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Op-Ed: Florida’s Sassy & Classy Laura Loomer – The Most Banned, Censored Woman in the World is Fighting Big Tech Tyranny With RICO Case

Laura Loomer
Jewish activist, justice warrior, investigative journalist, and internet provocateur, Laura Loomer discussed her RICO case against Big Tech & FBI with Steve Bannon on War Room. ”mage:

PORTSMOUTH, OH –  Laura Loomer fits right in with Kari Lake, Marjoreie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert. However, lively Loomer wins the prize for being the ‘Queen of Confrontation.’ The Lefty liberals go into fight, flight, or freeze mode when they hear her grueling voice hurling pointed questions. Albeit, these leading ladies are the ‘Formidable Four’ as they battle for freedom and justice in the USA.

Jewish activist, justice warrior, investigative journalist, and internet provocateur, Laura Loomer has described herself as “the most banned, censored woman in the world.” Clearly, Loomer is a freedom-loving citizen and zealot for the U.S. Constitution. And that’s why she was rode out of town on a rail.

She became notorious for door-stepping Democrat politicians and celebrities with rapid-fire questions, broadcasting the encounters online to audience. Public figures are said to have been “Loomered,” a term now in common usage.

After I watched the video on Loomer’s website where she assertively confronts Hildebeast Clinton, James Cagey Comey, Maxine Waters the Whinerpants, Jack Distasteful Dorsey, and other corrupt Left-wingers, I just had to feast my eyes upon her 2021 book, “Loomered: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World.”

James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas and former boss to Loomer, wrote the Foreword to her book. “Laura was, has since, and continuously is willing to take enormous risks to capture men and women carrying out evil deeds, saying evil things, and supporting unjust actions.”

O’Keefe noted, “…Mainstream media have lied about her, banned her, slandered her, and finally ostracized her from their politically correct society.”

Excerpt from author Loomer:

Overtime, I became too controversial, too bold, too powerful, and too unapologetic to the Left-leaning powers that control social media, television, our universities, and the music industry…Therefore, over eighteen months, app by excruciating app, I lost everything…I lost my platform, without which a writer can serve no useful social purpose.”

Loomer was banned from Twitter in 2018 after criticizing Democratic representative 

Ilhan Omar (D-MN), one of the first Muslims elected to Congress. In the past, Omar compared Israel to terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the Taliban, and claimed that the Jewish state is only allied with the United States because it’s “all about the Benjamins.” Rep. Omar is a member of the controversial progressive Squad and advocate of the “defund the police” movement.

Loomer was censored by the Big Tech beasts – the same tyrannical regime that Elon Musk exposed when he purchased Twitter.

“I didn’t realize the country – most, if not all, of our largest institutions and corporations – was so strongly co-opted by Leftist dogma,” asserts Loomer.

I experienced a range of emotions as I read and reflected upon Loomer’s written words and gut-wrenching journey through her ordeal with the Gestapo technocrats of Big Tech and their totalitarian technocracy. As a former mental health therapist, I can understand how the misuse of power and abuse by Big Tech caused devastating trauma as they used bullying and terrorist tactics to terminate her presence on social media platforms in our great land of liberty. They stole her vehicle for freedom of speech, ruined her professional reputation and shutdown her livelihood.

However, by the end of her book, we know without a shadow of a doubt that Loomer has transformed from victim to survivor to thriver concerning the targeted attack by the technocrats of terrorization.

Moreover, Loomer’s book is her refusal to be silenced and a warning to all Americans about what is to come if Big Tech tyranny and social media censorship are not defeated in America. My hope is that the younger generation would embrace her book and come to know the truth.

Via Loomer’s website:

Because of her effectiveness, Loomer was targeted by the Left and Big Tech, and is banned on nearly every single social media platform, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe, Medium, TeeSpring, and even Chase Bank shut down her access to her online banking! 

As one of the nation’s leading free-speech activists and an expert on big-tech censorship and big-tech election interference, Laura has filed numerous lawsuits against Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple, one of which made it all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

In a 2021, interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman, activist Laura Loomer explains why the giants of Silicon Valley came after her, and why this threat to free speech is a threat to all Americans and all freedoms.

Loomer is fighting the war on “Big Tech tyranny.”

I am not going to stand by as people like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg silence the voices of millions of conservatives.” –Laura Loomer

Loomer’s account is now reinstated on Twitter. Give her a howdy-do, a thumps up, or a word hug.

I believe that our almighty God has a purposeful plan for Laura Loomer as she exposes corruption and fraud in high places with her lawsuits. Beware Silicon Valley collusions and scandals.

“Brotopia: Breaking Up the Boys’ Club of Silicon Valley,” is 2019 book by Emily Chang. “For women in tech, Silicon Valley is not a fantasyland where millions of dollars grow on trees. It’s a “Brotopia,” where men hold all the cards and make all the rules. Vastly outnumbered, women face toxic workplaces rife with discrimination and sexual harassment, where investors take meetings in hot tubs and network at sex parties.”

In addition, Loomer ran for U.S. Congress in 2020 in Florida’s 21st District, home to President Donald Trump. Loomer has run two unsuccessful GOP campaigns for a U.S. House seat. I hope she runs for a congressional seat again. American needs her veracity voice and dedication to justice.

2023 – Laura Loomer Discusses Her RICO Case Against Big Tech & FBI with Steve Bannon on War Room. “Laura Loomer: Big Tech “Financed” A Coup In The United States, Twitter’s Ex-Execs Will Not Escape Accountability.”

2022 – Laura Loomer is seeking more than $10 billion in punitive damages and an end to online hate speech policies in a civil RICO lawsuit against Facebook owner Meta Platforms Inc., Twitter Inc. and the social media platforms’ co-founders John Pierce Law and former U.S. Congressman Bob Barr.

Loomer said she relishes the fight to come. “Just as I fight for regular, freedom-loving Americans every day on the campaign trail and soon in the halls of Congress, I look forward to taking on Facebook, Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey in the courtroom. Exactly three years ago today, Facebook without any due process or regard for my safety and reputation, designated me and several other conservatives as “dangerous individuals.”

I’m reminded of the story of David and Goliath from the Old Testament; one of the most celebrated tales of victory over an enemy. It is a lesson of courage, faith, and overcoming what appears to be impossible odds. As a young shepherd boy, David slew the giant Goliath. The story is an inspiring example of how a plucky underdog defeated a monstrous opponent.

And Loomer sure does qualify as a plucky underdog.

Stay strong! Your test will become your test-imony, your mess will become your mess-age.

–Max Lucado

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