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Op-Ed: Compare Trump’s Extensive Human Trafficking Legislation to Biden – No Comparison

President Donald Trump as he delivered remarks at the White House on Jan 31, 2020 , on plans to focus on combating human trafficking. CNBC Television / YouTube.
President Donald Trump as he delivered remarks at the White House on Jan 31, 2020 , on plans to focus on combating human trafficking. CNBC Television / YouTube.

We renew our resolve to redouble our efforts to deliver justice to all who contribute to the cruelty of human trafficking, and will tenaciously pursue the promise of freedom for all victims of this terrible crime.” –President Donald J. Trump  

PORTSMOUTH, OH –  A November 17, 2022, article in The World Tribune reports, “The Republican-controlled House of Representatives will investigate Joe Biden for a series of alleged crimes including human trafficking for which extensive documentation already exists, Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky said at a press conference…Violations of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000.”  

Let’s take a stroll down historical legislation lane:  

“Trump Was ‘Only One’ To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case,” notes a 2019 article in True Pundit.

Edwards: The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want.  I’ll tell you what you need to know, and was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009. 

The following excerpts are from a 2017 commentary in Townhall by journalist Liz Crokin. 

“Since President Donald Trump has been sworn in on Jan. 20, authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States.…There have been a staggering 1,500-plus arrests in one short month; compare that to less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests in 2014 according to the FBI. It’s been clear to me for a while that Trump would make human trafficking a top priority.”  

Trump Legislation  

Watch AP Archive on YouTube: President Donald Trump says he will bring the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to combat an “epidemic” of human trafficking. (Feb 2017) 

Executive orders Trump signed:

  • February 9, 2017: Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking 
  • December 20, 2017: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption 
  • January 30, 2020: Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States (right in the middle of a second impeachment against him and the beginning of the COVID-19 drama) 

In addition to these executive orders, Trump issued several proclamations observing human trafficking, including the formation of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month every January.  

Moreover, Trump dedicated a new White House position to combat the issue. “Trump signs order creating White House position focused on human trafficking.”  

Trump spoke at the Human Trafficking Summit in early 2020. CNBC Television: Watch on YouTube – President Trump speaks at the White House human trafficking summit – 1/31/2020 

Excerpt from White House archives: In January 2020, President Trump recognized the 20th Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and signed an Executive Order on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States. 

Trump Legislation: 

  • Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017: amends existing legislation and establishes penalties for promoting or facilitating sex trafficking online. 
  • Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017: raised the statute of limitations on human trafficking offenses to 10 years. 
  • Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2017: amends several laws, authorizes funds and various federal agencies to combat human trafficking. 
  • Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Authorization Act: coordinates DHS efforts against human trafficking.  
  • SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018: A Health and Human Services program to train health care providers in recognizing and providing care to potential victims of human trafficking.  
  • Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act: coordinates human trafficking prevention efforts across the Department of Transportation 
  • No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act: directs the Department of Transportation to disqualify a person from operating a commercial vehicle for life if said vehicle was used to traffic humans. 
  • Abolish Human Trafficking Act of 2017: reauthorized the Domestic Trafficking Victims’ Fund through 2023 and established additional anti-human trafficking measures across federal agencies. 
  • Budgets for anti-human trafficking programs are referenced in other pieces of legislation passed during Trump’s term. And two bills signed into law earlier this month, the Not Invisible Act of 2019 and Savanna’s Act, addressed human trafficking prevention efforts for missing and murdered American Indians. 

USA Today did a fact-check and composed a long list of anti-human trafficking legislation. President Trump signed eight bills expressly targeting human trafficking. 

Biden’s Human Trafficking Legislation 

2022, White House Proclamation:

“This month, we released the updated National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking — a whole-of-government approach to combating human trafficking in the United States and abroad.”   

2021, FACT SHEET: The National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (NAP). 

National Action Plan (66 pages):

  • Executive Order 13985 of January 20, 2021 – Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. 
  • Executive Order 13988 of January 20, 2021 – Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation . 
  • Executive Order 14017 of February 24, 2021 – America’s Supply Chains.   
  • Executive Order 14031 of May 28, 2021 – Advancing Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.  
  • Executive Order 14021 of March 8, 2021 – Establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council. 

The above legislation is original to Biden. The Biden administration continues to utilize the Trump administration legislation or just updates it. 

Republicans Tie Hunter Biden to Human Trafficking, Announce Probe – Newsweek. 

According to the 2021 Federal Human Trafficking report covering the U.S. — a report initiated by President Trump, not by Obama or Biden — 92% of trafficking victims were engaged in sex-trafficking and 8% in forced labor, and of these totals, 57% were children. (Trump also signed the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act in 2018, the only significant legislation in recent memory.) The most recent report documents how little Biden has done in dealing with an enormous problem — for example, a decline in prosecutions once Biden entered office with a total of only 450 human-trafficking cases brought in 2021,” according to The Thinker.

Being a mental health therapist that specialized in providing services to children (before retiring) my respect for Trump’s commitment to victims of human trafficking is immense.  

Biden’s legislation pales in comparison to the Trump administration. And politicians, presidents, prime ministers, leaders, and citizens around the globe need to reminded, both nationally and internationally – especially in leu of Trump’s 2024 presidential candidacy announcement. Traffickers, sex offenders, pedophiles, and predators need to be reminded as well as corruptors and criminals in powerful places.  

For President Trump’s loyal MAGA supporters this column is a review on his commitment to children and adults that are kidnapped, trafficked, exploited, ritually and sexually abused, tortured and murdered. 


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