WICHITA FALLS, TX – Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken illegal migrants rounded up in his home state and, for the second time this year, shipped busloads of them to the Washington D.C. doorstep of Vice President and “border czar” Kamala Harris on Christmas Eve during record-low freezing temperatures that prompted prominent Democrats to call foul with accusations of cruelty.
Republican governors such as Florida’s Ron DeSantis and Abbott have periodically shipped illegal migrants caught in their respective states to Democratic regions as a way of protesting the border policies of the Biden Administration. Previously, Abbott had transported a separate batch of migrants to Harris’ home in September.
DeSantis had previously flown 49 migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts earlier during the same month, where former President Barack Obama owns a residence.
Over 100 migrants were dropped off at Harris’ residence Saturday evening – some of whom were only wearing t-shirts in the 15-degree weather – and were taken to shelters at the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network and moved to a local church, reports say.
Word had gotten out that the busses were coming, but local aid workers originally expected them on Christmas Sunday, forcing them to scramble to provide assistance when the migrants arrived a full day early. White House spokesperson Abdullah Hasan issued a statement in response to Abbott’s actions, calling it a “shameful stunt.”
“Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road in below-freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any Federal or local authorities. This was a cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt,” he said. “As we have repeatedly said, we are willing to work with anyone – Republican or Democrat alike – on real solutions, like the comprehensive immigration reform and border security measures President Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office, but these political games accomplish nothing and only put lives in danger.”
Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) tweeted outrage over the incident on Sunday, saying, “Worthless @GovAbbott dropping off people with no money and no means on Christmas Eve in 15 degree weather near the VP’s residence. How Christian of you, Greg Abbott. Being a heartless POS isn’t going to make you the next Republican President.”
However, Abbott had previously sent a letter to Biden on Tuesday, saying that the freezing temperatures in Texas had already caused overcrowding in local migrant facilities, and it was a choice of either sending these individuals to other areas to get help or letting them freeze in the streets.
“Your policies will leave many people in the bitter, dangerous cold as a polar vortex moves into Texas,” Abbott wrote. “Texas has borne a lopsided burden caused by your open border policies.”
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