“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” –Vladimir Lenin
PORTSMOUTH, OH – The story that caught my eye comes from the Washington Examiner Trending News Editor, Julia Johnson: “WATCH: Nonbinary doll shown to 4-year-olds in instructional video for teachers.”
In the video, a childcare worker, who tells the children she is also nonbinary, is seen introducing children identified as ages 4-5 to a “nonbinary” doll named Nash. The children are told that Nash is “just a kid” and not a boy or a girl.
However, one child tells the teacher, identified as Maddie Piper, that “kids can be boys or girls.” Another student then chimes in to add “or maybe nonbinary.”
“So, Nash, just like me, is nonbinary,” Piper confirms to the class. “They aren’t sure if they’re a boy or a girl.”
The adult role model is using manipulation to brainwash the children into her false reality. That’s a tactic of dictators.
“They’re figuring it out,” Piper explained.
Developmentally, at four years of age, children still identify with dolls, puppets, and stuffed animals. Piper uses the doll and a soft voice to influence the innocent little brains and souls.
The teacher is indoctrinating the children. Do their parents know? Observing the innocent children as they absorb what the woke childcare professional says is difficult to swallow. In my opinion, Piper believes the gender ideology fairytale. And so do the other adults that she later talks with about the experience.
How can individuals with college degrees believe that biology doesn’t matter? How do they justify throwing away the hard science? It’s akin to brainwashing cult tactics – and they experienced during their college education days. And by spending time with radical LBGTQ cultists.
Sidebar: There are many individuals within the LBGTQ community that would never indoctrinate kids into the mythical gender identity false doctrine. An example is Gays Against Groomers.
The radical transgender cult movement is infiltrating daycare centers as well as pre-schools, and elementary classrooms across the USA.
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” –Vladimir Lenin
Folks, watching the following video will make sensible people that care about young children and truth hopping mad and terribly sad.
Twitter: This was shown to daycare owners in NC. A teacher used a doll to teach gender identity to 4–5-year-olds. When a child brings up “non-binary,” the teachers say it’s “a huge testament to how much we’ve been talking about it in the classroom” & “it’s constantly in conversation.”
The video clip has now been viewed nearly one million times on Twitter, triggering a visceral reaction from many.
While reflecting on the exercise, another educator, identified as Veronica Reynoso, said, “It’s a huge testament to how much we’ve been talking about it in classrooms that you never mentioned the term ‘nonbinary.’ It was a child who brought that up because it’s constantly in conversation.”
They are shaving genderism down the children’s throats – methodically and consistently. That’s a tactic of cult training.
Johnson reported the clip is a part of a 50-minute documentary titled Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years, which was a project of the North Carolina Association for the Education of Young Children (NCAEYC) which was shown to daycare owners in North Carolina.
Who made the decision to insert nonscience-based gender identity theory into the curriculum for NCAEYC? Hmmm. Follow the money trail. Follow the propaganda trail. Follow the transgender cult trail. Climb the ladder to find who is at the top of the power pyramid.
Excerpt from website:
The North Carolina Association for the Education of Young Children (NCAEYC) is the state affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). We are a membership association for anyone who is concerned with the development and education of children ages birth through eight. NCAEYC has over 3,000 members across the state, and NAEYC has nearly 100,000 members across the country. Our members include teachers, child care providers, administrators, directors, researchers, college faculty, education coordinators, quality enhancement specialists, and other early childhood professionals.
NAEYC website:
The three-year process of developing the Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Profession has been led by a broad-based Task Force of 15 national early childhood organizations representing educators, administrators, employers, higher education faculty, and others.
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees • American Federation of Teachers • Associate Degree Early Childhood Teacher Educators • Child Care Aware of America • Council for Professional Recognition • Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children • Early Care and Education Consortium • National Association for Family Child Care • National Association for the Education of Young Children • National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators • National Association of Elementary School Principals • National Education Association • National Head Start Association • Service Employees International Union • ZERO TO THREE Karen Ponder, Chair
View the National Stakeholders.
Do all the above organizations agree with using a gender fluidity nonscience-based curriculum to teach children a false view of biology? Do they ask for parental permission?
- Related: Teacher speaks to children with ‘non-binary’ doll named ‘Nash’ in video gone viral: ‘Psychotic’
- Related: Alarming video shows ‘nonbinary’ teacher ‘grooming’ 4–5-year-olds with gender ideology
“Education is a weapon the effect of which is determined by the hands which wield it, by who is to be struck down.” –Joseph Stalin
Where is the list of daycare centers in North Carolina that watched this indoctrination film? I will be emailing the NC governor, attorney general, director of the Dept. of Education, NC state representatives, and NC daycare licensing agencies. Did these daycares receive federal or state funding?
Parents have a right to know if gender ideology is taught at their child’s daycare center.
Last year, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis responded to the woke cancel culture by signing the Parental Rights in Education Act to protect young children from gender identity indoctrination.
“Florida: Where woke goes to die.” –Gov. DeSantis
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