“Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals.” –Margaret Mead
PORTSMOUTH, OH – There is no reason under the Florida sun for children to be exposed to drag queens (aka grown men dressed in over-the-top female clothing, mammoth prosthetic breasts, caked on makeup, high heels, and bizarre wigs) acting like hypersexualized fools. Whether the men are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or transsexual – no matter.
Children don’t belong in bars, strip clubs, brunches, bingo, or any event where drag queens entertain adults. What disturbed mind actually thought that mixing adult performers of drag with innocent children was an appropriate idea? Follow the militant movement of the gender identity cult. Follow the financial funding trail. Follow the child predator trail.
What adult drag queens (DQs) do in adult places (with no children) is not the issue here. The problem is the DQ invasion of spaces that belong to children. And that includes public parks, parades, beaches, libraries, schools, summer camps, and hospitals.
Children and drag queens do not mix. Rational adults have been shocked and outraged by the X-rated video clips revealed by Libs of TikTok with adult men salaciously dressed in drag at LGBTQ events across the country.
In a 2023 report by Breitbart, a Florida pride festival featured drag queens entertaining minors. The festival hosted by Hollywood and Broward County also included a “banned book nook” in the “kids’ zone.” The banned book area featured various controversial books and was hosted by the Broward County Hollywood Library and Safe Schools South Florida, a group working to embed gender theory in schools.
Why doesn’t Safe School South Florida feature any of X-rated video clips on their website or the photos of the pedophiles caught at Drag Queen Story hour in libraries in Texas? Or whether they support drag queens undergoing criminal background checks?
In a 2022 news report from ABC7, at the third annual Venice Pride Festival in Centennial Park, citizens showed outrage over a “CAN Community Health booth at the festival, which had a ring toss game incorporating the sex toys.” Children attended the event.
The city of Naples, Florida, has a decision to make.
Journalist Kendall Little at the Naples Daily News covered a recent city council meeting that took place on Feb. 15 of this year. Over 40 people spoke about Pride Fest and the impact it has on the community.
“Some suggested that the City Council move Pride Fest to a different location because they’re concerned about their children seeing drag performers from the playground at Cambier Park.”
“As a parent, I should be able to take my children to the park and not have to fear what they see,” one resident said. “I believe in free speech, but I believe there’s better venues than our children’s parks.”
“Several speakers said that last year’s Pride Fest involved performers in revealing outfits, which is something they don’t want their kids to see… Many speakers say they saw photos of a drag queen wearing only a pair of G-string underwear.”
Council member Terry Hutchison, during the meeting on February 1, said drag queens are sending the wrong message to children. “This is exposing sexually explicit activities to children, I’m not okay with that,” said Hutchison, according to Fox4.
Kudos to Hutchinson for speaking out for the mental health and social health of children. More community leaders need to flex their spines to defend children from sexualized messages and unscientific gender ideology.
After reading Little’s article several times, it was clear the peaceful protestors negotiated by discussing several options, however Naples Pride board member Callhan Soldavini and the Pride Fest organizers denied men in G-strings and denied sexually explicit dancing. Hmmm. Will the truth please stand up. Why did Pride accuse the community members are telling falsehoods?
Albeit, Pride would not compromise or budge. The rainbow organizers said:
- No to moving the festival and drag queen entertainers into a building.
- No to relocating away from the public park.
- No to disinviting the drag queens to perform.
“We are confident that they won’t deny it because we’ve been presenting the same application with the drag performances since 2017,” Soldavini said.
Bam. There’s the entitlement – we want what we want and we don’t care about the other members in the community – we won’t compromise.
“This has only become an issue this year because it’s become such a politicized issue,” Soldavini said.
Exactly. When child predators with criminal histories disguise themselves in drag to sexualize children as they pretend to read books, sing, and dance – of course, it’s going to go public, police, and political.
Exactly. When reasonable citizens see a young child stuffing dollars down the front of a man’s thong or stoking the penis bulge in his shiny mermaid suit, or watching bare bums jiggling – yes, it’s going to go public, police, and political.
Exactly. When children watch a man hike up one leg to flash what’s under a skirt or roll around on a stage with legs apart – no way it’s not going public, police, or political.
Gays Against Groomers, a coalition of rational individuals that care about children, are against children being exposed to drag queen grooming and sexualization disguised in the form of entertainment.
Is Soldavini going to call them haters, transphobes, or bigots?
My gay friends and colleagues agree that children and drag queens don’t mix. Are they going to be called anti-LGBTQ extremists by Pride?
As a former child therapist with decades of experience, I know what indoctrination, grooming, and sexualization looks like. It looks exactly like the myriad undercover video clips I’ve watched.
It’s interesting, but more appalling that even with the proof of men twerking and jerking in front of children in strip club outfits – I’ve never found an article, blog, video, or statement on social media where an individual or a group accepted responsibility and apologized for making a wrong decision about DQs performances.
The only drag queens that have spoken up against mixing children and DQs include Ryan Woods (aka Lady MAGA USA) and William Browning (aka Kitty Demure).
When I’ve sent correspondence to LGBTQ organizations and Pride websites, there has never been remorse for exposing children to DQ men exhibiting simulated sex acts in public. Most of the replies target me as a transphobic haters or often, my concerns are ignored.
Albeit, the Naples City Council postponed their vote until the next meeting in March.
The sensible citizens in Collier County, Florida need to unite, organize and start a petition immediately. They need to contact the mayor, city council, and commissioners. Be both peaceful and persistent.
The Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other organizations of faith in Collier County need to organize and speak out. So do the teachers, school counselors, school staff, and daycare employees. So do the mental health professionals. So do the business owners.
Options: Contact Liberty Counsel in Orlando, Florida, MassResistance, and Gays Against Groomers Florida chapter at [email protected].
A pastor I recently contacted reported his church members have received death threats for defending children from a drag queen library event. Being bold and standing for truth and justice has a price, but our children are worth it.
Any individual that doesn’t speak out for children is complicit in the grooming, indoctrination, and sexualization. That includes religious organizations and the YMCA. That includes RuPaul and the drag queens on his TV show, the hosts of The View, and celebrities. And that includes the Joe Biden administration as well.
Children’s rights are human rights.
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” (Isaiah 49:15-16, NIV)
God has tattooed the children on the palms of his hands – not his feet where the children cannot be seen, but on the inside of the hands. How many times per day do we see our palms as we use our hands?
What will the Naples City Council decide?
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