PORTSMOUTH, OH – Hilary Clinton, Gloria Steinem, and Mika Brzezinski. These three liberal ladies of cluelessness chatted as they sipped soothing chamomile tea, each with pinky finger extended. Ahem. Pinking raising is what posh people do.
“Women and children are the primary victims of conflict and of climate change and there is no place that unfortunately, tragically, shows us that more dramatically than Ukraine today,” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton despaired to MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, as reported in Breitbart.
Usually in agreement with her Lefty guests, Bobblehead Brzezinski just stared at Hildebeast. Perhaps her swivel-neck was cramping – she knows better than to disagree with Hillary the Hun. (https://www.hotelogix.com/)
Listen to the conversation on Twitter.
Folks, I’m trying to figure out how females are the primary victims of climate change as opposed to males. Does weather purposely discriminate against females? Oh my, is weather racist as well? Actress Jane Fonda, another feminine fruitcake, blamed the “climate crisis” on racism during an interview on “The Kelly Clarkson Show.” Bobblehead Clarkson agreed.
Furthermore, the climate crisis scare is a hoax. Carbon emissions are not destroying the planet or the people.
Activist and author Gloria Steinem, a guest along with Clinton proclaimed that “gender equality will not be achieved until men are raising children as much as women are,” according to another article in Breitbart.
Clinton asked, “Gloria, you have been pointing out for decades while women can and do work full-time in the paid labor force, it is still often expected they continue to work full-time in the unpaid labor force. As you look at where we are and think about what now needs to happen to move this agenda forward, what are you hoping to convey to this audience and to everybody watching?”
Steinem said, “How long do we have? Well, I’m glad we started out with the whole concept of work because until work is divided equally at home, that is until men, fathers are raising infants and little children as much as women are.”
This is what The Federalist journalist Leslie Loftis has to say about Steinem: “In simplest terms, Steinem sought equality for women not by building them up, but by tearing them down. She trashed traditional women and their work and insisted that we be like men. Of course, since men will always be better at being men in a being men contest, she had to kneecap men, as well. While we focused on manly standards of success, she and the other Ms.’s ripped the idea of masculinity and set up the men versus women discourse we are so familiar with today.”
And what does Steinem have to say about biological males identifying as female (aka trans women)?
“Seems Gloria signed GLAAD’s letter supporting Trans Women and Girls, basically handing the title of ‘women’ over to men. You’d think someone so closely associated with feminism would want to protect what it means to be a woman but nope,” notes a commentary in Twitchy.
The following is what Steinem stated on her Twitter page:
“I am proud to sign this letter because we all must fight against the unnecessary barriers placed on trans women and girls by lawmakers and those who co-opt the feminist label in the name of division and hatred.”
Huh? Gloria really does live in bizzarro world – the same upside kingdom as Hillary.
The responses from disappointed, hurt, and angry women on Twitter tells the story. Woke Gloria has been removed from the pedestal for erasing biological females and supporting unscientific gender ideology – more proof she is a fruitcake.
Isn’t it time for these attention-seeking women (aka Hillary and Gloria) to put themselves out to pasture? Being over 60, I can pose that question. But sadly, when much younger, I too, bought into Steinem’s aggressive view of the sexes in society – so that makes me a recovering feminist fruitcake.
“The years teach us much, which the days never knew.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
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