SAN FRANCISCO, CA – There’s a headline that one would think would be trumpeted across America but that no mainstream media sees fit to mention. In fact, you have to search for the story, as even few among the alternative media sites have aired it. But the Gateway Pundit has been on top of the story.
In fact, in a GP guest opinion piece, law professor Tim Canova argues that the bombshell lawsuit in question has the power to overturn the 2020 election and presumably even to reinstate Donald J. Trump as President!
Too good to be true? Perhaps.
So what is this lawsuit all about and who is behind it? Fasten your seatbelts!
Allow me to introduce the phenomenal Brunson brothers, with first names as rare and unusual as they themselves are: Loy, Raland, Deron and Gaynor Brunson. These brothers are America-loving patriots hailing from Utah, who formed their own band decades ago as a trumpet quartet. That’s right—all four of them play trumpet professionally. Search for the Brunson Brothers performances online and you’ll be in for a treat.
But that’s not why they should be making headlines now.
You see, Raland Brunson is the plaintiff in a lawsuit the Supreme Court will soon be discussing to decide whether the Court should officially hear their case. That conference is set for January 6th, 2023. Hmmm…January 6th. Does that ring any bells?
The case charges 388 members of Congress with dereliction of duty in violation of their Constitutional Oath for certifying the highly questionable 2020 Presidential Election results, and seeks to remove them all from office…permanently! It’s title is Brunson v Adams; et al. Presumably going by alphabetical order, Raland chose the name of Congresswoman Alma S. Adams (D-NC), as a placeholder for the 388 Congress members named in the suit.
The uniqueness of the case is that it steers clear of any claim that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen, and instead zeroes in on the fact that in cases of acknowledged signs of election interference, the Constitution requires an appropriate investigation prior to Congressional certification of the vote that determines who will be the next president. But this was not done.
If you think about it, as the Brunson brothers must have, isn’t making sure there was no election hanky-panky the actual reason for the certification process in the first place?
Whereas our feckless Congress members willfully turned a blind eye on the election fraud once they finally emerged from the basement where they’d cowered during the faux “insurrection”. Perhaps they just wanted to hurry things up so they could go home, have a drink and get to bed.
After all, it was close to 3am. Plus the false flag “insurrection” gave them cover by distracting people’s attention from the real insurrection—the Soros-funded Color Revolution that members of Congress were about to cement into law through their treasonous “certification.” In effect, they insisted there was no election interference, so why bother investigating? When in fact, our country had undergone a coup d’état in the wee hours of November 3rd, through which the presidency was usurped from the rightful winner, President Donald J. Trump, and handed over to China’s BFF (Best Friend Forever): Sleepy Joe Biden.
Some Senators, however, begged to differ over the certification. On January 2, 2021, U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), John Kennedy (R-La.), and eight others, issued a statement acknowledging serious indications of vote tampering in the election, and urged the appointment of an Electoral Commission “… to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. … Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given’ and ‘lawfully certified’ (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed…. We are acting not to thwart the democratic process, but rather to protect it.”
Sadly, but predictably, that proposed protection was rejected by Congress.
So in essence, the Brunson case seeks to turn the clock back and prosecute those in that Congress—all 388 of them—who turned their backs on the Constitution on January 6th and certified, and therefore legitimized, Beijing Biden as president, in spite of massive election “irregularities.”
The Brunson lawsuit accuses all members of both houses of Congress who rubber-stamped the questionable results of the 2020 election of violating their Constitutional Oath.
The suit names those who voted against the proposition put forth by Senator Cruz et al., to put the Congressional certification process on hold to allow for an investigation into possible election interference.
The plaintiff argues that refusing to support such an investigation made them derelict in their duty to protect and defend the Constitution.
Should the Supremes agree to hear the case and decide in favor of the plaintiff, the defendants will not only be ousted from Congress, but they may never again hold public office. And lest I forget, among the names listed in the suit are those of Mike Pence, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The stuff dreams are made of….
