“Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.” (Galatians 6:7, BSB) [https://biblehub.com/galatians/6-7.htm]
PORTSMOUTH, OH – Joe Kirby, Off The Kirb Ministries, lives in Lancashire, England. He shares Christian motivational videos, street preaching content, and encouragement in God’s grace.
My favorite Kirby video is the following: “Something Terrifying Just Happened on Sinai.” Watch on YouTube. Or watch on Twitter.
Please watch Kirby from beginning to end because during the conclusion he talks about God’s grace.
Kirby pointed out a few celebrities that “mocked God” in music videos. But he deemed the most egregious mockery, a simulated destruction of the Ten Commandments and rewritten rules based on nature.
Rapper DaBaby Hangs on Cross:
I watched DaBaby’s 2022 music video called, “Tough Skin” a few times and reflected before I penned my column. The pic shows a man tied to a wooden cross; however opposite are the words: GOD IS GREAT.
He wears a loin cloth. His body is covered in cuts. Around his neck is a giant sparkly chain with a glowing medallion. The men in red suits and white masks watch the simulated crucifixion, throw rocks, spray fire on him and at the end one of them uses a chainsaw to try to topple the cross. His parents and an uncle stare up at him and cry. At the end of the song, he stares into the camera with an angry expression while remaining on a burning cross.
Lots of symbolism in his perception and depiction of childhood suffering: poverty, being bullied by his brothers, cousins, and schoolmates – until he learned to fight back. In one scene, he has a teddy bear. But he may have experienced other types of trauma not revealed in the song lyrics.
Not being inside the individual’s mind, his motivations are unbeknownst to me.
I perused the internet for info. DaBaby, born Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, is an American rapper and songwriter.
“He underwent a major psychological transformation in 2014, when he decided to leave the life of crime behind. He also became more conscious toward his duties as a member of the society. According to him, he immersed himself into music to help people through his words and poetry.” Sadly, Kirk’s brother died by suicide in 2020.
Why would a male rapper label himself as “Baby Jesus?” Being a retired child therapist, I would surmise he perceives a lifetime of bullying as traumatic. A baby is innocent and needs protection by adults – but perhaps he didn’t feel safe, secure, and stable.
When Kirk wore nothing but an adult diaper at 2017’s SXSW, he later stated it was a publicity stunt. His debut major-label album, ‘Baby on Baby,’ was released in March 2019. The album was met with universal acclaim and was a commercial success. Other mixtapes: ‘Billion Dollar Baby’ and ‘Back on My Baby Jesus Sht,’ and a Baby Talk’ series.
‘Baby’ appears to be a consistent theme running through his music. Hmmm. Kirk is the youngest of three brothers, hence I assume he was often referred to as ‘the baby.’
Some of Kirk’s tattoos include; a Latin saying “Carpe diem” inked on his wrists, a word “true” tattooed on the fingers of his left hand, a huge inscription “SACRIFICE” decorated on his left forearm and a Bible verse: “No weapon formed against me shall prosper” engraved on his right forearm. Perhaps, there’s a story about Christianity in his life, but the spiritual aspect was not uncovered via the internet.
However, Kirk received backlash from hanging on a cross:
“DaBaby gets backlash for depicting himself on a cross. DaBaby first arrived on the scene going by the moniker of “Baby Jesus,” as reported by HIP-HOPVIBE.
DaBaby is playing antagonist with all his naysayers and haters in his new video titled “Tough Skin’…which probably best describes what his critics will need to stomach through the entire thing. Directed by his longtime visionaries Reel Goats, DaBaby takes on the classic controversial image of being depicted on a cross akin to some guy named Jesus Christ, while rocking nothing but a loin cloth…or a diaper.”
Jesus was and is the most controversial person (aka Savior) is the history of humanity. In my opinion no human has ever suffered like the innocent man, who was also God, as he was tortured and then died on a cross.
Whether immature, clueless, attention-seeking, playing the victim, being passive-aggressive for revenge upon his family, or using the cross as a form of therapeutic healing – Kirk owes Jesus and people of faith a heartfelt apology. Was he mocking Jesus out of hatred, deviancy, disbelief or for satanic taunting? Or was he not mocking Jesus at all? Only Kirk knows.
