PORTSMOUTH, OH – Can America be saved from the Marxist revolution fueled by the radical leftists and hyped by the mainstream media mafia? In “American Marxism,” Mark Levin explains how the core elements of Marxist ideology are now pervasive in American society and culture—from our schools, the press, and corporations, to Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the Biden presidency—and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” “social activism,” and more.
“Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System,” a new book by Senator .Ted Cruz. “Wielding the law as a weapon, arrogant judges and lawless prosecutors are intimidating, silencing, and even imprisoning Americans who stand in the way of their radical agenda. Their “enemies list” even includes parents who dare to speak up for their children at school board meetings.”
“The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America,” a 2021 book by David Horowitz. “America is on the brink of becoming a one-party dictatorship.”
Will God save the USA because of a covenant with our Founding Fathers?
“Covenants are viewed as the most sacred and binding of deals – an oath that’s never to be broken. America’s earliest settlers made a covenant with God to serve and proclaim Him throughout the earth. These days, however, Americans appear to have forgotten this covenant and that can have dire consequences,” asserts a recent article at CBN.
Modern prophets proclaim God has heard the cries of His people – and is answering, moving, and restoring justice, freedom, and liberty. Is God tearing down to rebuild? Will America fall to be raised up?
For people of faith, there’s no doubt God is using Elon Musk to expose the corruption and censorship of the Washington D.C. elites (aka Deep State regime, New World Order). Follow the power trail. Follow the greed and money trail. Follow the treason trail.
Sometimes God uses the most colorful characters to carry out His plans. Just peruse the Bible and you’ll find flawed human beings from Genesis through Revelation. Look in the mirror and you’ll find another one. “God uses cracked pots and I’m the visual aid!” declared author Patsy Clairmont. We’re all cracked pots – and I keep a mega bottle of glue in my cabinet.
Is Musk a Christian? I don’t know, but for such a time as this – Musk is the magnifying glass and the mouthpiece.
“To lead the orchestra, you have to turn your back on the crowd.” –Max Lucado
“Twitter Dee, Twitter Dum—Ending the Tyranny of Globalization,” an article by Michael Steger at LaRouchePac speaks of hope for freedom-loving citizens.
Elon Musk’s Twitter Files are just the beginning of a new phase. This period ahead will require something that has never existed before, an artistic creation in the medium of political freedom. Together, we will build a movement that governs the nation as statesmen, scientists, and true artists. We will clean out the courtiers, voyeurs, and sadists from their Versailles on the Potomac (like Hercules cleaned out the Augean stables), and finally reclaim our American Republic for the coming generation.President Trump has been the undeniable factor in breaking out of their game, and the Twitter Files make clear that the FBI and Intelligence Community ran a full-fledged Arab Spring on the American people in 2020.
Twitter is not social media; it is an intelligence agency under a different name. Now with Musk at the helm of Twitter, we have broken radio control in their propaganda machine. That’s step one.
But this is not a game, it’s real history, and a movement like the one required has never existed before. Our role is to help build this, and inspire the hearts and minds of the American people to end this globalist tyranny, and unite and build together a new nation.
The Conservative Political Action Conference is the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world. Launched in 1974, CPAC brings together hundreds of conservative organizations, thousands of activists, millions of viewers and the best and brightest leaders in the world.
The Center to Protect Voters & Their Voices was established by the American Conservative Union Foundation in response to a decades-long effort by the Left to weaken our system of elections and secure a destructive and socialist agenda that is not supported by the majority of American voters.
50 Years of Ratings: The Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA) produces the longest-running conservative congressional scorecard and our state program is the only one in the nation that scores all 8,000 lawmakers in the 50 states across every policy area.
Citizens, pray, unite, speak out and defend liberty. May God bless America – again.
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