PORTSMOUTH, OH – The megalomaniacs of the U.S. Deep State Cabal and The New World Order also called The Liberal World Order (aka World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organization) continue to try to move the Great Reset (aka Fourth Industrial Revolution) forward. But the freedom-loving elected officials, American patriots, and constitutional attorneys (America First Legal, Liberty Counsel, Judicial Watch, American Center for Law & Justice) keep fighting the D.C. traitors to drain the swamp of Benedict Arnolds.
“Strengthening the Liberal World Order” – A World Economic Forum White Paper is a 16-page document on the website of Founder Klaus Schwab under the heading of Global Agenda and The Global Agenda Council on the United States.
The Marxists at the top of the power pyramid include: Antonio Guterres, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, King Charles, and other aging wealthy nonelected officials.
- Related:Trio Of Terror – Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, George Soros – Dangerous, Daunting & Delusional
The U.S. Deep State Cabal (aka Joe Biden, Barack Obama, DOJ minions, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and other treasonous tyrants) continues to wreck the economy with out-of-control spending; wreck the country with open borders; wreck the educational system with teaching socialism, critical race theory, and unscientific gender ideology; and wreck the foundation of family with anti-parent legislation.
Stop the USMCA Agreement
The John Birch Society proclaims, “The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) threatens American national sovereignty and moves us closer to a North American Union. Congress and the president must withdraw the U.S. from this dangerous agreement!”
The Deep State is ramping up its efforts to decimate U.S. national sovereignty. The U.S. Surface Transportation Board has approved the proposed merger of the railway companies Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern, “creating the first freight rail network linking Canada, the U.S. and Mexico,” thus establishing a nascent USMCA Super Railway. The USMCA’s implementation enabled this development, and this economic integration closely mirrors the transformation of the European Coal and Steel Community into the globalist European Union.
Furthermore, the Biden administration is working with Mexico’s government to end U.S. national sovereignty by merging North America into a European Union-style organization. Among other recent statements, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) said, “I think that [U.S. Secretary of State Antony] Blinken spoke about consolidating the region of North America, and we agree on that.” AMLO added that “We are also in favor of the unity of the entire American continent” under an EU-style agreement.
The USMCA threatens U.S. national sovereignty and moves us closer to a North American Union, long-pursued by globalists. And under the globalist strategy of “progressive regionalization,” regional orders are the first step to a world government. The U.S. must withdraw from this agreement and reject any other agreement or treaty that threatens our constitutional liberties.
Watch the video HERE.
Folks, the USA must have sovereign borders to protect citizens, liberty, and freedom. We must keep our great Constitution and Bill of Rights. We must stay a U.S. Republic.
What can you do?
Sign the petition at the John Birch Society HERE.
Contact your U.S. representative and senators in support of immediate withdrawal from the regionalist United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), and encourage them to Get US Out! of the USMCA by introducing and passing legislation to that effect.
“We the People.”
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