2022 Biden ICE Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Far Below Those of Trump, Report Says

Officials originally anticipated border crossings to drop as the summer heat became worse, but June’s data has indicated that is not the case; the border crisis appears to only be getting worse. File photo: F Armstrong Photography, Shutterstock.com, licensed.
In 2019 while Trump was still president ICE was responsible for deporting 267,258 illegal immigrants, far higher than Biden’s numbers – of 185,258 in 2020.  File photo: F Armstrong Photography, Shutter Stock, licensed.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), under the Biden Administration and amid a historic rise in illegal border crossings, deported illegal immigrants in 2022 at far lower levels then they did while Donald Trump was in the White House, according to a new report released by the agency on Friday. 

The report indicates that ICE deported 72,177 individuals who had crossed into the United States illegally during this past year, which represented an increase over the 59,011 that were deported in 2021. However, despite those higher numbers, they still fall far short of the number of deportations that occurred during the Trump Administration. 

In 2019 – while Trump was still president – ICE was responsible for deporting 267,258 illegal immigrants, followed by a sharp drop – albeit still far higher than Biden’s numbers – of 185,258 in 2020. 

The deportations in 2022 included individuals hailing from more than 150 countries, with 2,667 of those deported being known or suspected of gang activity, 55 known or suspected terrorists, and 74 criminal fugitives wanted on a plethora of violent crimes including kidnapping, murder, and rape.  

Roughly half of the 72,177 deportations carried out this year were done via chartered plane, ICE officials said. 

As for the arrests of those crossing the U.S. border illegally, the number of them made during 2022 – again, of which only 72,177 actually resulted in deportation – was 142,750, with the majority of those arrests being made by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as opposed to ICE. 

Illegal border crossings in the 2022 fiscal year surpassed 2.76 million – with that number driven in part by increases in the number of Venezuelans, Cubans and Nicaraguans making their way to the country – shattering the previous record of 1.72 million set in 2021. 

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