices of pediatricians, pastors, parents, and politicians? 

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