PORTSMOUTH, OH – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released a powerful campaign video on how he will rescue public schools by giving “control of schools back to parents.” The freedom-loving Energizer Bunny is fired up and beating the drum.
“In a four-minute video released Thursday evening, the former president promised that a new Trump administration would confront critical race theory in schools, pass a parental bill of rights, enact universal school choice, weed out “radical zealots and Marxists” in the Department of Education, and protect women’s sports,” reported The Washington Examiner.
NEW VIDEO: President Trump’s Plan to Save American Education and Give Power Back to Parents
Prez Trump pledges to find “the radical zealots and Marxists” working in the Department of Education and kick them to the curb. Describing leftist educators who push radical material on children of inappropriate ages as “pink-haired communists.”
Folks, we need to defend and protect our children.
“Joe Biden has given these lunatics unchecked power,” Trump claimed. “I will have them fired and escorted from the building.”
Yes, the radical left extremists will do the walk of shame. And I want a front row seat.
Divisive critical race theory and nonscience-based gender ideology will be forced out the school doors. No promoting a race war. No boys in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, or sports.
Prez Trump asserts he will implement preferential funding policies for schools that adopt a parental bill of rights that includes “complete curriculum transparency.”
Yes, parents need to be able to review all school curriculum, policies, and teacher lesson plans.
The following is a new policy: The funding would also benefit schools that “implement the direct election of school principals by the parents.”
I agree. “We the People.”
“It’s all about the parents for their children,” he declared.
Prez Trump calls for an ‘aggressive’ pursuit of freedom of religion violations in schools.
“When I’m president, we will put parents back in charge and give them the final say,” Trump said. “We will get back to teaching reading, writing, and math. … And we will give our kids the high-quality, pro-American education they deserve. We spend more per pupil than any nation in the world by double. We’re going to keep spending the money. But we’re now going to get our money’s worth.”
Let’s, take a stroll down Freedom Lane and applaud.
“If we don’t have free speech, then we just don’t have a free country,” he said. “It’s as simple as that.”
Prez Trump announces his 2024 plan to restore speech.
Trump previewed a series of platforms to “shatter the left-wing censorship regime” and to “reclaim the right to free speech for all Americans.” And he will do it within hours of winning the presidency in 2024.
Revisit the MAGA War Room: Without free speech, we don’t have a free country.
Our legitimate leader is coming back to the White House!
Citizens, please register to vote ASAP and make plans to get to the poles in 2024.
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