“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” –George Martin
PORTSMOUTH, OH – The media is buzzing – President Donald Trump may be back in the house – the Twitter House. And Team Trump has contacted Facebook to request reinstatement.
Let’s take a stroll down social media platform lane:
Truth Social
After Trump was banned from the major social media platform, he started his own. “Truth Social is America’s “Big Tent” social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology.”
Trump has slightly more than 4.8 million followers on his own platform, compared to nearly 88 million on Twitter and 34 million on Facebook.
Elon Musk, owner and CEO of Twitter reinstated Trump’s Twitter account in November 2022 – but Trump has not tweeted.
Recently, Musk expressed a concern that the Biden administration could “weaponize” federal agencies against Twitter if former President Donald Trump returned to the platform.
“Will be interesting to see how the Biden administration reacts to this,” Musk tweeted. “They may try to weaponize Federal agencies against Twitter.”
Folks, the Trumpster can take anything the Deep State regime throws at him – and so can Musketeer Musk. There’s no doubt that freedom-loving citizens will support both Trump and Musk in the Twitter universe of politics. May the ‘Trump Force’ be with you.
Trump was removed from Facebook in January 2021, after the riot in D.C., over concerns his posts were inciting violence – which was shown to be false.
“We believe that the ban on President Trump’s account on Facebook has dramatically distorted and inhibited the public discourse,” Trump’s campaign wrote in its letter to Meta, according to a copy reviewed by NBC News.
House Democrats like Adam Schiff (leader of LIARS R US club ) and three other minions wrote a scathing letter to Meta that criticized our legitimate leader.
“Following the 2022 midterm elections, we write to urge Meta to maintain its commitment to keeping dangerous and unfounded election denial content off its platform. To that end, we also urge Meta and its leadership to continue the suspension of former president Donald Trump’s Facebook account beyond January, and to carefully monitor and counter the spread of harmful election misinformation, including the Big Lie about the 2020 presidential election, on Facebook.”
- Related: Adam Schiff’s CCP-Like Tactics Shine in Letter Urging Meta to Keep Trump Banned on Facebook
Blah. Blah. Blah. McShiftypants needs a one-way ticket to planet Uranus.
Liberal Meltdowns
Democrats & RINOS:
The radical RINOS (Republican in Name Only) and Democrat rats are chasing their tails round-and-round in the chambers at the U.S. Capital building.
“One of the rat’s most distinctive features is its long, hairless tail. This slimy-looking tail is one of the most common things that people find disgusting about these pests. Although the rat’s tail itself is completely harmless, there are several ways that a rat can kill you so being repelled by rat tails isn’t entirely irrational.”
Accountable Tech:
A mobile billboard, deployed by Accountable Tech, is seen outside Meta Headquarters on Jan. 17, 2023, in Menlo Park, Calif. “Facebook employees, don’t let Trump and his disinformation back on Facebook” is their message of censorship.
I perused nonprofit Accountable Tech’s website. “Social media giants have hijacked the information sphere and manipulated it to pad their profits. We’re fighting to hold them accountable, and put truth and the public interest back in charge…These companies – like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Apple – were not fundamentally designed to serve the public good, but to generate growth and profits.”
So, Nicole Gill (co-founder and executive director) and Jesse Lehrich (co-founder and senior advisor) are liberal left-wingers that support censorship and freedom of speech in our great land of liberty. Do they oppose the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights as well? Argh.
More info about Gill’s views can be found on LinkedIn. And Lehrich served as foreign policy spokesman for Hilary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.
The rest of the sourly story:
In 2016, over a disagreement with Trump, Lehrich wrote, “go f**k yourself.” After a few tweets, he realized he said something inappropriate and apologized. “I want to apologize for the clearly inappropriate nature and language of this personal tweet. Sorry all,” he wrote.
Mainstream Media Meltdowns
Oh, how the mainstream media mockingbird mafia mob is boo-hooing.
The following is the headline from the rabid rag, Mother Jones: “Trump’s Return to Twitter and Facebook Will Fuel More Political Violence.”
The New York Sime’s title: “I Studied Trump’s Twitter Use for Six Years. Prepare for the Worst.”
The Washington Compost’s commentary: “What journalists should do if Trump returns to Twitter.”
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” – Harry S. Truman [Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950]
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