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Op-Ed: D’Antuono, Top D.C. FBI Shark, Swims Away to Find Cover Like Coward

Steven D’Antuono, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington Field Office, issued a statement asking the public for help identifying the perpetrators of assaults on law enforcement officers who were protecting the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Steven D’Antuono, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, as he issued a statement asking the public for help identify those involved in the riots at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

PORTSMOUTH, OH – How convenient. Slimy Steven, one of the Big Sharks, oops, I meant a Big Kahuna of the FBI Washington, D. ( C. office decided on a whim to retire. I guess he was just itching to go fishing and couldn’t wait on catching the biting bass one moment longer.  

JP Media noted the “FBI master-blaster Steven D’Antuono, the top official at the Washington, D.C., FBI office, quietly announced via his LinkedIn page that he had left the Bureau the day before.” 

What? No razzle-dazzle farewell party with the other barracudas toasting his 26 years of service.  

Of course, the new Republican-led House of Representatives had nothing to do with it. Uh-Huh. 

Did the 1050-page document titled: FBI WHISTLEBLOWERS: WHAT THEIR DISCLOSURES INDICATE ABOUT THE POLITICIZATION OF THE FBI AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT hasten Slimy Steve’s departure into the wild blue yonder? 

Let’s take a stroll down Liar’s Lane. Is Congress primed and ready to investigate the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Fednapping hoax? 

“Defense attorneys had argued—successfully, it would appear—that their clients were entrapped by the FBI; at least a dozen FBI confidential human sources and undercover agents working out of numerous FBI field offices were deeply embedded in the plot.”

Guess who was in charge of the Whitmer scandal? Slimy Steve. 

Guess which FBI shark circled the prey after the Jan. 6 protest? Slimy Steve. 

A recent commentary in the Tennessee Star labels Dastardly D’Antuono as “the FBI’s Hatchet Man.”  

Let that nickname sink in. I’ve not seen that on a tee-shirt. Argh.  

The article continues, “If Chris Wray is the chief of the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party, once known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, then Steven D’Antuono is his hatchet man. It’s not a coincidence that his name appears prominently in the most brazen anti-Trump stunts conducted by the FBI in the past two years.” 

Of course, Hatchet Man’s hasty exodus didn’t have anything to do with a letter from fired-up Republican Rep. Jim Jordon. Uh-Huh. 

Excerpt from Letter

In addition, to advance our oversight, we require prompt testimony from FBI employees. We expect your unfettered cooperation in arranging for the Committee to receive testimony from FBI employees. As an initial matter, we anticipate requiring testimony from the following employees, either in hearings or transcribed interviews, early in the 118th Congress: 

  1. Christopher A. Wray, Director
  2. Paul Abbate, Deputy Director
  3. Timothy Langan, Executive Assistant Director, Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch
  4. Jennifer L. Moore, Executive Assistant Director, Human Resources Branch
  5. Steven M. D’Antuono, Assistant Director in Charge, Washington Field Office
  6. Carlton L. Peeples, Deputy Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division
  7. Kevin Vorndran, Deputy Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division
  8. Laura Dehmlow, Section Chief, Foreign Influence Task Force
  9. Elvis Chan, Special Agent, San Francisco Field Office 

Hatchet Man has left the building. But Jim-Dandy Jordan has greased up the harpoon for 2023. 

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