Op-Ed: Climate Crisis is a Hoax – Why is Miami Mayor Suarez on “Global Commission” with Bill Gates, UN, and World Bank?

This is what the U.N. does every three to five years and it’s essentially—you don’t have to trust the science. They’re asking you to trust institutions and this is a political lobbying arm of the United Nations that pretends to be a science panel. They were started in 1988. Their goal is to scare everyone to convince you into “climate action.” Al Gore has said these reports are “torqued up.” How else do you get the attention of policymakers?” –Marc Morano
MIAMI, FL – Truth: THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS. According to information on WLRN 91.3 FM, published October 16, 2018, “Miami’s Mayor Named To Global Commission On Climate Adaptation.”
What is “The Global Commission?”
“The Global Commission on Adaptation was launched in The Hague on 16th October 2018 by the 8th Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon. Established by Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands and the leaders of 22 other convening countries, the Commission launched with the mandate to accelerate adaptation by elevating the political visibility of adaptation and focusing on concrete solutions.”
My questions: Why did a USA mayor meet with global leaders about climate change? Shouldn’t that position be left to elected officials in the Biden administration, the U.S. representatives or the governor? Why was Suarez the only USA mayor appointed as a commissioner and who appointed him?
According to the listed convening countries, the United States was not included, however China, Vietnam, Canada, Mexico was represented. Why?
The Commission’s mandate came to an end following its Year of Action in 2020, with its work showcased at the Climate Adaptation Summit hosted by the Netherlands on 25th January 2021. However, according to the website, programs and events continue.
Excerpt from WLRN:
Miami’s mayor is joining a list of big names on a new international climate change commission. Mayor Francis Suarez will be part of a new “Global Commission on Adaptation,” led by Bill Gates, former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and current World Bank CEO Kristalina Georgieva. The commission includes 28 leaders from government, business and non-profits. They represent countries including the Marshall Islands — one of the nations most at risk of having to relocate because of sea-level rise. Commissioners will assess worldwide planning for climate change and look at how partnerships, risk assessment and technology can help people adapt. They’ll present an initial report at a 2019 United Nations climate summit.
What’s wrong with the aforementioned picture?
The Truth about Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Climate Hoax
In 2023, Florida was the place for the 15th International Conference on Climate by The Heartland Institute: ‘The True Crisis: Climate Change or Climate Policy?’
Climate expert Marc Morano, publisher of CFACT’s Climate Depot and the author of “The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown,” and the 2021 book “Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think” was a main speaker. Morano also served senior staff on the U.S. Senate Environmental & Public Works Committee and authored the 2019 book, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change” and produced and starred in the films Climate Hustle (2016) and Climate Hustle 2 (2020).
Watch: Morano’s Great Reset keynote speech at Heartland Institute Climate Conference in Orlando
CLICK HERE to watch every conference presentation.
CLICK HERE to see the archive of The Heartland Institute’s 14 previous climate conferences.
Heartland’s reply to critics: The Heartland Institute often is the target of misinformation and even outright lies about its mission, funding and donors, and members and staff. These attacks come overwhelmingly from left-wing advocates who object to our principled stand in defense of individual liberty and limited government.
- Climate Change Hoaxers Point To Hurricane Ian As Proof Of Impending Annihilation Of Planet and People
- World Climate Declaration Proclaims No Climate Emergency
- The Climate Carbon Crisis Is Still Fake Science And Still Fake News
As reported in the New American, “The federal government’s own data shows no global warming over the last 8 years despite 500 billion tons of human emissions during that time period, conclusively debunking the hypothesis that human activity and CO2 output are leading to catastrophic climate change,” explained Steve Milloy of JunkScience.com in an interview.
“The quasi-religious climate-change movement does not understand how the climate truly works, and its plans to spend trillions of dollars restructuring global energy and economic systems will hurt billions of people, warned MIT Meteorology Professor Emeritus Dr. Richard.”
“Pursuing the so-called “net zero” agenda to reduce emissions to nothing by 2050 is extremely dangerous and would be devastating to American families, aside from being totally impossible to achieve, warned retired chemist Marty Cornell.”
