PORTSMOUTH, OH – Planned Parenthood, the largest producer of sex-ed curriculum for public schools, argues children are entitled to know how to “experience different forms of sexual pleasure,” notes a recent commentary in the New York Post.
“Sex ed in middle school now includes graphic lessons on anal sex, oral sex and masturbation, with stick figures to illustrate body positions.”
Read more from the NYP here.
Sex ed has been highjacked by well-funded left-wing groups with their own agendas. These include SIECUS (Sex Ed for Social Change), Advocates for Youth (an LGBTQ group) and the American Civil Liberties Union, which argues that children have sexual rights.
A review of 60 studies of sex education in US schools, published in the scholarly journal Issues in Law and Medicine, found that comprehensive sex education more often resulted in more harm, including more unplanned pregnancies and STDs.
Folks, read that again.
Sex ed is the most controversial issue in many public school-board elections. And outraged parents are running for school board positions across the nation.
As reported in the Tallahassee Democrat, the Leon County School Board decided to postpone the approval of this year’s human growth and development instruction after local Moms for Liberty members voiced their concerns about the content.
“It harms children,” said Priscilla West, a member of Moms for Liberty Leon County.
Among the complaints were that the word “anal” was used more than 30 times in the instructional materials, a video in the optional instructional materials promoted masturbation and that the information for middle schoolers promoted sex. The word “anal” is used to refer to the risks of sexually transmitted diseases, and describes anal sex as “the highest risk behavior for STDs, including HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.”
According to state statute, districts in Florida are required to teach students about sexually transmitted diseases, the signs, symptoms and the risk factors for those diseases while also promoting abstinence as “the expected standard for all school-age students while teaching the benefits of monogamous heterosexual marriage.”
Sex education programming varies widely across the United States. Currently, 39 states and the District of Columbia mandate some kind of sex education and/or HIV education.
Planned Parenthood Sex Ed:
Kids-Ask: Crafting answers to curious questions. Developed by Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts.
Sex Ed to Go: a FREE resource for students, teachers, parents and caregivers to ensure young people get foundational knowledge about sexual health.
Spark-ED: Resources to support LGBTQ+ inclusive sex education. Developed by Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai’i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky.
Read more from the following article by The American Conservative HERE.
Planned Parenthood’s influence in sex education depends on four main funding streams established by Congress. The Teen Pregnancy Prevention program (TPP) and the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) are competitive grants created through Obamacare. The other two Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) programs have been around for decades, and were originally designed to promote abstinence-only until-marriage education. These four programs collectively dispensed $228 million through 243 grants between 2020-2023.
Their main influence comes through the complicated grant-making process. The library books and the curriculum follow National Sexuality Education Standards (NSES) that push forward the leading edges of the sexual revolution. The NSES are a Common Core for sex ed, designed and updated with the aid of Planned Parenthood.
What can you do?
Speak up to defund Planned Parenthood in your state. Form a group to get rid of all Planned Parent sex ed curriculum in your school district and state.
Request to review all sex ed curriculum taught in your child’s school for all grade levels. Ask for a list of books used. Review videos.
It’s up to parents and other citizens that care about kids to speak out about Planned Parenthood sex ed in their own school district, attend school board meetings, contact state representatives, and vote at every election.
States should pass laws that reject National Sexuality Education Standards and prevent any district from adhering to them. Additionally, states should reject all Planned Parenthood–endorsed sex education curricula from use in any schools or school trainings.
STOPP is an organization of parents. Parents who share the belief that we have the God-given right and obligation to raise our children, from the moment of conception. The purpose of STOPP is really quite simple: We try to educate people about the truth of Planned Parenthood and its programs so that that we can stand up let them know Planned Parenthood it is unwelcome; eventually it will have no choice but to close its doors. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask of an organization that has been ruthlessly attacking our children for years—abusing them in the womb and in the classroom.
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