Op-Ed: People Are Born Naked, But Why Do Adults Need Nude Nite in the Sunshine State?

PORTSMOUTH, OH – Nudist colonies, nude beaches, and nude art – why are some adults obsessed with group nakedness? Yes, all humans pop out of the womb with in their birthday suits. Yes, the human body is an amazing handiwork of art by a master Creator. But does the world need groups of naked people showing off their private parts at a party?
But is a Nude Nite necessary?
“For more than 15 years, Orlando’s Nude Nite was the city’s steamiest annual art show, always packing its warehouse galleries full of eager oglers admiring au naturel artwork and body-painted performers. The popular party was put on pause after the 2020 edition because organizer Kelly Stevens passed away in 2021,” reports the Orlando Weekly.
It appears that Sloan Waranch, 23-year-old daughter of Stevens, is carrying the nakedness of the annual Nude Nite torch to another generation. The event was held last month in Orlando.
Nude Nite’s new two-level venue near the Florida Mall included an industrial indoor gallery along with an outdoor area, which featured over 130 pieces of art.
Can patrons show up wearing nothing? “Sorry! Nudity is entrusted only to our experienced body models, performance artists and burlesque performers (and art on the walls!).”
Oh, attendees that desire to show their own junk to the crowd are out of luck.
The article continued and said that Waranch is “still trying to work on if there’s going to be full genitalia showing,” saying that decision would be a “last-minute kind of thing.”
Uh-huh. Showing naked genitals to a group of people is a major life-altering decision.
“There’s this thing that happens when you see people who are nude, and you’re stripped down of your job and how much you make. [The body is] the one thing we all share,” said Waranch.
Really? I see my naked reflection every time I step in and out of the shower – and it doesn’t inspire me to shower with the entire neighborhood.
The Orland Weekly published a plethora of the nude photos from Nude Nite.
Personally, I wasn’t impressed with the rainbow-colored butts or the decorated breast pasties in the pictures.
Peruse a website about famous nude sculptures and paintings: A History of the Nude in 10 Works.
Michelangelo’s nude sculpture of David is a work of art along with other historical pieces.
However, the slideshow of the painted naked bodies and erotic poses at Nude Nite appear to be nothing more than vulgar modern-day erotism – short of being labeled porn. At least it’s advertised for the ages 21+ crowd.
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