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Violence on the Temple Mount: Warning Signals Not to Ignore

Temple Mount
Dome of the Rock and Dome of the Chain on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel. File photo: Mikhail Markovskiy, Shutter Stock, licensed.

BOCA RATON, FL – Things are heating up at the Temple Mount area in Jerusalem and since it’s Ramadan time things will get hairier. Not unusual since this place is holy to Jews and Muslims. Jews hold it sacred as the actual site of two biblical temples plus the Western Wall and the Muslims falsely claim it’s the third most holy city for them. Their fantasy is that Mohammed is supposed to have ridden up to Allah on his steed from that place in Jerusalem. A bit of fact here. Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran while it is written in the Torah hundreds of times. Mecca and Medina, far off in Arabia, are the only two holy cities in Islam and their claim of Jerusalem as the third one is nonsense. They use it merely as a political and bloody battleground in order to gain control of Israel by boasting it will be their capital when Palestine attains statehood and wipes Israel off the map. During the Jordanian control of that section of Jerusalem from 1948-1967, Jews were banned from the area and their holy places, with 57 synagogues destroyed and cemeteries being trashed. However, once Israel won back the Temple Mount in 1967, they foolishly, in our eyes, permitted their enemy, Jordan, to retain administration of the area with Israel overseeing its security. And Muslims use it to draw blood from Jews in their riots on their “sacred” spot. In fact, their leader for life, Mahmoud Abbas has incited his people by telling them, “We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem!”  And Mahmoud al-Zahar,a senior member of Hamas, warned, “The continuation of the Zionist aggression and their brutality against Jerusalem and the holy shrines will be the cause of a major battle.” They sponsor a culture of death wherever they root themselves. And Jerusalem is their current battleground. Israel must take a strong stand and not permit the Palestinians to continue to rule the Temple Mount. They should start reading up on Rabbi Meir Kahane’s ideas.

Just last week, a Palestinian, at the al Aqsa mosque, which was built above the Jewish shrines, tried to grab an Israeli officer’s weapon and was shot to death in the ensuing struggle. Immediately, the Palestinian Authority, which routinely urges their people to kill Jews, claimed their man was murdered in cold blood and encouraged others to take to the streets in protest. CNN, MSNBC and other not friendly to Israel news sources immediately played up the shooting as another Israeli act of terror against Palestinians. The bloody war continues and we’re concerned that Israel is losing ground. With the Biden administration in power, we’ve seen the Abraham Accords fall apart. The Saudis, once sure to sign on in a peace deal with Israel, along with members Kuwait, the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco, now with China as intermediary, have entered into a relationship with Iran, its mortal enemy. If the Saudis, following Iran’s lead, come around and once again support the Palestinians’ demands on Israel, which they were shying away from under Trump’s leadership, we’re in big trouble. The earlier Saudi influence to have other Muslim nations side with Israel commercially, scientifically, education-wise and militarily, was invaluable and unbelievable at the time. Now that seems to be down the drain. Old news.

In the last two years, the enemies of Israel have grown stronger and more belligerent. The Palestinians are no political fools. With a weak America, leaving the Middle East to the Taliban, ISIS and Iran to fill the vacuum, Israel is in deep peril. They must, somehow reclaim all of Jerusalem as theirs and put down any uprising coming from within the Jewish state itself. The Palestinians see their opportunity is now. Along with Russia, China and Iran, they smell an America that is more willing to appease aggression than fight it. They know Israel is heavily dependent on the U.S. in all ways. And Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are key areas from which to start the uprising. Watch out for more terror during the “peaceful, holy” month of Ramadan.

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