PORTSMOUTH, OH – A large billboard urging Biden not to run for re-election has begun appearing in front of the White House and the Capitol, as the “Don’t Run Joe” campaign boosts its presence.
This is me chuckling. And snickering. You can sign the petition at the “Don’t Run Joe” website. My brain imagines creepy Joe Biden napping, bossy Barack Obama in the Oval Office with Xi Jinping, and sneaky Susan Rice (aka the current cabal in the White House) snarling at the message plastered on the side of a truck. Silence. They wonder what Czar Ping-Pong is thinking as cheeky citizens thumb noses at the regime in power.
See the sign on Twitter.
The rolling billboard has been spotted all around the neighborhood in Washington, D.C., including the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.
This is me laughing and hoping Czar Ping-Pong and his agents will spy the billboards through their binoculars.
Hey, what about an entire fleet of trucks with the following sayings?
- Joe, Don’t Lie About Hunter’s Laptop.
- Joe, Don’t Allow Xi jinping to Sleep in the Spare Room at the White House Anymore.
- Joe, Don’t Bamboozle Americans Over the Border.
- Joe, Stop the Climate Carbon Hoax.
- Joe, Send Obama Home Once and for All.
- Joe, Give the Election Back That You Stole in 2020.
- Joe, President Trump Will Beat You Again in 2024.
- Joe, VP Harris Needs a One-Way Ticket to Pluto.
- Joe, You are the Threat to Democracy.
- Joe, Big Government Socialism Isn’t Working.
- Joe, Your Prison Cell is Waiting.
“Don’t Run Joe” is a project of Roots Actions founded in 2011 by two longtime progressive advocates and journalists, Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen. “We need a fresh approach to defend the public interest and expand social justice. Our country faces an increasingly extremist Republican Party that is largely a subsidiary of corporate America, and a Democratic Party whose leadership is enmeshed with and compromised by corporate power.”
What a wild and wacky job? Making fun of politicians all day. Weeeeoooo!
Their website lambastes Joe:
“Unfortunately, President Biden has been neither bold nor inspiring. And his prospects for winning re-election appear to be bleak. With so much at stake, making him the Democratic Party’s standard-bearer in 2024 would be a tragic mistake. (utopiamanagement.com) ”
And “Moderate” policies have failed to truly address such pressing concerns as the climate emergency, voting rights, student debt, health care, corporate price-gouging, and bloated military spending in tandem with anemic diplomacy.”
Ahem. Solomon and Coen, both of you are marked off the guest list for creepy Joe’s next birthday party.
“RootsAction is dedicated to galvanizing people who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights for all, civil liberties, environmental protection — and defunding endless wars. We mobilize on these issues no matter whether Democrats or Republicans control Washington D.C.”
Thumbs up for RootsAction for the message to Jerkwater Joe.
Thumbs down for their merch that advertises socialism.
Merch: Buy a t-shirt, a mug, a pillow, a bag, or a face mask that says:
- Green New Deal Argh. Climate crisis hoax, energy hoax and a bazillion dollars.
- Free College Entitlement. What about citizens that don’t attend college?
- End the Wars I agree with this one.
- Medicare 4 All Universal healthcare via big government would be a bust.
- Racial Justice Sounds like BLM – How did that work out for ya?
- Living Wage Fight Bidenflation. More jobs. Lower taxes.
Democratic socialism leads to communism leads to Marxism leads to totalitarianism.
It’s clear that Solomon and Cohen will be invited to Bernie’s annual BBQ. “Feeling the Bern.” Ask Sanders to sign a copy of his new 2023 book: “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.”
Next, put Joe’s gaffes listed by the New York Post on another rolling billboard.
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