Staten Island DWI Suspect Informed Minutes Before First Court Appearance that He Killed Fiancé, Unborn Baby in Crash

2021 Dodge Challenger into a brick wall and utility pole on Hylan Blvd. near Rose Ave. At approximately 4:45 a.m. Saturday after driving erratically, police say. (<a The impact was so violent that it reportedly ripped the vehicle into multiple pieces. ” class=”wp-image-59010″ data-srcset=” 900w,×512.jpg 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px” />
The 2021 Dodge Challenger into a brick wall and utility pole on Hylan Blvd. near Rose Ave. At approximately 4:45 a.m. Saturday after driving erratically, police say. The impact was so violent that it reportedly ripped the vehicle into multiple pieces. File photo: A Katz, Shutter Stock, licensed.

NEW YORK, NY – A Staten Island, NY man accused of driving under the influence and crashing his vehicle with such force that it actually was split into three separate pieces was informed just minutes before his first court appearance on Monday that his two passengers at the time – his fiancé and the couple’s unborn baby – were both horrifically ejected from the car and killed in the incident

Adem Nikeziq, 30, was told by his attorney, Mark Fonte, that the lives of both his fiancé, 23-year-old Adriana Sylmetaj, and unborn daughter, were both claimed in the violent crash; Nikeziq was then seen just minutes later in court, sobbing uncontrollably at the news. 

“No one told him that his fiancé and baby had passed,” Fonte later told reporters. “He found out minutes ago, just before he came out [into the courtroom]. When I told him, he broke down crying, sobbing. He was at first completely in disbelief.” 

Nikeziq is accused of driving drunk and slamming his 2021 Dodge Challenger into a brick wall and utility pole on Hylan Blvd. near Rose Ave. At approximately 4:45 a.m. Saturday after driving erratically, police say. The impact was so violent that it reportedly ripped the vehicle into multiple pieces. 

Nikeziq escaped with only minor injuries and had to be taken into court in a wheelchair on Monday; however, Assistant District Attorney Nicholas Agostino quickly informed the suspect – who continued to sob repeatedly – of the far grizzlier fates of his fiancé and unborn daughter, both of whom were torn to pieces in the crash. 

“[Sylmetaj] was found at the intersection,” Agostino reportedly told presiding Judge Raja Rajeswari of Nikeziq’s late fiancé. “Her severed leg was found 20 feet past her body. Her unborn child, ripped from her body, was found 20 feet past her leg.” 

Nikeziq has been charged with manslaughter, criminal negligent homicide, vehicular assault, assault, DWI, reckless endangerment, and driving while ability impaired by alcohol in a fatal wreck. He is currently being held on $400,000 cash bail or $700,000 bond and is due back in court on Thursday. 

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