PORTSMOUTH, OH – This is one of those weird but true stories that makes you wonder about humans. The burning question: Why? What motivates a male to donate lots and lots of sperm?
- Money
- Wants to help infertile couples
- Wants his biology spread across the planet
- Mental health issue
My ponderings:
Imagine the health implications and trauma of half-siblings partnering with or marrying unknown half-siblings. And having children together. In addition, the confusion and chaos of learning you have 500 half-siblings somewhere on earth.
The 2023 article was found in the Netherland Times. I’m clueless. How often can one male donate his sperm?
Jonathan Jacob Meijer is referred to as a “serial sperm donor” in a new report by the UK Telegraph because he does business with large, international sperm banks.
In the Netherlands, it is legally permissible for a donor to father a maximum of 25 children with a maximum of 12 women. This is because studies have shown that there is no increased risk of relationships between blood relatives when there are 25 or fewer children per donor, RTL Nieuws reports.
The Donorkind Foundation and several mothers are upset. One mother is filing a lawsuit along with the Foundation against the 41-year-old man from Hague. They want the court to weigh in on the dilemma.
Additionally, the Foundation claimed the donor reached out to prospective mothers through social media and offered his sperm “under the counter.”
“If I had known he had already fathered more than a hundred children, I would never have chosen this donor,” the mother who launched the proceedings against him said in a statement.
“When I think about the consequences this can have for my child, I get a feeling of [the] gut and I become insecure about his future: how many more children are added?”
“Going to court is the only way to protect my child,” she continued.
The Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (NVOG), at the time, urged all sperm banks and clinics to stop using his sperm immediately.
The Progress Educational Trust (PET), a platform for people affected by infertility or genetic conditions, states the limit of 25 offspring is designed to keep levels of consanguinity among donor-conceived people similar to that in the overall population, according to an article in Euro News.
Hmmm. Sounds like a future court ruling may set a legal precedence for the international crime of being a serial sperm donor. The punishment could include making him pay child support for all 500 children. (https://www.nectarpd.com)
Sperm Donors in USA
According to the American Pregnancy Association, donated sperm is in high demand. As a result, men can earn money by donating sperm.
In March, 2022, U.S. Donor Conceived Council (DCC) surveyed sperm bank websites across the United States to analyze their publicly described business practices and compare those practices to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) guidelines, the American Association of Tissue Bank (AATB) guidelines, and DCC’s vision statement.
Approximately 41 sperm bank sites operate in the United States, and these banks are owned or operated by 20 unique companies. Only two United States sperm banks are nonprofits.
I just learned something new.
For example, Florida houses two sperm banks.
The article notes, most sperm banks are located close to prominent universities near young adults with significant amounts of student debt.
So, selling sperm can help finance a college education. Who knew?
Florida locations are near the University of Central Florida and University of Florida.
The world’s largest international sperm bank, Cryos International, opened in Orlando in 2015, according to Orlando Weekly. The company, which was founded in Denmark in 1987. Donors could potentially make up to $750 per month (in 2015).
According to the current Cryos website for USA: A donor receives compensation that amounts up to $780 per month for “your time and effort.” Per ejaculate – $25 (per visit) + $10 gift card.
I wonder who sets the price for sperm. Wow, a gift card goes with the deal.
Sperm donation requirements and sperm donor qualifications: To become a Cryos sperm donor you must be between the ages of 18 and 44 and in good physical and mental health. We seek all types of men from all ethnic backgrounds and pride ourselves in our donor diversity.
Other sperm donor requirements include:
- You are physically and mentally healthy
- You live within a one-hour drive of one of our facilities.
- You will be able to attend all appointments during the donation process
- You are 5’6” tall for most donors (5’4” for donors of Hispanic or Asian descent)
- You are willing to undergo a background check
By the way, a donor has to pay taxes on earnings from selling sperm. Who knew?
I would think that males who donate sperm would carry around a nagging concern that someday they would answer a knock on the door – and meet their adult child or children.
Well, readers did you learn some interesting info? I sure did.
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