LETHAL FORCE: “I Told Your Dumb Ass I’d Kill You” – Video Released of Off-Duty Chicago Cop Fatally Shooting Attacker

The video and other material was released Thursday by the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, which is investigating the shooting of Leevon Smith on Jan. 18 in the 1300 block of West 90th Street. Image: Chicago Sun-Times / YouTube.

CHICAGO, IL – Surveillance video has been released of the fatal shooting of a suspect who allegedly attempted to attack an off-duty Chicago police officer after she had attempted to break up an argument involving four people on a street corner. 

The shooting took place on January 18 in the 1300 block of West 90th Street; after the unnamed female officer broke up the argument in question – telling the participants that it was “Okay” and to “calm down” – three of the individuals walked off, but Leevon M. Smith, 39, remained on the scene. 

As per the surveillance video, the officer and Smith can be seen speaking briefly after the argument; however, when the officer turns to walk away, Smith jumps her from behind and purportedly attempts to take her gun from her. 

The officer, holding her own during the confrontation, can be heard warning Smith, saying “I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you.” 

“You going to have to kill me then,” Smith replies. 

“Watch this,” the officer then says, and shoots Smith point-blank. 

Smith immediately says, “I’m sorry,” but despite the apology, he continues to attack the officer; at that point, she shoots him a second time. 

“Oh, sh*t, you got me, you got me,” Smith says but the struggle continues, prompting the officer to shoot Smith a third and final time. 

“I told your dumb ass I’d kill you,” she says.  

“Damn, baby, I’m sorry. OK, OK, OK!” Smith replied. 

“Now your dumb ass going to jail,” she tells him.  

“I don’t want to die, baby. Please.” he replies. 

The officer then asks bystanders to call the police, and then tells Smith “You thought I was playing? I told you I’d shoot you.” 

Smith was taken to Christ Medical Center with gunshot wounds to his hand, abdomen, and right hip; he was charged with attempted robbery and aggravated battery in a public place, but succumbed to his injuries and died two days later on January 20. 

The officer was taken to Little Company of Mary Hospital to be treated for a laceration above her right eye; she is not facing any charges in connection with the incident and has been placed on routine administrative duties for 30 days. 

Smith’s family filed a lawsuit against Chicago and the officer for $10 million, alleging “excessive force.” Legal experts, however, say that suit has little chance of succeeding due to the video evidence showing Smith relentlessly attacking the officer even after being shot. 

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