- Is Your Child’s School Teacher Climate Crisis Annihilation And The CO2 Emissions Hoax?
- Climate Crisis Hoaxer Prince Williams Follows In King Charles Fibber Footsteps
- Do People Around The Globe Believe The Global Warming Hoax Because of Mass Psychosis?
“Where did all the money go? Tens of billions of dollars have lined the pockets of left-wing environmental and social justice groups that have been emitting a lot of hot air but no results. Green energy companies have milked taxpayers of tens of billions more, even as wind and solar only produce about 12% of our energy. Is this the greatest rip-off of U.S. taxpayers in history?” asked journalist Stephen Moore on a FOX News interview.
- Climate Change Cultists And CEOs Of Financial Institutions Intersect At The Great Reset Corner
- Millions, Billions, And Trillions — The Climate Crisis Hoax Is Breaking The Bank
- The Climate Crisis Czars Are Coming After Private Citizens To Pay For The Carbon Emissions Hoax
C40 is Part of “The Global Commission”
“Mayors, we concluded, are well-positioned to bring together businesses, civil society, national governments and consumers to pursue changes in urban consumption patterns that reduce emissions and improve lives.”
“C40 is a network of mayors C40 is a network of mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities collaborating to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis.”
Who funds C40?
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a group that functions independently of any government. It is usually non-profit. NGOs, sometimes called civil society organizations, are established on community, national, and international levels to serve a social or political goal such as a humanitarian cause or the protection of the environment. Although some NGOs are for-profit corporations, the vast majority are nonprofit organizations. However, some NGOs, particularly those based in authoritarian countries, may be created or controlled by governments.
Peruse the many NGOs, foundations, businesses that fund C40 here.
The Open Society Foundations (founder is George Soros) is a listed as a funding source along with the Clinton Foundation; Google, the World Bank; American Express, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Global Covent of Mayors (Mayor Libby Schaaf, Democrat, of Oakland, California, USA, for North America, Miami-Dade County, Florida is listed) for a total of 182 cities in the USA; Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) – ICLEI works at multiple scales, building connections across local, regional, national and global actors and policies (City of City of Miami, FL, member since 01/04/2022); Mayors Migration Council (Miami-Dade County, FL, is a Coalition City member); Arup has more than 17,000 members and offices in 46 of the 97 cities that make up C40’s global network.
According to the C40 website: “COP27 took an important step towards achieving climate justice by establishing a loss and damage fund in which the countries most responsible for the climate crisis agreed, in principle, to compensate the countries experiencing the worst impacts. However, there was no real increase in funding for adaptation. The world’s richest countries have not yet paid the full US$100 billion a year in climate finance promised to the Global South by 2020. Even if fully paid, this amount would not be nearly enough to cover the costs of adaptation in the worst affected countries – the United Nations Environment Program estimates that the costs of adaptation alone will be between US$160-$340 billion per year by 2030.”
Where is the $100 billion per year going to go? Why should the USA pay $100 billion per year when there is no climate crisis – it’s a hoax. Why is the Biden administration and the Deep State going along with a hoax? Follow the power, money, and global domination trail.
Folks, the $100 billion per year will come from the hard-working taxpayers. Read that again.
Furthermore, why would any USA mayor be a member of the C40?
USA Democrat Mayor Kate Gallego, Phoenix, is a member of the C40 steering committee and gives a brief video speech on the website.
Employees of C40 that Service USA (as noted on website):
Note: These individuals are not employed by the US federal government. Several privately owned IT businesses from USA are listed.
Gloriela is the C40 Manager of US Health, Climate, and Equity. In this role, she collaborates with six US cities working on initiatives at the intersection of public health, climate change, and social equity to facilitate peer learning and co-create public-facing deliverables to amplify implementation lessons.
Emily serves as the Climate Solutions & Networks Team Officer where she manages the overall Climate Solutions & Networks team coordination.
Isabel is the Manager of the C40 Centre for City Climate Policy and Economy, an initiative that aims to provide mayors with evidence-based research to drive the urban climate agenda toward an equitable and resilient world well under 1.5°C.
Prior to joining C40, Ilona worked for over eight years in foreign diplomatic Missions, most recently as the research officer at the Permanent Mission of Fiji to the United Nations.
