RANDOLPH, VT – A Vermont school district has reportedly let a transgender student off scot-free after they allegedly issued death threats against a 14 year-old female student who had raised concerns over a biological male using the female locker room. The 14 year-old, however, was suspended for complaining about the situation, as was her father, a coach at a school in the district.
Orange Southwest Unified School District high school student Blake Allen and her father, Travis Allen, are being represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom in their lawsuit, which alleges that the school is retaliating against them for complaining about a transgender student being in the girls’ locker room.
Blake, 14, was suspended from Randolph Union High School and her father Travis Allen – a Randolph Union Middle School soccer coach – was suspended without pay from his job as the girls’ soccer coach for calling the biologically male student, who identifies as a transgender girl, “a male.”
In a recent interview, Blake said that she had told school officials that the situation had made her uncomfortable; she quickly found herself suspended, although that has since been lifted, with the school admitting that her opinions on the locker room didn’t justify the retaliation.
Her father, however, remains suspended, with the district Superintendent Layne Millington accusing Travis of misgendering the transgender student on purpose in a Facebook post.
“Such conduct is unprofessional and unbecoming, and flies in the face of the Vermont Principal Association’s athletic regulations, Vermont State regulations, and the RUHS Middle-High School expectations,” Millington said.
However, Blake and Travis are accusing the school district of not only infringing on their First Amendment rights to free speech, but also of allowing the transgender student in question of getting away with issuing death threats, reportedly saying that “I’m going to f**king kill Blake Allen” after the locker room incident.
“The school is just failing all of us,” Blake said in a recent interview. “I was supposed to be suspended because I wanted to talk about something? That just doesn’t seem right.”
“I had no other options,” Travis said over the decision to file a lawsuit. “We didn’t know what to do…this is why we’ve gone this route. Because when you’re being bullied by the head administration at the school, where else do you turn? They want me to fall in line and do as I’m told, and not offer any of my own opinions.”
“If your kids are not comfortable, then you need to speak up for them,” Travis continued. “That’s what we’re here for. We’re parents. We’re here to protect them.”
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