Op-Ed: US Conference of Mayors (USCM) Push Carbon Emission Fairy Tale Fallacy – There is No Climate Crisis

“Mayors have single-handedly taken action on climate protection efforts and in many cases, creatively launched local energy efficiency programs to help reduce our carbon footprint in American cities.” – Tom Cochran, CEO & Executive Director, U.S. Conference of Mayors.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) is the official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are over 1,400 such cities in the country today. Each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor.
The United States Conference of Mayors’ 91st Winter Meeting was held January 17-20, 2023 in Washington, DC, and presided over by Conference President Miami, Florida, Mayor Francis X. Suarez.
Conference agenda: Climate Mitigation and Resiliency – Best Practices & Resources by Mayor Dan Gelber, City of Miami Beach, Florida. GENEVIÈVE PICHÉ, Head of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Solutions Group.
FYI: Why Corporate Environmental, Social, And Governance Enforcement Is Self-Reinforcing Scam
Conference agenda: Council on Metro Economies and the New American City; A Mayor’s Role in International Diplomacy; Wind Energy Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition.
According to an article in the Urbanist, The New American City pertains to the 15-minute city. Formulated in the reaction to the climate crisis, and coined by Professor Carlos Moreno, scientific director of entrepreneurship and innovation at the Sorbonne and special envoy to Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, the 15-minute city is part of Moreno’s philosophy of eliminating reliance on fossil fuels.
For example, the C40 Cities, of which Seattle, Washington, is a member, promotes the 15-minute city as a model for increasing equity and inclusivity in cities.
My take on the future 15-city project: Residents will receive a universal income; will not have cars; will live in apartment pods; and will eat a vegetarian diet along with bugs.
FYI: Watch World Economic Forum video on 8 predictions for 2030 which includes the surrender of the United States to the United Nations – they just say the US will no longer be the world Superpower. “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy about it.”
C40 is a “global network of mayors taking urgent action to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone can thrive.” Michael R. Bloomberg is President of the C40 Board, UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions.
My questions:
- Why have USCM mayors bought into the global climate crisis hoax?
- Have the mayors read the valid and reliable research studies?
- Why are mayors onboard with the United Nation, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum’s hoax on the climate crisis?
Sidebar: The climate language was nefariously changed from global warming (aka carbon emission) to climate crisis to climate change by the climate czars. How do leaders with power and a platform change perceptions of citizens? Change the language – a tactic of dictators.
Carbon emissions ARE NOT going to annihilate the planet or the people via global warming.
“Mayors are on the front lines of impacting human behavior…This is one of many reasons why 1,066 mayors continue to join The U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement, vowing to reduce carbon emissions in their cities below 1990 levels, in line with the Kyoto Protocol. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels was the founder of this movement…On February 16, 2005 the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement to address climate disruption, became law for the 141 countries that have ratified it to date,” according to the USCM website.
Find the list of mayor signatures HERE.
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
Excerpts from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:
In short, the Kyoto Protocol operationalizes the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by committing industrialized countries and economies in transition to limit and reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in accordance with agreed individual targets. The Convention itself only asks those countries to adopt policies and measures on mitigation and to report periodically.
The Paris Agreement formally acknowledges the urgent need to scale up our global response to climate change, which supports even greater ambition from governments. The commitments from all actors are recognized in the decision text of the Paris Agreement, including those launched through the Lima–Paris Action Agenda.
Mar 14, 2023: Submission in response to the call for inputs to the first global stocktake: The global registry of fossil fuels. Carbon Tracker is an independent financial think-tank – established in 2011 and based in the UK and USA – which carries out in-depth analysis on the impact of the energy transition on capital markets and the potential investment in high-cost, carbon intensive fossil fuels. Carbon Tracker is responsible for cementing the terms “carbon bubble”, “unburnable carbon” and “stranded assets” into the financial and environmental lexicon.
“We hope that this submission makes clear why and how the Global Registry of Fossil Fuels can be an extremely valuable public policy resource: to generate much greater transparency about oil, gas and coal production; to make governments much more accountable for their production because of the impact of fossil fuels on climate change; and above all because the registry and its comprehensive data, being expressed in projections of CO2-equivalent, can be applied to assessing progress on the global carbon budget – which is becoming increasingly vital and urgent,” the UN article concludes.
My questions: Why is the USA involved in a global carbon budget? What leader of what country gets to decide how much energy is used and what to charge citizens?
Folks, there is no carbon emissions emergency on planet earth.
FYI: Global Warming Myth Debunked: Humans Have Minimal Impact on Atmosphere’s Carbon Dioxide and Climate
The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) and the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) formed the Alliance for a Sustainable Future to provide a platform for the public and private sectors to accelerate carbon reduction programs and sustainable development, as well as strengthen partnerships toward mutual sustainability and climate goals.
Publications on the USCM website:
- Investing in Resilient and Equitable Neighborhoods (January 2023)
- Cities Advancing Climate Action: Leveraging Federal Funds for Local Impact A Resource Guide (2022)
- American Mayors and Businesses: Building Partnerships for a Low-Carbon Future, Volume IV (2021)
- Mayors Leading the Way on Climate How Cities Large and Small are Taking Action (2020)
USCM website excerpts:
“But those of you who may not know the United States Conference of Mayors has taken leadership role in the area of climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions since 2005 when we originally passed our mayor’s climate protection agreement in response to President Bush’s decision at that time to not sign the Kyoto Protocol over 1,000 mayor’s made that commitment and we have continued to step up through a variety of local and national policies and initiatives but we realize we can’t do it alone that’s why we join with the Center for climate and energy solutions in formed our alliance for sustainable future…we come together today on the eve of a global meeting of mayors and people from around the world to continue to discuss the challenges that we have on climate.”
The USCM reception was held at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates and hosted by His Excellency Yousef Al Otaiba, Ambassador of The United Arab Emirates to the United States.
My question: Why are mayors of the United States of American (USCM) rubbing elbows with Yousef Al Otaiba?
And by the way, read the interesting political liberal views (my opinion) of the USCM on gun legislation HERE.
The Truth about Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Climate Hoax
In 2023, Florida was the place for the 15th International Conference on Climate by The Heartland Institute: ‘The True Crisis: Climate Change or Climate Policy?’
- CLICK HERE to watch every conference presentation.
- CLICK HERE to see the archive of The Heartland Institute’s 14 previous climate conferences.
What can US citizens do? Contact your mayor and ask questions. Peacefully demand transparency. Attend city council meetings.
Folks, as usual, do your own research, converse with others, and use critical thinking skills to arrive at your own conclusions. And in these politically turbulent times you must question everything.
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