PORTSMOUTH, OH – A recent commentary in BizPac says, “Drag star RuPaul has effectively declared war on the right, telling fans that drag stars like him are the front-line soldiers in the ongoing culture wars.”
In an Instagram Reel, RuPaul showed his aggressive side.
Excuse me, but RuPaul, due to DragCon TV show and ensuring celebrity craze, is the ‘King/Queen of Drag Indoctrination’ from toddlers to tweens to teens to young adults. Therefore, I’m handing his blame-shame game tactic right back to him.
- Related: Woke Fisher-Price Toy Company Indoctrinates Toddlers With RuPaul Drag Dolls
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“It was obvious that he meant Republicans when he said “bullies,” as the GOP has been at the forefront of the movement to protect children from LGBT indoctrination,” the article notes.
Wrong again. It’s not about the LGBTQ community at all – it’s about adult males in prom dresses and high-heels indoctrinating, grooming, and sexualizing children. Bringing in LGBT is a ploy to try to rally a larger crowd. Busted – RuPaul is not as savvy as he thinks he is.
The article continues, “Responding specifically to all the legislation being proposed across the country to protect young children from salacious drag shows and also gender-transition surgery, RuPaul ranted and raved on his Instagram account this Wednesday.”
Blah. Blah. Blah. Typical response from an attention-seeking drama diva. WHINERS R US.
“Hey, look over there! A classic distraction technique, distracting us away from the real issues that they were voted into office to focus on: jobs, healthcare, keeping our children safe from harm at their own school,” RuPaul complained.
RuPaul is so wrong. Responsible, rational, and reasonable citizens are trying to keep kids away from grown men twerking in thongs, pasties, and lipstick. The video clips from Libs of TikTok show the proof.
“But we know that bullies are incompetent at solving real issues. They look for easy targets so they can give the impression of being effective. They think our love, our light, our laughter and our joy are signs of weakness. But they’re wrong because that is our strength,” he added.
VICTIMS R US. DQs playing the victim card is getting old. And not all DQs are transsexuals. DQs can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual males. (https://charlesmcdaniel.co)
Really? Believing and spewing unscientific gender ideology and denial of factual biology to minors are weaknesses. Inviting children to dress in drag and stroll a catwalk is an aberration. RuPaul must be referring to a bizzarro world in another galaxy.
And children are the easy targets as bullies know.
People and professionals (including me) voiced no concerns until RuPaul targeted children to participate in his fairy tale fantasy, along with his mesmerized male minions.
- Related: Nobody Is Banning Adult Drag Queens From Entertaining Adults In Adult Places – Stop Whining RuPaul Divas
RuPaul went on to say that drag queens “are the Marines of the queer movement.”
Well guess what – mothers are Momma Bears when it comes to protecting their children. A queer marine has no chance against a grizzly defending her cubs.
“Don’t get it twisted and don’t be distracted,” RuPaul raved, before urging people to register to vote “so we can get these stunt queens out of office and put some smart people with real solutions into government.”
Hmmm. How much intelligence does it take for a man to pretend to be a woman?
How smart does a drag queen, that hikes his leg up to show what’s beneath to a group of toddlers, have to be? Well, I guess the child predators that have duped Democrats, parents, teachers, and librarians are clever.
“RuPaul’s Drag Race Queens Speak Out Against Anti-Trans, Anti-Drag Legislation” in a video for GLAAD.
The solution is simple. When drag queens leave children alone – the controversy will go away. Nobody is banning adult drag queens performing in adult places. Men can do drag and experience their true selves in la-la-land until the cows come home – but not around children.
The smart and caring elected politicians are moving forward.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed into law a bill that goes into effect on July 1, 2023, that bans gender-affirming (aka gender-rejecting) health care (aka harmful puberty blockers and mutilation surgeries) for minors. He also signed a bill limiting drag show performances in Tennessee.
Moreover, 11 other state legislatures are looking to protect children from drug queen shows with proposals and bills.
- Related: New Florida Bill: Businesses That Expose Minors To Sexually Explicit Performances Could Face Fine; Drag Queens No More Mixing With Minors
- Related: Montana Bill Would Protect Children From Drag Queen Events At Public Schools & Libraries
- Related: North Dakota House Votes To Criminalize Drag Shows For Kids
Children do not belong in bars, strip clubs, brunches, bingo or any venues with drag queen adult entertainment. Drag queens do not belong at festivals, parks, public libraries, schools, or any places where children are supposed to be.
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- Related: Sexualized Drag Queen Performance At LA Zoo Touts “Family-Friendly” – But Is Adult Raunchy
Of course, the DQ bullies have called in the Calvary of Crazies. World of Wonder has created the first-ever Drag Defense Fund with a donation from MTV and “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” The Drag Defense Fund supports the ACLU’s LGBTQ rights work, as noted in Variety.
Of course, the left-leaning mainstream mockingbird muppets only tell one side of the story: the Daily Beast, the Guardian, AP News, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, Variety, People, Rollingstone, LA Times, Media Matters, The Conversation, The View, and more.
Children’s rights are human rights. And sensible adults will never stop defending children from gyrating men in skin-tight garments, wacky wigs, and caked on makeup.
Every sane and sensible parent, grandparent, and other citizens regardless of religion, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, culture, or political party must unite to defend and protect children from the indoctrination, grooming, and sexualization of predatory drag queens.
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