“But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” (Galatians 6:14, ESV)
Beyonce & the Four Horses
Was Beyonce mimicking the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation on her new album? Therefore, mocking Jesus and the Tribulation?
“According to biblical prophecy, the Tribulation is a seven-year period that will begin immediately following the Rapture. Evil will spread without restraint. The diseases, natural disasters, wars, and devastation we see in our world today are but a taste of the atrocities to come.”
I listened to a few of her songs and the lyrics are full of vulgarity with profanity – distasteful and disgusting, in my opinion.
Beyonce sets half-naked on a glass horse as she sings nasty and sexualized lyrics to “Church Girl.” I wonder if she is referring to Satan when she sings ‘Lord?’ And I hope parents aren’t allowing their children to listen to her music or watch her videos. (crystalbaypoolsva.com)
“You know all these songs sound good, ’cause I’m on that ho,” she sings on “I’m That Girl.”
Is Beyonce a member of the Illuminati, a Luciferian, a Satanist?
From what I read via a few articles on the internet Beyonce claims she is a Christian. Uh-huh. But, that’s between her and God – but I highly doubt that Jesus would attend any of her sexualized performances.
“Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.” (Proverbs 11:22, NIV)
Lamar Wears Diamond Crown of Thorns
Kendrick Lamar Duckworth is an American rapper and songwriter.
Lamar unveiled the cover of his fifth studio album Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers featuring himself wearing a crown of thorns, with a gun tucked into his pants, alongside his family.
“Kendrick Lamar yells ‘godspeed for women’s rights’ while wearing crown of thorns with fake blood dripping down his face,” notes a commentary in the Insider.
The crown was covered in diamonds. Really? Jesus would have sold the diamonds for money to feed hungry children.
Lamar, a headline act at the UK’s Glastonbury Festival, closed out with a rendition of “Savior,” ending it by repeating the words: “They judge you, they judge Christ. Godspeed for women’s rights.”
So, Lamar supports abortion while wearing a diamond crown that is supposed to represent Jesus’ crown of thorns. Uh-huh. And he blames and shames people for judging him and for judging Christ. Since when does an earthly human get to be on the same level as Jesus the Christ?
And his song “Savior” is certainly not a love song to Jesus the Savior. And the phony tiara Lamar’s wears on his sinful head depicts narcissism.
“And after twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand; and they knelt down before Him and mocked Him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!”
Climate Hoaxer Yosef Abramowitz
CEO of Energiya Global Capital, Yosef Abramowitz, is known as one of the six leading “green pioneers” on the planet. Their tricky Cup Game is solar energy. View on Twitter.
Kirby declares Yosef Abramowitz as the worst mocker of God.
The Jerusalem Post reported, “Israeli activist smashes climate change 10 commandments atop Mt. Sinai.” Yosef Abramowitz imitated Moses’s smashing of the 10 biblical commandments in a demonstration against climate change.
The principles, which were developed by interfaith leaders at the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders in the proceeding days, were read aloud before the tablets were smashed, the article continued. Peruse Climate Repentance and 10 Spiritual Principles.
Find out more on Twitter.
Folks, the climate crisis is a hoax. So, is Abramowitz clueless, delusional, a paid activist, a or a hater of God and the Bible?
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1, ESV)
Sidebar: Please note the mainstream media mockingbird mob is owned by the powerful autocrats that controls and censors information. And facts can be censored and scrubbed from the internet.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20, ESV)
Kudos to Joe Kirby
In the following video, Joe Kirby is standing on a cooler and engaging in street-preaching when two younger males came up from behind and kicked the makeshift stand, almost causing him to fall. Kirby ignored the incident and continued his conversation with an atheist listener.
“Despite the mockery Joe experienced; you could see the Holy Spirit working. Because as he gave out free Bibles, several people came near to have one, including a Muslim passerby.”
Folks, please pray for the individuals Kirby pointed out as mocking God – that is what he would want you to do.
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, ESV)
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