Helen leads the technical assistance part of C40’s Air Quality Program and works on deploying projects within cities in the areas of air quality monitoring, health impact assessment, air quality modelling, data analysis and policy development.
Laura serves as Regional Director for North America at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. In this role, she works with C40’s 17 cities in the US and Canada to help advance climate actions, from policies to mitigate emissions to strategies for adapting to climate impacts.
Kate serves as the Head of US Federal Affairs at C40 Cities. In this role she works with C40 member cities and partners to advance US federal policy that supports cities in achieving their climate goals and support C40’s overall engagement with partners in Washington DC.
Yana serves as Project Manager within C40’s Ports and Shipping team. She coordinates the Green Shipping Corridors work of C40, aimed at decarbonizing global maritime transport, reducing emissions from ports and ships, and promoting green infrastructure development and broader sustainable shipping practices.
Zoë serves as Technical Lead for Air Quality at C40. As a consultant for the World Health Organization, she led a report on the air quality and health impacts of home heating with wood and coal.
See the list of cities around the world and 14 USA cities that are members of C40.
Miami, Florida is a member of C40. Mayor Francis X. Suarez, member since 2020.
My questions to Miami Mayor Suarez:
- How were you selected for “Global Commission on Adaptation?” How is the city of Miami and the county involved?
- Are you of the same views on climate change as the Biden administration, Bill Gates, Al Gore, John Kerry, Klaus Schwab, King Charles, Greta Thunberg, the UN, the WHO, the WEF (2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, COP27 Goals)?
- What is your current position on so-called climate change and climate emergencies?
- What is your solution to the so-called global climate crisis and how to save planet earth and the inhabitants from annihilation by carbon emissions (a hoax)?
- What is your stance on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), solar energy, electric cars, fossil fuels, climate lockdowns, banning gas stoves, decreasing red meat consumption and eating a diet of bugs?
- Is Gov. of Florida, Ron DeSantis aware of your global climate change goals for the city of Miami and the county and C40 membership?
Excerpts from Miami Government website on climate change:
In January 2020, Mayor Francis Suarez announced a carbon neutrality goal of reaching net zero City-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Since then, the City has released a greenhouse gas inventory and has started working on a greenhouse gas reduction strategy to determine the roadmap to carbon neutrality. As an interim goal, the City is aiming to cut Citywide greenhouse gas emissions by 60% from 2018 levels by 2035.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the leading greenhouse gas emitted by human activities and therefore the greenhouse gas driving global climate change. In the United States, carbon dioxide makes up over 80% of greenhouse gas emission. The leading sources of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States are transportation (29%) and electricity generation (28%), following by industrial processes (22%). In order to slow global climate change and limit its impacts on cities worldwide, governments and individuals must make fundamental changes in order to reduce the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere.
City of Miami has committed to community-wide carbon neutrality by 2050. In addition, Miami is a signatory of the We Are Still In pledge, a promise to uphold the goals set out by the United Nations Paris Climate Agreement at a local level. Achieving these goals will require ambitious action and community-wide buy-in as Miami pivots towards deep greenhouse gas reductions and carbon neutrality.
Resolution In Support of the Carbon Dividend Act of 2019: Resolution R-19-0376
Folks, there is no threat of carbon emissions destroying the planet due to global warming. Don’t be duped by the United Nations UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and World Economic Forum (WEF) – the trio that has joined together for a takeover of global governance (aka, the Great Reset of The New World Order). “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy about it,” proclaims Klaus Schwab and his minions.
Watch a revealing video about the devious WEF here.
How interesting that the connecting dots include the World Economic Forum, billionaire George Soros, billionaire Bill Gates, and the World Bank.
The United States of America is a sovereign government based on the U.S. Constitution and a Bill of Rights. Freedom-loving citizens DO NOT want to be ruled by the New World Order.
What can residents of Miami and Florida do?
Explore and research the links in my column, converse with other citizens, contact elected leaders of Miami and request transparency. Contact state representatives. Vote in all elections.
If Mayor Suarez responds to my questions, my column will be updated.
Comments are closed.