PORTSMOUTH, OH – Let me say this: Violence or threats of violence in any public library needs to be addressed immediately. Safety for patrons and staff is utmost. “There are an estimated 116,867 libraries of all kinds in the United States today.”
According to a letter sent to the FBI “bombing or shooting threats forced the temporary closures” of 5 libraries. Review: 5 out of 116,867 libraries in the USA reported threats.
Did these libraries implement their emergency procedures, contact local law enforcement, contact state resources, and so forth? Of course, they did.
Were any of the 5 libraries bombed or the staff and patrons physically attacked or harmed? No.
My questions: Does the American Library Association’s (ALA) Executive Board want the FBI to crack down on freedom of speech and the right to peaceful demonstrations by parents and community members over drag queen entertainment (Drag Queen Story House) in public libraries and making LGBTQ books with pornographic depictions available to minors.
Read the letter sent to the FBI from the ALA addressed to Director of FBI Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland, Attorney General.
Reflect upon the following: “According to library directors and local officials, there is no evidence at this time showing a “direct connection between recent threats and opposition to library materials and programs. However, the letter to Director Wray does underscore the increasing threats of violence to libraries and library workers nationwide.”
Read that again: “…there is no evidence at this time showing…” What? No evidence. So, the ALA, without any evidence, is contacting the FBI with concerns. But there is no evidence that the parents and community members that oppose “library materials and program” are connected to the threats. But yet, the ALA contacted the FBI. No list of threats with dates, locations, and names of any citizens. No evidence. Oh, the ALA just wanted the FBI to know. Uh-huh.
My questions: Why has the ALA become embroiled and politicized over the LGBTQ agenda and ideology. Why does the ALA expect all public libraries in their association to follow the woke transgender movement and allow drag queens to entertain children and allow access to books with sexually explicit content? Has the ALA overstepped their bounds? Does the ALA want the FBI to put parents under surveillance?
Review: What do we know about the alleged corruption and falsehoods of the FBI and DOJ in reference to parents speaking out at school board meetings? We know the parents were labeled as domestic terrorists.
Whistleblowers: FBI targeted parents via terrorism tools despite Garland’s testimony that it didn’t happen NSBA Letter Targeting Parents as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Allegedly Requested by Biden Ed Secretary Cardona
The following excerpts are from MassResistance, a leading pro-family activist organization.
“For years the far-left American Library Association (ALA) has been working closely with national LGBT groups to train library officials how to thwart and demonize parents and public officials opposed to the obscene and pornographic books for children and teenagers being placed in public libraries and schools.”
Peruse the following information.
Defending Intellectual Freedom: LGBTQ+ Materials in School Libraries (PDF)
Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights: “Library policies and procedures that effectively deny minors equal and equitable access to all library resources available to other users violate the Library Bill of Rights. The American Library Association opposes all attempts to restrict access to library services, materials, and facilities based on the age of library users.”
My questions: Does the ALA actually believe that public libraries can usurp the rights of parents over their own children? Does the ALA deem libraries an arm of the library police?
“Not book banning. Not book burning. We’re simply asking for book boundaries.”
ALA lists the most challenged books of 2021:
Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe
- Reasons: Banned, challenged, and restricted for LGBTQIA+ content, and because it was considered to have sexually explicit images
Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison
- Reasons: Banned and challenged for LGBTQIA+ content and because it was considered to be sexually explicit
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson
- Reasons: Banned and challenged for LGBTQIA+ content, profanity, and because it was considered to be sexually explicit
Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Perez
- Reasons: Banned, challenged, and restricted for depictions of abuse and because it was considered to be sexually explicit
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
- Reasons: Banned and challenged because it depicts child sexual abuse and was considered sexually explicit
This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
- Reasons: Banned, challenged, relocated, and restricted for providing sexual education and LGBTQIA+ content
Beyond Magenta by Susan Kuklin
- Reasons: Banned and challenged for LGBTQIA+ content and because it was considered to be sexually explicit
“Not book banning. Not book burning. We’re simply asking for book boundaries.”
YouTube: Webinar: Banned Books Uncensored: LGBTQIA+ Stories & Gender Identity.
“The hour-long training webinar was produced by the ALA’s Orwellian “Office for Intellectual Freedom” (OIF) which organizes the defense of child and teenage pornography across the country. The presenters included the president of GLAAD (a leading national LGBT group), the director of OIF, two local library directors, and others,” according to MassResistance.
Public library’s youth services librarian organizes boycott of local business that spoke out against LGBT children’s books and transgender “performer” for children
Dan Kleinman, at Safe Libraries, submitted a formal ethics complaint about the ALA efforts to reframe pornography as “diverse materials.”
That’s sneaky. Change the name of a skunk – and it still stinks.
Public libraries:
After ‘Sexualization’ Controversy, Gillette Public Library Cuts Ties With American Library Association
A library in Michigan will close after voters rejected its funding for the second time because library staff refused to remove LGBTQ books, notes a 2022 article in USA Today.
School libraries:
“Not book banning. Not book burning. We’re simply asking for book boundaries.”
The Western Journal reports the district’s libraries at elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools contain books promoting radical transgender ideology, lessons on masturbation, and novels with explicit sexual scenes including one describing a rape.
- Concerned Parents Read Aloud from Pornographic Books at Indiana School Board Meeting
- Furious mother exposes ‘pedophilia’ in HS library books, reads explicit passages to school board — until official warns her: ‘There are children in the audience’
- ‘This is about our children;’ Parents STAND UP to fight porn in schools
Making sure books are developmentally appropriate for children is NOT book banning nor censorship. It’s a ploy by gender-bender library activists that have swallowed the transgender movement rhetoric.
Read 53 Books Every Parent Should See.
Sexually Explicit and_or Educationally Unsuitable Book_Excerpt List (pdf)
“Not book banning. Not book burning. We’re simply asking for book boundaries.”
Parents and community members need to ask their local library if they’re a member of the Americ
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