“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” –George Orwell
PORTSMOUTH, OH – Who is Rep. Paul Gosar? Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S., is serving his sixth term in Congress as the Representative from Arizona’s Fourth Congressional District. First elected in 2010, he came to Congress with no prior political experience. Paul believes that the Constitution is the cornerstone of our Republic, and always pursues policies that allow for more individual liberty and less government involvement. Dr. Gosar is focused on bringing jobs back to the district, fighting illegal immigration and securing the border, challenging the status quo and holding Washington bureaucrats accountable, cutting wasteful government spending, and ensuring that he is representing the interests of his constituents.
Congressman Gosar is the founder and Chairman of the Congressional Nuclear Caucus.
Folks, this is another side of the story – not reported by the mainstream media mafia. However, do your own research, converse with others, use critical thinking skills, and arrive at your own conclusions.
“The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.” –George Orwell
Hmmm. Has Representative Paul Gosar exposed the buried truth about the military conflict in Ukraine? Will the Biden regime label it as a conspiracy theory?
An American congressman “has finally had the guts to stand up and call things by their proper name. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) this weekend sent an email to his list of supporters stating bluntly: “Ukraine has a large military force comprised of Nazis who have pledged allegiance to Hitlerism,” and “Zelenskyy is not a legitimate president. He was installed via a CIA led coup in 2014 under the criminal actions of the Obama regime and agitator Victoria Nuland using George Soros money and tax money.”
“This rogue country does not deserve a single cent from us,” declares Gosar.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right.” –George Orwell
- Related: Arizona Rep. Gosar invites Zelenskyy, Putin to Arizona for Ukraine-Russia peace talks
- Related: Rep. Paul Gosar: US Doesn’t Owe Zelensky ‘A Damn Thing’
- PROFILE: Who is Volodymyr Zelenskyy? And why does Putin call him a Nazi?
For another viewpoint on the Ukraine conflict: “The full answer can be found by studying the entire range of 14 Schiller Institute [https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2023/01/13/stop-natos-world-war-and-dismantle-the-international-assassination-bureau/] international conferences carried out over the last year, including the most recent Jan. 14 symposium: “Stop NATO’s World War, Dismantle The ‘International Assassination Bureau.”
“War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.” –George Orwell
Webcasts by Schiller Institute:
Webcast: Commenting on the joint declaration issued by NATO and the EU that they are preparing to aggressively counter what they called Russia’s “brutal” aggression and China’s “growing assertiveness,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche asked “Who authorized them” to form a “Global NATO,” which now puts everyone at risk? There was no vote by any nation, she continued, no public debate — this is exactly why no supra-national organization should have so much power.
- Webcast: Nuclear War is the Ultimate Crime Against Humanity — Steven Starr
- Webcast: Conference: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now
- Webcast: Building an International Mobilization to End the Ukraine War with a Diplomatic Solution
Communist/Marxist Barack Obama
“Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out” —David Horowitz
Is former U.S. President Barack Obama leading the Ukrainian conflict from behind closed doors in the Oval Office? Is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris mere political puppets for the Deep State communist cabal?
Related: Beck with David Horowitz on Obama’s Communist Czars Part 1
Author Trevor Loudan surmised, “I think this country is being run by Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and Xi Jinping.”
Warmonger George Soros:
According to a 2014 article in The New American, “Billionaire investor/activist George Soros has a giant footprint in Ukraine. Similar to his operations in dozens of other nations, he has, over the past couple of decades, poured tens of millions of dollars into Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), ostensibly to assist them in transforming their country into a more “open” and “democratic” society.”
So, Soros has dumped boocoo bucks into Ukraine over the decades. Isn’t that interesting?
- Related: George Soros says ‘civilization may not survive’ Russia-Ukraine war
- Related: George Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil
- Related: George Soros’ War on America: Time to Prosecute the Billionaire’s Global Crime Spree
Global NATO Meeting Jan. 20, 2023:
Ramstein Air Base Will Host a Global NATO Planning Meeting for World War III: On Friday, Jan. 20, the Global NATO apparatus that has already brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war, will be meeting in Ramstein Air Base in Germany, to discuss how to push forward with their plans for waging a two-plus front war against Russia and China. Calling themselves the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, this will be their third meeting since their first gathering in April 26, 2022, which opened the floodgates to a massive build-up of NATO arms and activity deployed against Russia in Ukraine.
Tell Your Congressman: Stop NATO Driving Us to Nuclear War. Sample Letter to Congress: LaRouche movement activists are gearing up an international mobilization to break the U.S./NATO drive for war, including a possible nuclear war, and to put the issue of a new international security and development architecture on the agenda. A leading component of that mobilization, in many countries, is for citizens to organize and pressure congressional or parliamentary institutional representatives to raise their voices against the war drive.
Please note: I’m not an expert on national or international policy. My purpose is to provide alternative information and sources not in the liberal mainstream media arena so you can decide what is logical, reasonable, and accurate.
“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” –George Orwell
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