“It is contrary to medical science to use chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, or secondary sex characteristics, to override gender identity for purposes of classifying someone as male or female.” –Dr. Deanna Adkins, professor at Duke University School of Medicine
PORTSMOUTH, OH – March 12, 2023, is Detransition Awareness Day. “The community was very social justice-y. There was a lot of negativity around being a cis, heterosexual, white girl, and I took those messages really, really personally,” said Helena Kerschner, on how the online trans community made her feel pressured to change gender.
“I experienced transition regret. I had injected testosterone for four and a half years, I underwent a double mastectomy, only to very gradually realize over time that I had made a massive mistake and wanted to detransition,” Sinead Watson, one of the organizers of the Twitter campaign #DetransAwarenessDay, said in a YouTube video.
Chloe Cole, a detransitioner and activist, reports a chilling statistic when she speaks to audiences, “Over the past decade, there has been as high as a 4000% increase in children being referred to so-called ‘gender clinics’ across the United States. I was one of these children.”
The Center for American Liberty, Dhillon Law Group and LiMandri and Jonna are suing Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, the Permanente Medical Group and several doctors on Cole’s behalf for their involvement in Cole’s transition, which included puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy between the ages of 13 and 17, according to the complaint, as reported by the Daily Caller.
When a person detransitions, they are taking steps to return to living as their biological sex. Not only are there physical steps, but there are emotional and sometimes ideological steps one takes to reconcile with their biological sex. Some detrans people no longer believe in gender identity and instead adhere to the idea that the only thing that makes someone a man or women is our biological sex.
Some detrans people do still believe in gender identity to some extent, and others have no real feelings either way. It is important to acknowledge that detrans people, like anyone else, come from different backgrounds with many different belief systems, and not every detrans person will reconcile with their biological sex in the same way.
“Detransitioners have experienced a dramatic journey of self-acceptance and an unpopular trip to transition and back. Upon transitioning, we felt an overwhelming degree of affirmation from doctors, mental health practitioners, and friends. But on the other side, those cheering voices are silent and our existence is ignored. We’re here to cheer for each other.”
“Some say that detransition is very rare. Others refuse to acknowledge that we exist. We want all to see that we are a group that is rapidly growing. Our unique health care needs are ignored by the same professionals that were eager to medicalize us. We are not going to hide in the shadows. We deserve ethical medical treatment.”
Cat Cattinson is a detransitioner from California who was featured in Independent Women’s Forum’s Identity Crisis series. Watch her videos on YouTube.
Genspect hosted a webinar on Detrans Awareness Day, March 12, 2022, with informative speakers talking about critical detrans topics, including fandoms, autism, male detransition, and inspiring stories of how young people are rebuilding their lives.
Stories of detransitions on YouTube.
In a detailed and lengthy penned article for The Free Press, whistleblower Jamie Reed, a former case manager at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, said she quit in November after four years “because I could no longer participate in what was happening there.” Reed proclaims, “I thought I was saving trans kids.” Click here to read Jamie Reed’s letter to the Missouri AG.
Partners for Ethical Care has rolled out legal help for those harmed by the trans-medical establishment in the United States. The website is transitionjustice.org.
Detrans Foundation is a group of psychologists in UK experienced in providing therapy to clients who are detransitioning or desisting and clients who experience regret about gender transition.
“Transgender to Transformed: A Story of Transition That Will Truly Set You Free,” by Laura Perry. Like many who feel trapped in the wrong body, Laura “transitioned” to the opposite sex through irreversible surgeries, hormone injections, and a legal name change. Yet, despite her initial elation at living as a male, her new identity failed to bring her the peace and fulfillment she longed for. Realizing that she was living a lie, what was promised to be freedom had instead become a prison cell.
Documentary “Dead Name” – Parents Tell Their Child’s Tragic Transgender Stories.
In 2020, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” by Abigail Shrier produced a meltdown in the transgender cult movement? Because it told the truth and cults fear truth. “Why, in the last decade, has the diagnosis “gender dysphoria,” transformed from a vanishingly rare affliction, applying almost exclusively to boys and men, to an epidemic among teenage girls?” The gender ideology cult specializes in the indoctrination of children.
- Related: No Child Is Born In The Wrong Body
- Related: 5 Year-Old Children Targeted For Transgender Support Group At LGBTQ Center In Florida
- Related: What Kind Of A Society Gladly Cuts Off Healthy Breasts And Genitals Of Teens? A Sick Society
Kudos to these brave and bold women and men that are speaking the truth about unscientific gender ideology and telling their stories to help other individuals confused about biology.
Please pray for them on March 12, 2023. And share on social media.
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