PORTSMOUTH, OH – If you want to see the value of a nation, pay close attention to the way they (mis)treat children – for all children are pure, but not all adults are.” –Childinsider.com
In the hopes of stopping proposed legislation LB 371, which would ban minors from drag shows in the state, Nebraska Rep. Megan Hunt brought forward an amendment to ban minors from “religious indoctrination camp,” which would include vacation Bible schools and summer youth camps.
In a nutshell: Rep. McNuttypants proves my point about males using the drag queen label to groom and sexualize children. She points to child predators in religious places like Vacation Bible school and youth summer camps. But she fails to point out child predators in school systems, the medical profession, and the home. Albeit, child predators (aka child molesters, child rapists, pedophiles) will hang out where ever children are to be found. That includes Disney World, arcades, swimming pools, theaters showing animated movies, toy stores, child beauty pageants, sports and the list goes on.
And that also includes Drag Queen Story Hour at churches, libraries, schools, festivals, parks, and LGBTQ Pride events. Furthermore, kids don’t belong in bars, strip clubs, or adult entertainment venues. And that includes drag queen shows where biological males (aka heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transsexual) wear thongs, pasties, and lipstick and twerk and jerk for an audience. Kids do not need to be in that audience. And why do grown men wants kids to be in the audience? They claim it’s an issue of civil rights, discrimination, and freedom of expression. Ahem. Really? What fool believes that old trick? Rep. McNutty, that’s who. Obviously, she doesn’t know the manipulation tactics of child predators.
As a former child therapist with decades of experience, I can spot a child predator a mile away. Skunks don’t lose their stink, they just try on new perfumes. In this case, men put on wacky wigs, prom desses, caked on makeup, and act like funny fools.
Peruse the following articles:
- Judge who headed ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ sponsor arrested on child porn charges
- Houston Public Library admits registered child sex offender read to kids in Drag Queen Storytime
- Second ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Reader in Houston Exposed as a Convicted Child Sex Offender
- Drag Queen Story Hour Activist Arrested For Child Porn, Still Living With His Adopted Kids
- After Latest Child Porn Arrest, It’s Clear That ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Is A Haven For Child Predators
I wrote a column several years ago about child predators signing up to be Santa Claus at malls during the Christmas holiday. Why? Because children set on Santa’s lap.
Suspected pedophile dressed like Santa to get closer to kids
The following articles are but a few about child predators in places and spaces for children:
- Is this the scariest pedophile ever? Man in full clown makeup ‘sexually abused children and shared pictures on internet’
- On Halloween, some states take extra safety measures to keep sex offenders away from kids
- ‘Furry’ Craze is an Open Door for ‘Groomers,’ Convicted Pedophiles Say
- Trans Pedophile Who Identifies as 5-Year-Old Girl Attends Court Dressed as an Elf
Child predators know what kids like and will use dogs, candy, toys and other things that interest them. Drag queens know that children like dress-up, singing, and dancing.
- Child Predator Used His Dog to Lure Children, Police Say
- Pedophiles use disturbing symbol for networking on April 25 known as Alice Day
And child predators can be found at drag queen venues that feature kids.
- Convicted Pedophile Is A HUGE Fan Of ‘Drag Kids’
- ‘Drag Kids’ Attract Pedophiles, Which Is No Surprise
In a move to make a point about Republicans attempting to protect children from sexually charged drag shows, Rep. McNuttypants has found herself accused of religious discrimination.
Hunt worded her amendment to say a “religious indoctrination camp” is “a camp, vacation Bible study, retreat, lock-in or convention held by a church, youth group or religious organization for the purpose of indoctrinating children with a specific set of religious beliefs.”
She cited in the amendment a “well-documented history of indoctrination and sexual abuse perpetrated by religious leaders and clergy people upon children.”
Again, child predators hunt in places where prey can be found.
“They aren’t meant to pass,” Hunt insisted. “They are meant to help kill harmful and discriminatory bills like LB371 which, if we are forced to debate in the full legislature, will truly be a waste of time for Nebraskans and for lawmakers. Part of my job here is to work to pass or block bills that I support or oppose. This is just what happens in the course of that work.”
Proposing and debating a bill to protect children is never a waste of time.
“This is an amendment that I will use to make a point. This amendment obviously won’t pass, and I would withdraw it if it had the votes to pass. It’s a device to make a point, so there is no need to worry,” Hunt said.
At a press conference on August 12th, 1986, U.S. President Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
So, an elected official, a lefty liberal, is misusing her power to make a phony-baloney legislative proposal to ban freedom of religion as a “device” to make a foolish point. Obviously, she believes trampling the U.S. Constitution to make an asinine argument is appropriate. What do her constituents think about that? Perhaps, Hunt will find out in the next election.
Sane and sensible citizens that care about children need to come together over the issue of protecting children from groomers, perverts, predators, and pedophiles. And that includes elected politicians with salaries paid for by “We the People.”
Rep. McNuttypants needs to get her priorities in order and stop playing games with the Bill of Rights and the welfare of our children.
“To harm or abuse an innocent child is an inexplicable crime and injustice on humanity. Here’s to hoping we are wiser and better from this day forward.” –Childinsider.com
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