Reporter Asks Bill Clinton About Connections to Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein; “I Think The Evidence Is In” After Smirky Look And Laugh

Bilingual Journalist Juan More News approached Clinton at a noisy campaign rally held in Laredo, Texas on Monday for Rep. Henry Cuellar – who is running for re-election to represent the state’s 28th Congressional District – and asked the 42nd Commander-in-Chief to address his relationship with Epstein. Image credit: Juan More News / Juan Carlos Mendoza Diaz / Twitter.

LAREDO, TX – An independent journalist recently encountered Bill Clinton at a Democratic political rally in Texas and asked the former President about his long-alleged connections with late pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Epstein, after having been arrested on federal charges for the sex trafficking of minors in Florida and New York, hung himself in his jail cell on August 10, 2019; however, there has been some public skepticism about the true cause of his death.

Bilingual Journalist Juan Carlos Mendoza Diaz approached Clinton at a noisy campaign rally held in Laredo, Texas on Monday for Rep. Henry Cuellar – who is running for re-election to represent the state’s 28th Congressional District – and asked the 42nd Commander-in-Chief to address his relationship with Epstein.

“Mr. Clinton, any comments on the allegation of your connection to Jeffrey Epstein?” Mendoza Diaz asked while filming the encounter.

Clinton, who at first appeared to be struggling to hear the question amid the loud voices and music playing in the background, then flashed a grin at the camera and answered, ‘I think the answer is clear.”

The former President then moved on, shaking hands with attendees while being quickly moved away by his handlers.

Clinton has been accused of having ties with Epstein, with photos dating back to 2002 showing the former President as a passenger on a private jet belonging to the disgraced financier. Clinton was also alleged by former aide Doug Band of visiting Epstein’s Caribbean island of Little St. James – nicknamed “pedophile island” – where the late sex offender was purported to have engaged in extensive trafficking of underage girls.

Clinton was said to have traveled to the island via Epstein’s private jet, the “Lolita Express,” which he has apparently ridden in many times, Band claimed.

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