NORTH LAUDERDALE, FL – A 76-year-old North Lauderdale woman wiled away some time at a local Walmart store in mid-October shopping for children’s slippers, pajamas and a new pillow. What she didn’t realize is that while she shopped, a pair of purse thieves were casing her as a crime victim.
During the woman’s outing, Broward Sheriff’s Office detectives say a man and a woman watched her and stole her purse. Inside the purse were the victim’s iPhone, credit cards, checkbook and other personal items.
Surveillance video cameras in the store capture the male subject watching the victim and a short time later show the female subject walking with the victim’s purse. Less than one minute later, the female subject is seen looking through the victim’s purse, before both subjects exit the store.
Investigators say the victim’s credit cards were used at two area stores shortly after the theft.
Detectives say the female subject has short, wavy blonde hair and a mark or tattoo on each arm. She wore a dark grey sleeveless tee shirt with the word “love” on it, along with dark blue tights and sandals with white straps. The male subject has a black beard and mustache and wore a dark grey tee shirt with the word “Kiss” on the front. The man also wore dark pants and dark shoes.
Broward Sheriff’s Office detectives are asking anyone with information on the identities of the subjects to contact North Lauderdale District Detective Nezar Hamze at 954-722-5800 or submit a tip through the SaferWatch App. If you wish to remain anonymous, please contact Broward Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS (8477), online at browardcrimestoppers.org, or dial **TIPS (8477) from any cellphone in the United States.
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