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Op-Ed: Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult by Author and Activist Maria Keffler

The Blue’s Clues Pride Parade 🏳️‍🌈 Sing-Along Ft. Nina West! – Blue’s Clues & You! / YouTube

PORTSMOUTH, OH –  No child is born in the wrong body. No science backs up gender ideology and transgenderism. No way, no how – not possible to wave a magic wand and change from a biological male to a female or from a biological female to a male. Only two sexes: female and male. It’s a biological fact. 

Alarmingly, the transgender cult movement has swooped in to indoctrinate tiny tots to teenagers to young adults. Their poisonous propaganda distorts perceptions, manipulates emptions, and causes conflict in families, schools, churches, the medical field, the mental health field, and society.  

The gender identity ruse is a falsehood used as a weapon of war by a group of rogue bullies against innocent impressionable children.  

Brainwashing Tiny Tots:

“Child advocates are speaking out against what they say is a “predatory” and disturbing new video released by the Nickelodeon kid’s program “Blue’s Clues & You!” that takes place at a Pride parade and includes many forms of sexuality and gender expression,” according to a 2021 article in The Christian Post. 

Watch the drag queen sing-a-long on YouTube.  

YouTube video player

The display also featured a group of beaver characters. As noted by the aforementioned article “One of the beavers wore a transgender pink-and-blue-striped armband and what online commenters say appears to be scars on its chest, presumably because of a cosmetic double mastectomy.” 

Read that again. A little beaver in a ballcap appears to have scars from healthy breasts surgically removed. That is beyond sickening – it’s child abuse.  

Twitter: Blue’s Clues Pride segment for preschoolers, featuring a trans beaver with mastectomy scars

Moving on.

Kudos for Keffler’s book:

She is standing up to defend, protect, and save children. It matters not whether she is hated or targeted by the woke mob of gender-benders.  

A 2021 book published by Barnes & Noble Press, “Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult” provides a roadmap to help families navigate the treacherous terrain of gender ideology, and bring their children back to reality and safety. 

“Blindsided when a child suddenly announces a transgender identity, a growing cadre of parents have found their families under assault by an insidious predator: the billion-dollar gender industry.”  

Her book contains seven chapters and 201 pages.  

  • Chapter One: Gender Ideology is a Cult of Identity 
  • Chapter Four: A plan for Deprogramming Transgender-Identified Children 
  • Chapter Seven: After Desisting – explains cult-related fears. 
  • Appendix C: Universal Opt-Out Letter for Sexuality & Gender Ideology Training at School 

Folks, I absolutely agree with Keffler. The transgender movement is initiated by a cult that uses cult tactics and techniques. 

The author 

Maria Keffler is a parent and teacher, and a co-founder of both Partners for Ethical Care and the Arlington Parent Coalition (Arlington, VA, USA). 

“Blue’s Clues’ introduction of sex and gender material indicates either a troubling lack of understanding about the basics of child psychological development or that the show’s writers and producers intend to groom children toward early and developmentally inappropriate encounters with sex and gender topics,” Keffler alleged. 

Again, gender ideology is nothing but a theory; a nonscience-based theory built on sinking sand. Where are the facts? Where are the studies? Where is the evidence? 

“How These Parents Helped Their Son Reject Transgender Lies And Affirm His Real Identity,” a recent article penned by Nancy Pearcey in The Federalist is worth reading.  

“Brandon’s parents encouraged him to base his identity on his biological sex. Our feelings can change and often do. But our body is a stable, empirically knowable fact that does not change. So it makes sense to treat the body as a reliable indicator of our identity,” Professor Pearcey writes. 

The story of Brandon is adapted from Pearcey’s 2021 book “Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Live and Sexuality.” Transgenderism: Activists detach gender from biology. Kids down to kindergarten are being taught their bodies are irrelevant. She asks: Is this affirming–or does it demean the body? 

Furthermore, “Every cell in the human body has a sex, which means that men and women are different right down to the cellular level,” proclaims cardiologist Dr. Paula Johnson in a TED talk.

Kudos to Libs of TikTok: 

Libs of TikTok is well-known for exposing the pervasive drag queen gender-bender propaganda imposed on kids in schools, libraries, festivals, parks, parades and adult entertainment venues. 

Twitter: A letter written by a drag queen. The purpose of drag for kids is to teach them to live queerly and introduce queer pedagogy. 

Resources on Keffler’s website: 

  • Sample Sex & Gender Education Opt-Out Form & USC 1232 Request to Review Curriculum
  • Sample Parents’ Request for Accommodation & Notice of Potential Liability 

How Schools Deceive Parents Glossary of Terms: This glossary contains both factual definitions, and definitions which were made up by the gender industry for the purpose of obscuring language and confusing people about the real issues and implications of gender theory. 

Gender Industry: the conglomeration of organizations and institutions creating deceptive propaganda and promoting the abuse of gender-confused children for political and financial gain. Includes, but not limited to: 

  • Human Rights Campaign/Welcoming Schools 
  • GLSEN (formerly Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network) 
  • Increasing Numbers of Public & Private School Boards 
  • Post-Secondary Academia 
  • National Education Association 
  • Safe Spaces Program 
  • Gender Spectrum 
  • Planned Parenthood 
  • Trevor Project 
  • SIECUS (Sexuality Information & Education Association of the United States) 
  • WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) 
  • Gender Clinics & Children’s Hospitals with Gender Clinics 
  • Pharmaceutical Companies that make puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones 
  • Transgender Paraphernalia Companies that make binders, packers (fake penises from toddler to adult size), cross-sex underwear, strap-on penises, etc. 

I highly recommend Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult” by Maria Keffler. And thank her profusely for speaking out for truth.  

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