Op-Ed: James O’Keefe Returns to Recruit Thousands of Citizen Journalists with Undercover Equipment — Kapow!

PORTSMOUTH, OH – Bam! Thwapp! Zlonk! “I’m back,” proclaims James O’Keefe. “The Ides of March have come. We launch today,” O’Keefe wrote on Twitter in announcing the start of the O’Keefe Media Group.
The ousted Project Veritas leader said his new enterprise will focus on “citizen journalism.”
Boff! Bonk! Pow! “We can never be shut down again, because not only do I own it, but you do too.”
Folks, just imagine an army of freedom-loving soldiers armed with hidden cameras as they expose corruption, fraud, and falsehood in government, in universities, in schools, in libraries, and anywhere where justice is being smacked, thrashed, and hammered.
Think about camera-ready warriors in D.C. as they mingle among the megalomaniacs.
- The Deep State regime is put on notice.
- Big Pharma is put on notice.
- The Federal Reserve is put on notice.
- The Industrial Complex is put on notice.
Crooked governors and mayors beware. When you least expect it – smile, you’re on hidden camera.
Whamm! Zam! Zok! “We are here to empower citizens through journalism.”
According to the website, OMG is “empowering and equipping a movement of thousands of people like you to report things that are wrong, with the support of an in-house team of elite journalists to bring factual, unbiased stories to light.”
Watch his inspiring video on Twitter or YouTube or his new website.
Kapow! Thunk! Zlonk! “They have awakened a sleeping giant! My brand-new movement O’Keefe Media Group will not just be me – It will include you. Let’s build this army and keep every statehouse, every city council, every school board and everywhere people are conspiring to keep power, proactive favoritism or line their pockets with tax dollars! Become a founding member today!”
During his video conversation, O’Keefe said he “always knew they would try to ruin the reputations of those who expose them. Pharma giants, the three-letter government agencies, and those who I thought I could trust.”
Betrayal and blackmail are the business of the global cabal and the deceptive radical Democrats.
But O’Keefe can’t be bought. And he won’t sell out his country.
In the same vein, Kari Lake, former news anchor and Arizona gubernatorial candidate of another stolen election, won’t be bribed or blackmailed.
“Somebody showed up at my door this week, they called me before and said, I gotta talk to you in person, can’t be done over the phone,” Lake said. “They came to my door and they tried to bribe me [into] getting out of politics. This really happened. I’m telling you this because this is how disgusting politics is… They tried to bribe me with a job title, with a huge salary, a position on a board; this is how they do it… This person standing before me was sent at the request of some powerful people back east. They want me out of politics.”
Lake offered no additional details about the mouthpiece for the man behind the curtain.
Watch Lake’s confident and committed speech from CPAC on rumble. “They messed with the wrong Momma Bear.”
And the Big Pharma beasts that messed with O’Keefe – targeted the wrong Papa Bear.
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