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Op-Ed: Dastardly Democrats Try to Ban Prez Trump From Capitol – It Won’t Work

Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) speaks at a news conference at the U.S Capital calling for the immediate release of Asim Khafoor who was arrested and jailed in the UAE. File photo: Phil Pasquini, Shutter Stock, licensed.

PORTSMOUTH, OH –  When will the loopy liberals learn that lies will not stick to #45? They won’t. Akin to necrotizing fasciitis (aka flesh-eating disease), the devious Deep State’s obsession with the destruction of freedom in our U.S. Republic won’t end until eradicated. Spreading their Marxist bacteria, the regime continues to infect our great land of liberty.

Once again, the cancerous cabal is going after our legitimate leader, Donald Trump. Aren’t they tired of being defeated? I guess not.

As reported in Townhall, Donald Trump responded to Rep. Eric Swalwell of California and Rep. Nikema Williams of Georgia after they co-sponsored a resolution to kick the 45th president, and several of his allies, out of the Capitol—permanently.  

“The effort to undermine and overturn the 2020 presidential election damaged the functions of our democracy,” states the resolution, which was introduced in the Committee on House Administration. It also “damaged the integrity of Congress’s constitutional role in certifying the election results” and “put the lives of Members of Congress and the Vice President of the United States in genuine peril.” 

Blah. Blah. Blah. The same old broken record tactic. Moreover, Swalwell and Williams are nothing more than Deep State (aka Great Reset, New World Order) minions with marching orders. I’m sure they are so honored to receive the malevolent memo from the puppet master. It will add a nice touch to their resume.

President Donald J. Trump responded:

In addition to Trump, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, former White House deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino, former Trump assistant Peter Navarro, former Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, and Trump lawyers John Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro, and Rudy Giuliani would also be barred from the Capitol, the article continued. 

More minion mudslinging by the D.C. fearmongers against freedom-loving patriots.

However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing.” –George Orwell

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