VIDEO: Donald Trump Releases “Free Speech Policy Proposal” He Will Adopt First Day Back In White House If Reelected In 2024

Former President Donald Trump
Trump went on to cite “bombshell reports” about the censorship of the American people, referring to the so-called “Twitter Files” recently released by Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who said that the public “deserves to know” that they were being repeatedly censored by the tech giant.

PALM BEACH, FL – Former President Donald Trump recently released a video statement detailing what he referred to as a “Free Speech Policy Proposal” that he intends to sign into law on his first day back in the White House if he is reelected in 2024.

The video showed Trump speaking to the viewer, informing them of how he plans to protect their “fundamental right” to free speech if he regains the presidency. 

“If we don’t have free speech then, we just don’t have a free country. It’s simple as that,” he said. “If this most fundamental right is allowed to perish, then the rest of our rights and liberties will topple just like Dominos, one by one they’ll go down. That’s why today I’m announcing my plan to shatter the left-wing censorship regime and to reclaim the right to free speech for all Americans. And ‘reclaim’ is a very important word in this case, because they’ve taken it away in recent weeks.” 

Trump went on to cite “bombshell reports” about the censorship of the American people, referring to the so-called “Twitter Files” – a series of internal document dumps detailing the social media platform’s “free speech suppression” efforts over the years – by Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who said that the public “deserves to know” that they were being repeatedly censored by the tech giant. 

“Bombshell reports have confirmed that a sinister group of deep state bureaucrats, Silicon Valley tyrants, left-wing activists, and depraved corporate news media have been conspiring to manipulate and silence the American people,” Trump said. “They have collaborated to suppress vital information on everything from elections to public health. The censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed, and it must happen immediately.” 

Among the details of Trump’s proposed plans are as follows: 

“First, within hours of my inauguration, I will sign an executive order banning any federal department or agency from colluding with any organization, business, or person to censor, limit, categorize, or impede the lawful speech of American citizens,” Trump said. “Second, I will order the Department of Justice to investigate all parties involved in the new online censorship regime, and to aggressively prosecute any and all crimes identified.” 

“Third, upon my inauguration as president, I will ask Congress to send a bill to my desk revising Section 230, to get big online platforms out of censorship business,” he continued. “Fourth, we need to break up the entire toxic censorship industry that has arisen under the false guise of tackling so-called ‘mis‘ and ‘disinformation.’ The federal government should immediately stop funding all non-profits and academic programs that support this authoritarian project.” 

Trump concluded with his fifth point, in which he said that Congress should pass a “digital Bill of Rights” that would force government officials to get a court order before taking down online content and mandate them to inform online users if their content is being removed or restricted. 

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