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Op-Ed: ‘Pornhub’ in Ohio Schools Exposed to the State Board of Education – And Things Changed

“It was reported last year that the website ‘Pornhub’ faced lawsuits alleging it knowingly participated in trafficking and child pornography. Pornhub permitted children under the age of 18 to engage in sex, in the making and filming of material, for their website.” File photo: Charnsitr, Shutter Stock, licensed.

I never underestimate the power of the American people.” –Matt Gaetz 

PORTSMOUTH, OH – The point of this column: When peaceful but persistent citizens stand up, speak out, and hold power people accountable, things can and do change. When caring people come together with a common mission to protect children – things happen.  

The board members of Ohio Value Voters are defending and protecting children.  

“Children have a legal right to an academic education that protects their innocence, free from comprehensive sexuality education and radical indoctrination. We will not tolerate the radicalization of children in our schools. We will equip and support individuals who are monitoring and evaluating school boards. We will assist in replacing radical school board officials through the election process.” 

Folks, this group of caring citizens knows how to make things happen. Oust school board members that promote nonscience-based gender ideology and critical race theory indoctrination of our kids. 

The ‘Pornhub’ Story: 

In April of 2022, John Stover, President of Ohio Value Voters, testified to the Ohio State Board of Education that the state tax-funded organization INFOhio is exposing the children in our state to hardcore porn.  

Folks, read that again – hardcore porn. 

What is INFOhio? It is a joint effort between Ohio schools and Ohio’s library system to provide online resources for learning (like research and homework). Grade school children have access to this pornography. 

Folks, read that again – Grade school children have access to this pornography. 

At the meeting, each State School Board member received a packet, with a warning label, that included pictures and instructions for how to access the material. This is about harmful material that the Ohio Revised Code defines in Section 2907.31 – Disseminating matter harmful to juveniles.   

“It was reported last year that the website ‘Pornhub’ faced lawsuits alleging it knowingly participated in trafficking and child pornography. Pornhub permitted children under the age of 18 to engage in sex, in the making and filming of material, for their website.” 


John Stover stated: “One cannot be held accountable to take action against this indoctrination and exploitation of children if they are ignorant of the facts. However, today you now are aware of INFOhio’s involvement of exposing children to hardcore pornography (including Pornhub). What action will this board take regarding the corrupting and sexualizing of the minds of Ohio’s children?” 

Stover urged the board to contact Attorney General Dave Yost and request that his office pursue criminal action against INFOhio under Ohio Revised Code 2907.31. 

During a follow-up meeting a month later, it appears the overseer of INFOhio denied the porn content until she was pressed to admit it. Why not tell the truth and move forward? It seems that’s the response of those in power positions.  

Here’s the story: 

The Director of INFOhio, Erica Clay, spoke before the State Board of Education in response to the testimony given in April by John Stover, President of Ohio Value Voters. Clay’s testimony actually refuted the testimony of John Stover saying that “INFOhio does not host or provide pornography.” 

During follow-up questions, State Board member Brendan Shea, stated that he found 

Mr. Stover’s testimony to be credible and he had personally replicated the steps used by Mr. Stover to access Pornhub through the INFOhio website database.  

“He also asked Erica Clay to admit that INFOhio has in fact removed the content that Mr. Stover has exposed. Erica Clay explained that yes indeed all of the content has been removed and new disclaimers have been added to the website to give more instruction about navigation and how parents and taxpayers can reach them if they have concerns or questions.” 

Kudos to Shea. Clay needs fired. 


What else is happening in Ohio? 

Ohio House Bill 454: “Enact The Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act.” The legislation, introduced by Representatives Gary Click (R-Vickery) and Diane Grendell (R-Chesterland), would ban providing children puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones for the purpose of “gender transitioning.” 

July 10, 2021 – Parents Right to Know Act, Most Provisions Added to Budget. Ohio lawmakers failed to pass the Parents Right to Know Act which sought to stop schools from teaching students sexually oriented lessons that go beyond the parameters set by Ohio law without first getting parental permission and providing parents and guardians the instruction materials. Nevertheless, most of the language that made up the Parents Right to Know Act, also called House Bill 240 (HB-240), was added and passed into law by the 2021 biennium budget bill. The language was not line-item vetoed by Governor Mike DeWine and is now law. Language passed in the budget states that districts or schools choosing to offer instruction not specified in the Ohio Revised Code on health education – specifically venereal disease and sexual education – “shall notify parents and guardians of the instruction, including the name of any instructor, vendor name, if applicable, and the name of the curriculum being used.” 

Ohio House Bill 180 & Ohio Senate Bill 187 Introduced by Senator Tim Schaffer will strengthen the law to prevent children from dancing in bars for tips in the middle of the night.

Watch the 2019 Video of a 9-Year-Old Boy Dressed as a Girl in a Bar in the City of Lancaster OH.

Ohio Revise Code 2919.22 Endangering Children(B) No person shall do any of the following to a child under eighteen years of age or a mentally or physically handicapped child under twenty-one years of age:(5) Entice, coerce, permit, encourage, compel, hire, employ, use, or allow the child to act, model, or in any other way participate in, or be photographed for, the production, presentation, dissemination, or advertisement of any material or performance that the offender knows or reasonably should know is obscene, is sexually oriented matter, or is nudity-oriented matter. 

Ohio Attorney Generals wrote a 33-page letter to Secretary Miguel Cardona, United States Department of Education, Washington, DC about Title IX. “The Proposed Rule rewrites Title IX. And it does so in a way that will undermine public support for the law, threatening many hard-won gains. The law recognizes that men and women are different.” 

Kudos to Ohio citizens for speaking out for our children. 

I encourage the sensible citizens in all 50 states of the U.S. Republic to defend and protect our kids.  

Never underestimate the ability of a small group of committed individuals to change the world. –Margaret Mead

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