Some believe that if we’re ever to take our country back, it will most likely be through lawfare. Along these lines, the Brunson brothers have done their best to heave a massive time-bomb right into the nest of the Swamp. According to Rob Cunningham, they are seeking “the most historic and consequential judicial remedy in American history.”
On the bright side, the very fact that a few “ordinary” citizens, none of whom are lawyers, could get the Supreme Court to even consider granting this case a hearing, is both remarkable and remarkably encouraging. And the fact that they are all four trumpeters has not been lost on some of those commenting on the case. There’s not only the pun on “trump” but also a Biblical resonance. And believers are quick to tell you that God has a sense of humor.
Back in 2007, Pastor Kim Clement uttered an astonishing prophetic claim that God would use Trump as His trumpet, making him America’s president. In fact, Trump mentioned God in his speeches almost as often as Obama referred to himself in his. And now we have four Brunson trumpets getting into the act.
But let’s not neglect the possible dark side.
Recall that when King Croesus of Lydia asked the Oracle at Delphi if he should go to battle against the Persians, he was told if he made war on them “a mighty empire would fall.” The Oracle was right. Here’s the rub: it was his own mighty empire that fell.
The fact that the Court has agreed to discuss the Brunson case on January 6th has inspired some to believe the Justices wish to address the massive wrong enacted against our nation on that fateful day. But oracularly speaking, it could just as easily be interpreted as a harbinger of a second January 6th disappointment: one in which the Court simply refuses to hear the lawsuit, dashing patriots’ hopes once more.
In fact, in a piece published on December 30th, 2022, in UncoverDC, Adam Carter and Tracy Beanz argue that Raland Brunson and his brothers have misunderstood the law and do not realize that the Supreme Court has no authority to remove sitting members of Congress, let alone a sitting president. Says Carter: “Even if the case had merit on all the other issues presented in the lawsuit, SCOTUS does not have the power to grant the remedy being sought.” Meanwhile, I discovered an interview with Loy Brunson hosted by Charlie Ward—a well-known QAnon purveyor of false hope—which is not a good sign.
Let’s pause and revisit some history. President Trump called for a peaceful rally on January 6th, 2021 to demonstrate public support for halting premature certification of the questionable voting results in the battleground states. This rally should have succeeded in its purpose, the way Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington in 1963 succeeded in galvanizing public opinion in support of equal civil rights for Blacks.
However, times are not normal, and the J6 rally was seized on by the Left in a devious, irony-laden Satanic inversion, wherein patriots were cast as insurrectionists by the actual insurrectionists and their many abettors.
Here’s a question to ponder: Why would the Supremes, who refused to hear any of the lawsuits brought by the Trump Administration prior to OBiden’s dismal Inauguration, be entertaining the possibility of hearing Brunson v Adams?
We mustn’t forget that the elite powermongers behind our feckless Congress critters are hellbent on enacting their One World Government and will brook no departure from their plans. How might they view an evisceration of Congress—i.e. the culling of their co-conspirators and useful idiots? Does anyone think they’d just shrug their shoulders and walk away if such a plan could even be put into action?
As much as we might cheer the patriotic Brunson Four, we need to realize what a longshot their case is, and to recognize the predicament We the Patriots face. We want our country back. We long for justice. And we need hope. But there may not be a silver bullet.
The Brunson brothers struck a chord by devising a strategy that, if it proved to be a true legal remedy, could lead to great rejoicing in the land by America Firsters. But so that we don’t merely ricochet from disappointment to disappointment, we also need to learn to differentiate between real hope and hopium in our quest for light in our nation’s present darkness.
Some experts have called the Brunson suit a fruitless, unwinnable, pie-in-the-sky case.
Well, if that be so, then let us find other remedies! We the People have been wronged and there must be some redress of our grievances, which is what the Brunson brothers—and I suspect the majority of sane Americans—long for, and what patriots must stand for. And no matter when and how it comes about, I for one will hail it as Divine Intervention!
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