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Op-Ed: Has Joe Biden Sold Out Our Country?

The evidence that Joe Biden and his family have accepted millions of unexplained dollars from China and other American adversaries is becoming overwhelming. Image credit: Peter Lemiska

WASHINGTON, D.C. – To Democrats, that suggestion may seem outlandish, maybe even shameful. They might say that to suggest an American President could betray his own country is unpatriotic, un-American. They’d say it’s the kind of rhetoric we might expect from the fringe elements of our society – anti-government fanatics, conspiratorialists, perpetual malcontents. They’d probably include most Republicans.

But those Democrats have short memories. For four years, throughout President Trump’s term of office, they were all in – falsely accusing that president of colluding with Russia and betraying America.

Today we’re dealing with a different president, a different global adversary, and more credible allegations.

The evidence that Joe Biden and his family have accepted millions of unexplained dollars from China and other American adversaries is becoming overwhelming. Those payments were authenticated by the emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop – emails that even the liberal New York Times has belatedly admitted are genuine.

With other media now jumping on board, it’s becoming difficult for Biden’s defenders to ignore the scandal. Though some still close their eyes to it entirely, others have retreated to their next line of defense, arguing that Joe wasn’t involved. It’s all about Hunter.  

They haven’t read those incriminating emails.

Someone once wrote: “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” Biden’s stalwart loyalists aren’t blind. They just find comfort in the dark. For them, whether willful or unintentional, ignorance truly is bliss.

More grounded and objective Americans acknowledge that the Biden family has been enriched by China and other countries. The obvious question remains. What were they buying? What did they expect in return?

Until the recent incident involving balloon surveillance, Biden often portrayed China as a benign competitor. This is what he said as a presidential candidate: “China is going to eat our lunch? C’mon, man… They’re not bad folks, folks.” That was after a Chinese energy company linked to the Communist government had already paid the Biden family millions of dollars. 

As president, Joe Biden has bent over backwards to appease the CCP.

In February last year, the Biden Administration abruptly ended President Trump’s China Initiative. That program was established to help protect America from industrial espionage by the Chinese.

Then there was the Chinese Coronavirus and the global pandemic that killed millions of people worldwide. The Biden Administration had a lot to say about Covid-19, most of it related to lockdowns, masks, mandates, vaccines, and mandated vaccines. But when it came to accountability for the virus that killed more than a million American citizens, Biden issued these tepid remarks: “Critical information about the origins of this pandemic exists in the People’s Republic of China… the PRC continues to reject calls for transparency and withhold information… The world deserves answers, and I will not rest until we get them…”

It was meaningless blather. He’s done nothing to get answers or to hold China accountable in any way.

There were other signs that Joe Biden has been coddling China. Remember when Nancy Pelosi announced her planned visit to Taiwan last year? China was outraged, issuing condemnations and threats. When asked about that impending visit, Biden gave this feeble response, “Well, I think that the military thinks it’s not a good idea right now.”

And let’s not forget the sale of America’s oil to China. Even after depleting our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to dangerously low levels, the Biden Administration decided to sell some of those oil reserves to our main geopolitical adversary.

Biden’s most recent courtesy to China came by way of that surveillance balloon floating at 60,000 feet above our highly sensitive military sites. Our Commander-in-Chief, the man responsible for protecting our nation and its secrets, decided to blast it out of the sky – after allowing it to traverse the country and complete its mission. Then he said the incident was “not a major breach.”

But did all of that satisfy Biden’s debt to China? Did the CCP expect something more for the millions it paid out?

China doesn’t want to confront a proud, strong, and united America. The CCP would like nothing better than to see a militarily weak America, dependent on other countries for food and energy. They’d love to see a Balkanized country in economic ruin, beset by widespread anarchy, and dependent on the drugs it gladly supplies.

That seems to be exactly where Biden and the Democrats are taking our country. Their open border policy and war on domestic energy production can accomplish much of that. And those open borders have also provided an opportunity for agents of the CCP and other hostile nations to infiltrate our country at will.  

Maybe that’s what China paid for.

Not that long ago, Senator Joe Biden, seemed to believe in strong borders, effective law enforcement, a strong military, and traditional values. But he’s also shown himself to be weak and utterly devoid of principles or conviction – a perfect target for compromise by our global adversaries.

Biden’s loyalists remain blissfully unaware of the destruction his policies are inflicting on our nation. But most Americans sense that the country is in decline. It doesn’t really matter why Biden’s positions have changed. Maybe cognitive deterioration is playing a role. Perhaps he’s just succumbed to pressure by the radical left. But everyone should be deeply troubled that the only ones benefitting from Biden’s presidency seem to be America’s enemies and the Biden family.

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