LOS ANGELES, CA – A loving mother saved her seventh grade daughter from a dangerous gender ideology cult club operating in the school system. California mom and attorney Aaron Friday, leader of the parent advocacy group Our Duty, was recently interviewed by a journalist from The Daily Signal. Watch on YouTube.
Erin Friday’s daughter was introduced to gender identity ideology in a comprehensive sex-ed class in seventh grade. “The seed was planted after that class,” Friday says. “And in fact, all of her friends, there were five, sat in my front yard saying what their new labels were.” Friday says she was “alarmed by the language that they were using, including ‘pansexual,’ which is not a term that 11-year-olds should know.”
The mother began looking into what her daughter was learning in school and was struck by the fact that other adults were not also questioning the teaching of gender ideology to middle schoolers.
When her daughter said she was “transgender,” Friday began taking decisive steps to rescue her from transgenderism. She took her daughter’s phone, put her in a new school, and tried her best to surround the preteen with the truth about who she was as a female.
It was not easy, but Friday says, as a parent, “you have to be strong enough, your love for your child has to be strong enough, to take their vitriol.”
After about a year and a half, Friday’s daughter stopped claiming a transgender identity.
Today, through the work of the parental support group Our Duty, Friday is helping other families navigate through gender identity ideology.
Our Duty
Our Duty is an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology: a set of ideas that is leading to many children to think that they are transgender. Adolescents in particular are prone to seeking refuge in a gender identity that is at odds with the reality of their sex.
However, young people get to believe that they are a different ‘gender’ through the deliberate obfuscation of language by those who promote ‘transgenderism.’ In effect, they are groomed and brainwashed into a belief system.
We believe that it is important that parents of young people affected by post-pubertal gender dysphoria (also called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria or ROGD) know they are not alone.
Downloadable Fact Sheets:
More Resources:
“Irreversible Damage” The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” by Abigail Shrier. “Why, in the last decade, has the diagnosis “gender dysphoria,” transformed from a vanishingly rare affliction, applying almost exclusively to boys and men, to an epidemic among teenage girls?” Watch an author interview HERE.
“Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult” by Maria Keffler.
An author, speaker, and teacher with a background in educational psychology, Keffler has fought to protect children from unethical activism and dangerous policies around sexuality and transgender ideology since 2018.
“Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness” by Miriam Grossman, MD, a child and adolescent psychiatrist. “Don’t be blindsided like so many parents I know. Be proactive and get educated. Feel prepared and confident to discuss trans, nonbinary, or whatever your child brings to the dinner table. Whether it’s the “trans is as common as red hair” claim, or the “I’m not your son, I’m your daughter” proclamation, or the “do you prefer a live son or a dead daughter’ threat, says Grossman, no family is immune, and every parent must be prepared.”
Documentary “Dead Name” – Parents Tell Their Child’s Tragic Transgender Stories.
Advocates Protecting Children is a non-profit (501c3) organization dedicated to fighting the gender industry, and especially its predation on children in the form of unethical social and medical transition for the sake of political and financial profit. We serve and support churches, schools, organizations, families, and individuals who seek facts and guidance on responding to gender ideology and activism. (www.advocatesprotectingchildren.org)
Parents for Ethical Care is an international group of parents and individuals arising awareness about gender-confused children. It is a non-partisan group. (partnersforethicalcare.com)
13 Untruths Behind Gender Affirmative Therapies for Kids: On Feb 21, 2023, the Florida House of Health & Human Services Committee heard testimony from licensed psychiatrist Stephen Levine MD. He outlined 13 scientifically false assumptions which serve as the foundation of affirmation-only therapy for gender dysphoria in kids. Watch Michael Laidlaw MD and Stephen Levine MD Testify in Florida on YouTube.
2023 is the year of turnaround as parents are speaking out against the indoctrination of children in public school systems by the radical gender ideology cultists: school staff, teachers, school counselors, and school boards.
- Pioneer Psychiatrist in Child Gender Dysphoria Treatment Says Medical Industry Harming Kids
- Cultists TikTok Influencers Exposed For Transgender Targeting of Kids – Watch Flabbergasting Video
- Lefty Liberal’s Fairy Tale Transgender Agenda For Minors Is Going Down The Rabbit Hole – Kudos To Rep. Margery Taylor Greene
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