PORTSMOUTH, OH – “When, Exactly, Did Drag Queens in Schools Become a Thing?” asks Charles Cooke in a 2022 commentary in The National Review. Cooke continues: “Seriously: How? How did we reach the point at which drag queens in schools became a topic that is routinely debated in domestic American politics? How did drag queens get into schools in the first place? Why does anyone think it’s acceptable — let alone crucial — to keep them there? Why has one of the two major political parties in America decided that this a hill to die on? How did this happen? In the last six months, I have heard more about drag queens in schools than I have heard about the solvency of Medicare. Why?”
Why? How? Who? When? Where? – I want to know as well. Why would any adult male (heterosexual, homosexual, or trans) want to dress in seductive female clothing with face painted in caked on makeup, and sing/giggle with sexualized dance movements in front of children in a school under the pretense of reading a book? Do drag queens (DQs) actually believe they are that talented or that special or do they think they are entitled? Why do classrooms need adult entertainers?
Guess what DQs? Adolescents would much rather have fun with other adolescents – not with adult men in drag. Kids learn more about diversity by being with kids of various ethnicities – not with adult men in drag. Children learn about inclusivity by daily interacts with other children – not with adult men in drag. Kids learn about artistic expression by being in clubs, groups, and organizations with other kids – not with adult men in drag. Younger children first learn about the joys of reading while setting on the laps of parents – not on the laps of adult men in drag.
There is no war against drag queens. They can jerk and twerk until the cows come home – in adult spaces. (https://duckysonline.com) The war is against lewd, crude, and rude drag queens – in kid spaces.
Have perverts, predators, and pedophiles infiltrated the LGBTQ drag queen community to gain access to children? Find the answer on the website: Gays Against Groomers.
Drag Queens in USA Schools
“California school board bashed by mom as ‘groomers, activist pimps’ over invite to Halloween party featuring drag queen show,” is a 2022 news article in The New York Post.
“Mom Blasts School Board Over Drag Show For High Schoolers While Wearing The Same Outfit The Drag Queen Wore,” according to a 2022 article in The Daily Wire. “Does this outfit make you turn your head? Does this outfit seem appropriate for anybody here to see? This is what the man dressed like in front of our kids.” Watch on rumble.
“Pennsylvania School Hosts Drag Show for Kids Without Parent’s Permission,” a 2022 article in Townhall reported, “Leaked photos and videos show several provocatively dressed drag queens flaunting across the school’s stage performing lewd dance moves in front of a group of minors.”
“NYC Councilmember Speaks Out Against Drag Story Hour in City Schools,” is a 2022 article in Albany Update. “New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms thanks Councilmember Vickie Paladino for speaking out against Drag Story Hour.”
“Drag queen story hour for 1st graders at Philadelphia public school outrages parents,” according to a 2022 article on Fox News.
“A school district has apologized to parents after hosting a drag queen as part of a career day. A spokesperson for Adams 12 Five Star schools said Rocky Top Middle School staff should have notified parents a drag queen would be speaking to their children before allowing the speech to happen,” according to a 2018 article from CBS News in Colorado. The drag queen goes by the stage name “Jessica L’Whor.” Watch the video on YouTube where the school principal defends the hosting of a DQ at middle school.
“Republican gubernatorial hopeful Tudor Dixon, alongside a smattering of Republican lawmakers, convened on the Capitol steps Thursday to announce legislation that would ban drag queens from schools and allow parents to sue a district should it violate such a law,” per an article in Michigan Live.
“Not. On. My. Watch: Parents Enraged That NYC Gave $200K in Taxpayer Cash to Drag Queen Performers in Public Schools,” is a 2022 article on CBN News.
“Angry Crowd Confronts School Board about a Drag Queen Story Hour and the New Sex Ed Curriculum,” is a report in The Montgomery News.
What is the intent of drag queens with minors? Groomer Schools: Drag Queen Story Hour podcast with James Lindsay.
“When President Obama’s position on “transgender” students had sufficiently “evolved,” he sent out a “Dear Colleague” letter demanding that schools allow biological males to enter and use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms. Is it any wonder that drag queens now appear at primary schools?”
Drag Queens in United Kingdom Schools
Almost 20,000 people have signed a petition expressing their opposition to drag queens appearing in UK primary schools. The petition was started after an English primary school sparked anger among parents for inviting a drag queen to perform a show for children. The widely-circulated petition on CitizenGo also refers to parents not being informed about the visit. It states: “Parents at the school were not informed that this performer would be visiting the school and, therefore, could not withdraw their children from the event.”
“Lincoln drag queens feel ‘discriminated’ against after former high school cancels planned talk,” is a 2022 article in Lincolnshire Live. “Toot Hill School has said that the assembly was cancelled due to “adult content published on their social media accounts, which is not suitable for children.”
“The recent phenomenon of drag queens reading stories to children in libraries and even schools have provoked an angry reaction from parents and members of the public, only for their concerns to be dismissed by the progressive Left, according to Parent Power in UK.
Drag Queens in Canadian Schools
“Canadian Schools Brainwashing Students With LGBT, Transgender Propaganda,” is a 2019 article.
Canada (2013): teacher shows drag queen video to kids. School children aged nine to ten in Canada have been shown a sexually-charged video of bikini-clad drag queens as part of a class on “transgender issues.”
Keep Drag Queens Out of Schools
DQs are not necessary to early childhood, middle school, or high school education. DQs need to stay in their own lane and stay out of schools and stop the indoctrination and sexualization of kids.
Parents and community members need to attend school board meetings and call for termination of employed adults in positions that allow adult males (drag queens) to indoctrinate, sexualize, and push an agenda of gender ideology in public or private schools.
Contact your governor, attorney general, state representatives, Department of Education, and professional educators and childcare association/organizations/agencies in your county and state of residence. Contact local principals, pastors, and police officers.
USA. Contact national associations/organizations to voice your concerns about DQs in schools and libraries via social media, letters, or phone calls.
Parent Association, National Parent Teachers Association, Association of American Educators, National Education Association, The American Federation of Teachers, Phi Delta Kappa, National School Boards Association, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals
American School Counselor Association, The Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling, National Association for Play Therapists, National Association of School Psychologists, American Counseling Association, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, National Association of Social Workers, American Christian Counseling Association, American Psychiatric Association
National Association of Counsel for Children, National Association for the Education of Young Children, National Head Start Association, The National Association for Child Development, National Association for Family Child Care, The National Organization of State Associations for Children, National Association to Protect Children
Help protect our most vulnerable citizens – our children.
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