Geographical Diversification of International Student Recruitment

Student Recruitment
The COVID-19 pandemic increased the need for diversification as the impact of regional disruptions in travel became evident. File photo: Daniel M Ernst, Shutter Stock, licensed.

WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Most educational institutions have received the majority of their international students from China, however, universities have been attempting to broaden their sources of international students as a result. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the need for diversification as the impact of regional disruptions in travel became evident. Many additional aspects should be taken into account in order to widen the target market for international students. These include first-degree entry, graduate entry, and graduate research entry for overseas students. The recruiting pipelines and portfolios for overseas students must be evaluated in the aforementioned analysis. The following will go into great detail regarding where the geographic sources for recruiting international students should be focused to increase diversity.

Where Should International Student Recruitment Be Geographically Diversified?

Currently, many Western countries draw most of their international students from only a few sources. You will learn that appropriately diversified sources of foreign students should be inclusive of underrepresented African nations and Iran if you seriously examine a number of variables. This observation is backed up by the fact that the education system in Africa lacks tertiary standards, has poor governance, and is impacted by poverty. The majority of students do not attend higher education because of the high rate of poverty. Countries like the US and UK, which welcome international students from many nations, must not overlook students from African countries as a supply of foreign students who can make essential contributions to their academic communities. (

Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Kenya, and South Africa are the principal underrepresented African nations that have many qualified students who would like to study abroad. Iranian students have broad access to undergraduate study in their own nation, but limited opportunities for graduate studies create an unmet demand for study abroad. Let’s take a closer look at the situation in a few of these nations.


Africa’s most populated nation is Nigeria. It is thus referred to as the giant of Africa. Nigeria only ranks 13th out of the top 20 nations according to data on foreign student sources for American educational institutions, and recent research ranks it far below China and India in the UK. Despite all of their academic achievements, many Nigerian students still have trouble being accepted into universities. The population of students in Nigeria who graduate from secondary school each year is significantly larger than the number of students who go on to enroll in all Nigerian universities each year. Every year, students who wish to enroll in university struggle to obtain the necessary finances. Only a small portion of the overall applicants get admitted as a result of this struggle.

The remaining students who were not admitted right away at Nigerian universities start to be interested in studying abroad. The majority of students in Nigeria also view the chance to study abroad as a unique opportunity that is ideal for them. A sizable number of eager foreign students would be attracted to universities abroad if the target market for sources of international students is expanded to include Nigeria.

Methods for US and UK universities to reach out to Nigerian students could include sending information to Nigerian academic guidance counselors to be provided to students who are interested in studying abroad and target marketing directed to interested Nigerian students on social media. Additionally, universities can use and make available international student portals like Interstride to provide trustworthy information on studying abroad, the admissions process, financial aid, grants, scholarships, and professional network growth. Visit this web-site to find out more.


The second-largest nation in Africa is Ethiopia. There are several issues with the nation’s educational system despite its sizable population. They lack, to start with, educational infrastructure and resources that facilitate easy learning. Because of this, most students find learning challenging due to the overcrowded classes. Sadly, there is a shortage of sufficiently educated teaching personnel. The students and the economy as a whole have all suffered significantly from the effects of these issues. Unfortunately, unemployment is a problem for the few students who do manage to enroll in university.

These drawbacks are what motivate the majority of students to push themselves to learn as much as they can. These students’ limited financial resources are a challenge brought on by low per capita income and a dearth of middle-class homes. Institutions in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and many other countries should broaden their target demographic for incoming foreign students to include more Ethiopian students. It is necessary to implement measures like using an interactive portal or working with institutions overseas to create interactive portals. This should be done to reduce the difficulties that international students may have when applying for admission and while they are studying abroad.


Iran is a country in west Asia with a burgeoning student population. Additionally, the government has eased its limitations on allowing citizens to study abroad. The explanation is that Iran’s educational system prioritizes undergraduate studies above graduate studies. Many recent grads are considering enrolling in graduate programs to differentiate themselves from others. Iranian universities are now concerned about this and eager to work with Western educational institutions in Europe. Iran is now the country with the second-fastest expanding overseas market for graduate students seeking to study abroad as a result of this trend. Despite this success, the admission applications provided by Iranian students are frequently declined. This is particularly true of doctoral and post-doctoral programs.

Western educational institutions should consider Iranian students when attempting to broaden their international student enrollment target market. Universities and student organizations are prepared for cooperation since there are more students who are eager to study abroad. Various steps need be taken to facilitate this recruitment in order to have a sizable contingent of international students from this nation.

China and India are the two well-known nations that have long been recognized in the US and UK as key sources of foreign students. As a result, universities in the US and UK have been searching for strategies to widen their target demographics for recruiting international students. The COVID-19 pandemic hastened their deliberations. Diversification of international student sources is a topic worth considering. This article has emphasized vital points about this issue. By taking them into consideration, more students from the indicated nations will have the opportunity to study abroad in a destination of their choosing. Universities will also be able to manage the risks that come with having a limited source for attracting international students.

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