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Op-Ed: If Abortion Was Retroactive, Would Pro-Abortion Activists Abort Themselves?

Florida Republican Sen. Erin Grall proposed SB 300 legislation that would ban doctors from knowingly performing or inducing a termination of pregnancy after the sixth week of gestation with some limited exceptions. And Planned Parenthood is fighting mad. File photo: Sofiia.P, Shutter Stock, licensed.

PORTSMOUTH, OH – While perusing for the latest info and news on abortion bills and bans, I came across a conversation at the end of the article on the Florida Politics website.

In a nutshell: Florida Republican Sen. Erin Grall proposed SB 300 legislation that would ban doctors from knowingly performing or inducing a termination of pregnancy after the sixth week of gestation with some limited exceptions. And Planned Parenthood is fighting mad.

Laura Goodhue, Executive Director of the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates said,

“Often, people don’t even realize they’re pregnant at six weeks,” Goodhue added. “As a result, this bill means many pregnant people will never have the option to have an abortion. Moreover, between the 24-hour mandatory delay and two appointment requirements, even patients who realize they are pregnant before six weeks may be unable to access abortion care before they run out of time.”

Goodhue argued that women who couldn’t receive abortions would go down the economical and discriminatory rabbit hole.

Comments from readers:

Richard: How does, “systemic discrimination in employment, housing, and public resources, ” make one pregnant?

Cassandra: Irresponsible ejaculation is the ONLY cause of unwanted pregnancy, Richard. Keep it zipped; or get it snipped. (

Keystone: Surely, no one will be irresponsible with you.

Cassandra: The ONLY cause of unwanted pregnancy is irresponsible ejaculation. Control your reckless behavior, Richard.

Keystone: If Abortion was retroactive, would Laura Goodhue exercise her choice to be aborted by ending her heartbeat?

Hmmm. Now, isn’t that a thought-proving question. If abortion was retroactive, would Laura Goodhue exercise her choice to be aborted by ending her own heartbeat? Surreal question.

I’ve heard the following question posed to pro-abortion activists: Would you have wanted your mother to abort you?

How many people that support and/or promote abortion would choose death for themselves if they could go back to the beginning before conception or during any stage prior to birth?

Would they choose abortion for their partner, spouse, friends, coworkers, or others in their circle?

Many abortion supporters (aka pro-choice, reproductive rights) of infants in wombs point to unwanted children (aka unwanted pregnancies) as a reason for abortion. What if her/his mother wanted an abortion but could not afford it – would the abortion activist chose a retroactive death for themselves upon learning that information?

On YouTube comedian and Republican activist Prime Time Alex Stein asked an abortion activist protestor: “Are you glad you were born?”

Her answer: “Everyone’s happy they were born.”

Stein: “Exactly.”

Life News: Meet the Baby Who Miraculously Survived an Abortion Attempt

Catholic News Agency: What happens when babies survive abortion? A doctor’s alarming response

FOX News: 210 Democrats vote against bill requiring medical care for babies born alive after abortion attempt

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act passed the House 220-210; Democrats were the only ‘no’ votes. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, and Vice President Kamala Harris criticized the bill.

“I’m So Glad You Were Born: Celebrating Who You Are,” is a 2022 picture book by Ainsley Earhardt (Author) FOX News anchor, Kim Barnes (Illustrator). “I’m So Glad You Were Born is an inspiring and loving message to your child.”

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