PORTSMOUTH, OH – The last-minute political dumping by the radical rats for their midterm mayhem is nothing but hyper-lying. The spin is spinning like a torrid tornado as their malevolent mouths move to the memo. Stick to the script or boss Obama and the unknown puppet master behind the curtain will heap hellish hoopla on your head. The marching minions follow the orders of the oligarchy – hoping for a place at the apex of the power pyramid.
The enemy’s greatest weapon is fear. One avenue of spreading fear is through the mainstream media mafia – and that’s why they rolled out censorship during the coronavirus crisis, the climate crisis hoax, and even now as they fight to remain in political power. Moreover, they spew the fear of death. Wanna-Be dictators are well-schooled in psychological warfare tactics.
The fearmongers of the Deep State cabal vomit fear upon the people with a constant barrage of falsehoods – a bombardment of fake news. And the dastardly deeds they do – they blame on the opponents and freedom-loving citizens. Lies, lies, and more lies. Do you know who is called the father of lies? Lucifer, the fallen angel that dared challenge Creator God. (locals.md)
America is in a war and the major battle is the spiritual warfare waged by the enemy of God. The USA has underestimated the power of demonic forces in our great land of liberty and in the White House. George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden – were they selected instead of elected?
The next battle is the destruction of freedom, liberty, and democracy – and the implementation of a socialist society and the slippery slope of fascism, communism, and Marxism.
Nonetheless, Almighty God, the founder of the United States, stepped in and appointed President Donald Trump in 2016 to drain the swamp, but the counterfeit cabal of darkness stole the 2020 election. And they will attempt to steal the midterm and the 2024 presidential election – that’s what thieves and thugs do. The regime of radical rats weaponized the CIA, FBI, and the DOJ against American citizens and called it domestic terrorism. Fear, fear, and more fear is their war cry.
Today, I listened to the encouraging messages of Wanda Alger on YouTube. “We need some courage. We need some boldness in these days.”
“The Lord is letting us know what the enemy is doing so that we can take heed, pray, and be prepared. God is making His move! It may mean some inconveniences and hardships, but it is all unto something glorious!”
Will God intervene to bless America again or are we living in the Book of Revelation? Is the Rapture around the corner? Faith, faith, and more faith is our war cry.
- Modern Day Prophetic Pastors/Preachers Proclaim God Will Bless America – Again; “The Puppets & Handlers Will No Longer Dance”
- People Of Faith Must Speak Out Now Against The Tyrannical Takeover Of USA
- Save America – We Will Not Bury God’s Land Of Liberty; We Will Arise And Fight For Freedom
- The Real Battle For The Soul Of America Is Not Republicans Vs Democrats; It’s God Vs Satan
- In God’s Army, The Soldiers March On Their Knees
The enemy’s weapon is fear, but our weapon is faith.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV)
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