VIDEO: Group of Reckless Drivers Arrested In Fort Lauderdale, Several Cars Seized Along With Firearms; Numerous Spectators Cited

Quallo, McLean and Barber are being charged under a new Florida law, F.S.S. 316.191 that went into effect last October and targets racing on highways, street takeovers and stunt driving.
The suspects are being charged under a new Florida law, F.S.S. 316.191 that went into effect last October and targets racing on highways, street takeovers and stunt driving.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – The Broward Sheriff’s Office Burglary Apprehension Team (B.A.T.) arrested several members of an intersection takeover crew on Friday night, seized several cars along with two firearms and cited numerous spectators to the activity. 

In recent months, crews of reckless drivers have been periodically taking over intersections in Broward County. During these incidents, drivers perform dangerous and illegal stunts like doing doughnuts, burnouts and street racing. These actions endanger the motoring public, pedestrians and the participants and spectators themselves. They also damage roadways and instill fear and anxiety in the surrounding communities. 

During Friday’s operation, B.A.T. detectives gathered information regarding a meeting of drivers in Tamarac. Once gathered, the drivers swiftly moved to a location in the 3500 block of Northwest 56th Street in Fort Lauderdale. While there, deputies witnessed dozens of drivers, including Mark Quallo, Brandon McLean and Tyler Barber, drifting and performing other risky, reckless maneuvers. While drifting, the drivers spun out their tires causing large clouds of smoke to form. This behavior presented a significant danger to motorists and pedestrians in the area. 

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After Broward Sheriff’s deputies saturated this area, the group of reckless drivers proceeded to 6415 North Andrews Avenue in Fort Lauderdale, which is the location of a movie theater and other businesses. The reckless driving continued in the parking lot and roadway, putting the public in harm’s way. During this dangerous activity, deputies witnessed members of the public, including young children, exiting the movie theater. In order to protect the public, deputies arrested Quallo, McLean and Barber for speeding and racing on a highway, seized six cars and two firearms from Quallo, including an AK-47 with extended magazines. Deputies also gave non-criminal traffic citations to eight spectators who viewed the activity. 

“None of this is a light offense. None of this is joyriding. None of this is just young kids having fun,” Sheriff Tony said. “We’re going to continue to be aggressive. We’re going to continue to go after these individuals. Expect us to take your car and take you to jail. This is your official warning. Stop the nonsense on our streets before you kill somebody.”

Quallo, McLean and Barber are being charged under a new Florida law, F.S.S. 316.191 that went into effect last October and targets racing on highways, street takeovers and stunt driving. The law affects individuals who drive in these illegal takeovers along with those who coordinate the events through social media, spectate or knowingly ride as a passenger. 

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