PORTSMOUTH, OH – Well, what in the world is wanna-be dictator of planet Earth, self-proclaimed King George Soros, up to these days? Oh, sourly Soros is trying to instigate a war between Donald Trump, our 45th president, Gov. of Florida Ron DeSantis, and the Republican party. It’s business as usual for the textbook narcissist of globalism.
“State of the World” Address by Soros
“Billionaire philanthropist George Soros made a bold prediction at the Munich Security Conference this week, suggesting that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis could be the Republican frontrunner in the 2024 presidential election,” reported Rebel News.
“My hope for 2024 is that Trump and Governor DeSantis of Florida will slug it out for the Republican nomination,” Soros said.
Savage Soros added:
Trump has turned into a pitiful figure, continually bemoaning his loss in 2020. Big Republican donors are abandoning him in droves.
DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious. He is likely to be the Republican candidate. This could induce Trump, whose narcissism has turned into a disease, to run as a third-party candidate. That would lead to a Democratic landslide and force the Republican Party to reform itself. But perhaps I am maybe just a little bit biased.
‘Self’ words that describe Soros and that’s me taming my tongue:
- self-absorbed
- self-aggrandizing
- self-centered
- self-indulgent
- self-congratulating
- self-important
Soros also took the opportunity to blab about the climate crisis hoax:
Let me start with a bold assertion. While two systems of governance are engaged in a fight for global domination, our civilization is in danger of collapsing because of the inexorable advance of climate change. This is a very succinct statement, but I believe it provides an accurate summary of the current state of affairs.
My statement links climate change, which belongs mainly to natural science, with systems of governance, which is a social concept. I’ll discuss climate change first and systems of governance later.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
The global climate czars are sticking to their story of carbon emissions annihilating the planet and the people unless all power is given to the Great Reset regime (aka World Economic Forum, New World Order) to save us. Uh-huh.
You know Soros is lying when his lips move. Albeit, Soros is part of the dying dinosaur mafia that included deceased David Rockefeller and Evelyn de Rothchild, and includes Henry Kissinger, King Charles, and other golden oldies with deep pockets and totalitarian dreams of world domination.
What is the Munich Security Conference?
The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world’s leading forum for debating international security policy. It’s a venue for diplomatic initiatives to address the world’s most pressing security concerns, bringing together heads of state and government, ministers, leading figures of international and non-governmental organizations, as well as high-profile representatives of industry, media, academia, and civil society. Since 2008, Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger has been chairman of the MSC, a senior German diplomat and former Deputy Foreign Minister.
Watch videos on the MSC YouTube Channel.
Hmmm. What is the actual purpose of the MSC? What do the leaders discuss behind closed doors? And who’s in control?
USA Attends Munich Security Conference
“Nearly 50 lawmakers from both major U.S. political parties on Friday attended the start of Europe’s premier annual security conference to affirm bipartisan support for U.S. aid to Ukraine.”
“Four delegations of Democratic and Republican leaders and members of the Senate and House converged as one of the largest groups of U.S. lawmakers to attend the Munich Security Conference since its inception in 1963, U.S. officials said.”
And the three major members of the Uniparty attended: Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell, Democratic-controlled Senate’s Republican minority leader – the tyrannical trio of doom and gloom.
Here’s my questions: Why did power-hungry Soros choose to insult DeSantis and Trump at the Munich Security Conference? Was he sending a message to the globalist world leaders that he is still working hard to defeat Trump, freedom, and liberty in America?
Even with the bazillion dollars Soros has consistently streamed into the destruction of the United States, the patriots are still standing strong, praising God, and saluting the American Flag and the U.S. Constitution. “We the People.”
And it makes his billionaire blood boil and spill over. Is the self-proclaimed atheist shaking his wrinkled weak fist at almighty God? Or summoning Satan for more power?
“George Soros is the most dangerous man in America — here’s why,” a commentary in the New York Post asserts. “Why does Soros — who fled the Soviets and found unimaginable success in a capitalist democracy undergirded by the rule of law and a strong, free press — want to undermine the very system that made him so rich and so powerful? Why is he undermining the very opportunities he enjoyed?”
- Related: With Joe Biden, George Soros finally had a president he could control
- Related: US State Department Funds George Soros-Backed Censorship Group: Report
- Related: George Soros: Propaganda Powerhouse
Soros and DeSantis
As noted in Rebel News, “Soros and DeSantis have been embroiled in a feud of their own since the governor took office in 2018, with Soros’ Open Society network donating $1.3 million to activists who sued DeSantis last year for sending illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard.”
Ahem. Sourly Soros loses again. Oh, how he hates to fail.
DeSantis should have bused the migrants to Soro’s abodes. The magnate owns a network of homes in the New York area, including a Southhampton estate and an Upper East Side townhouse.
But wait, there’s more…
In August 2022, Gov. DeSantis suspended a Soros-funded state attorney from Hillsborough County – Andrew Warren – for vowing to not endorse certain state laws.
Christina Pushaw, DeSantis’ then-press secretary, slammed Warren and other prosecutors for being “backed by Soros” and refusing to “enforce laws across the country.”
In June 2022, as the statewide election season began to pick up, DeSantis’ campaign launched a radio ad that warned South Florida Hispanics of Soros buying out other radio stations.
“They are coming with their ideological agenda. Soros and his minions know what this community represents in the fight against socialism in America. (https://shlohmo.com) This community will not get confused,” the ad said.
Soros and Trump
I’m sure Soros is still sore for pouring millions down the drain to elect hypocrite Hillary Clinton – only to see President Donald Trump in the Oval Office. No doubt, Trump’s shocking victory sent him into orbit.
Let’s take a deeper dive. Is Soros afraid that Trump will be reelected? Yes. That’s why he hurled rude remarks and made a prediction. He is unsure if the devious Democrats (aka the Deep State cabal) can steal another presidential election – so he’s trying to stack the desk – again.
But if DeSantis receives the 2024 presidential nomination will Trump run as a write-in candidate? And if so, Soros and the Deep state regime will set back and enjoy the split in the Republican party.
Alas, American citizens do not need the resulting distress of Trump and DeSantis slinging mud and smearing each other. Trump will not forgive DeSantis for his lack of loyalty in helping him become the governor of Florida. DeSantis will not be showing gratitude to Trump if he declares candidacy.
Both Trump and DeSantis need to be reminded that the God of all creation still sets on the throne. And God’s plan is the plan. Moreover, God does not bless lies, smear tactics, and haughtiness. Furthermore, 2024 is not politics as usual – it’s a fight for the heart and soul of America. Our freedom is on the line.
I want to remind greedy George and his minions about the book of Revelation. God wins – Satan loses.
We need to pray for reconciliation between Trump and DeSantis, lest the enemies steal America’s birthright.
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