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Op-Ed: USA Needs Prayer: Pastors For Trump 2024, Intercessors for America, & ‘Kingdom to the Capitol Tour’ with Sean Feucht

Pastor, Businessman, and former Oklahoma United States Senate candidate Jackson Lahmeyer has started a nationwide effort to connect Christian faith leaders with the America First movement helping to secure another term for President Donald J. Trump in 2024.
Pastors for Trump is a coalition of Patriot Pastors from all 50 states that recognize the importance of Christians engaging in the world we live in as the salt and light.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12 NLT) 

PORTSMOUTH, OH – Folks, the Deep State communist cabal on Capitol Hill that has taken freedom hostage will not give up power without a fight on all fronts – as we are witnessing and experiencing in our great land of liberty. Moreover, the New World Order (aka World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organization) are working tirelessly to overthrow the U.S. Republic and destroy the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the banking system, and the economy via the Joe Biden – Barack Obama regime. 

Pastors for Trump 

Pastors for Trump is a coalition of Patriot Pastors from all 50 states that recognize the importance of Christians engaging in the world we live in as the salt and light. As the spiritual leaders of our nation, we are committed to pray for Donald J. Trump and present our requests before him on issues such as life, marriage, freedom of speech and personal responsibility. 

Online: as well as FacebookYouTubeTwitter & Rumble

Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, will be joining Pastor’s For Trump on Monday, April 3 at 6:30pm CT for another National Prayer Call live from Tulsa, OK. 

The last National Prayer Call had over 115,000 people watching live with President Donald Trump, General Michael Flynn, and Roger Stone. 

Why Some Evangelical Leaders Are NOT Supporting Donald Trump: Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer Answers. Watch on YouTube. Website: or  TruthSocial, GAB, FacebookInstagramTwitterTelegram, GETTR.  

Folks, read the Book of Revelation. God wins – Satan loses.  

Intercessors for America (IFA) 

This is a critical moment in the history of our nation. A former American president has been indicted for criminal charges. New York City Attorney General Alvin Bragg, newly elected to his office and backed by George Soros, was not required to pick up this case, yet he did. The grand jury hears evidence only from the prosecutor (in this case, Bragg). Twenty-three jurors hear the evidence, and a vote of 12 is required to formally charge a defendant with a crime. 

Our Constitution is based on the fact (and the belief) that it is God who gives us our laws. The Founders believed that we must know and understand the laws of God in order to implement a system of justice that honors God. As intercessors, we pray for the revelation of God’s law to inform every aspect of our justice system.” 

Find your state HERE. Join the online prayer group. 

Father God, Judge of all, we pray that Your will would be done in our nation, and especially in our justice system.” –IFA 

Petitions that go directly to your state representatives. Read and sign HERE

‘Kingdom to the Capitol Tour’ with Sean Feucht 

What started with the courage of a few has now spread like wildfire across an entire nation. Hundreds of thousands of worshippers have joined the #LetUsWorship movement across over 150 cities and the fire cannot be stopped. REVIVAL OR BUST. 

Camp Elah: a small space, for people of big faith. God has opened an incredible door on Capitol Hill. Camp Elah is just a smooth stone’s throw from the U.S. Capitol and the Supreme Court, and “we are excited to see how He uses this place to take back territory for His kingdom.” 

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalms 23:4 NIV) 

The Promised Land 

Christian musician TobyMac – Promised Land: Listen to entire song HERE.  

Well, I’ve run this Earth for many years
If there’s one thing I know
There’s nowhere on this side o’ Heaven
Where streets are made o’ gold
I’ve long laid down my grand illusions
Lookin’ toward the day that I’ll be home 

And I’m wonderin’
Yeah, I’m wonderin’
Where’s my promised land? 

I won’t give up on this race
Broken but I still have faith
That this old life is all part of a plan
And I can feel it in my soul
One day, I’ll stand before the throne
With nothin’ left but hope in these two hands 

Through all these seasons
I’m still believin’
You’re my promised land
In all my grievin’
I’m still believin’
You’re my promised land 

Jesus, you’re my promised land 

What can you do? 

Join these organizations for persistent pray. Start a prayer group in your home, church, neighborhood, or community to pray for USA, Donald Trump for 2024, elected officials both national and in your state, county, and city. Pray for revival. Pray that God will bless America – again. 


“…We acknowledge our dependence on God’s love to guide our families, communities, and our country away from harm and toward abundance and peace…” –President Donald Trump 

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