MIAMI, FL – President Ronald Reagan during a 1983 speech in Miami blamed the Cuban government for Cuba’s problems: “So, don’t let anyone fool you: What’s happening in Cuba is not a failure of the Cuban people; it’s a failure of Fidel Castro and of communism.”
Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba in a 1959 revolution and transformed the country into a communist state and ruled for five decades.
Senator Jay Collins announced that he is sponsoring a resolution condemning the Cuban government and the elected officials in Hillsborough County who met with a Cuban ambassador to the United States earlier this month. The Senate resolution is also supported by Senators Garcia, Calatayud, and DiCeglie.
To read SR 1728: Tyrannical Cuban Government, please click HERE.
Tyrannical Cuban Government; Condemning the tyrannical Cuban government and the Tampa City Council member and Hillsborough County officials who, on March 3, 2023, entertained the Cuban ambassador and other Cuban officials at a dinner meeting in Tampa in complete disregard of the brutality of the Cuban regime and the blood that has been shed by those who rose up in opposition, etc.
Via a recent Press Release:
Senator Collins was joined by Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez, Senator Alexis Calatayud, Senator Nick DiCeglie, Representative Danny Alvarez, Representative Berny Jacques, Representative Alina Garcia and Cuban political exile Roberto Pizano at a press conference in front of the Old Capitol steps today to denounce the tyrannical Cuban regime.
“Let me be crystal clear on this. We here in the Free State of Florida have nothing to gain from meeting with the leadership from Cuba’s totalitarian regime,” said Senator Collins. “As a Green Beret, our motto is ‘De Oppresso Liber,’ or ‘To Free the Oppressed.’ I will not forget the Cuban exiles in our state, and I will continue to fight against communism in all forms.”
“I’m honored to stand here today in solidarity with Senator Collins, Mr. Pisano and my esteemed colleagues from the Legislature against the despotic tyrannical regime nestled just 90 miles away from our shores,” said Representative Jacques. “We are gathered here today to make something crystal clear; the Free State of Florida is not a friend of the Cuban communists, nor any of their henchmen that they send here to spin their twisted lies.”
“We must condemn the Cuban regime for its actions and stand in solidarity with those fighting for freedom,” said Representative Garcia. “It is also our duty, as elected officials, to denounce the actions of those trying to whitewash and legitimize the actions of this brutal regime. By wining-and-dining the Cuban ambassador, these elected officials are sending a message that we are willing to overlook the regime’s atrocities and human rights violations – and I, as a proud Cuban American, will not tolerate this perverse behavior.”
What can you do?
Contact your state representatives, mayor and city council, and voice your opinion on the issue. Pray daily for the Cuban citizens and for democracy in Cuba.
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“Communism is a religion that is inspired, directed and motivated by the Devil himself who has declared war against Almighty God.” – Rev. Billy Graham
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