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Op-Ed: “Gender, Lies and Suicide: A Whistleblower Speaks Out” Book by Detransitioner Walt Heyer

Gender, Lies and Suicide
“In Gender, Lies and Suicide,” by Walt Heyer, analyzes the issues which fuel the tragedy of transgender suicide and shares selected stories from the many people who write him seeking to undo the tragic consequences from their decision to change genders.

 “Here’s the truth: changing genders is suicide.” – Walt Heyer 

PORTSMOUTH, OH – The gut-wrenching, heart-rendering stories of wounded detransitioners is exposing the dangerous transgender movement. These battered but brave victims are speaking out.  

In Gender, Lies and Suicide,” by Walt Heyer analyzes the issues which fuel the tragedy of transgender suicide and shares selected stories from the many people who write him seeking to undo the tragic consequences from their decision to change genders. 

Transgender individuals undergo hormone injections and irreversible surgeries in a desperate effort to feel better. The media and transgender activists claim the radical treatment is successful and regret is rare, yet at the same time, they report that transgenders, even after treatment, are attempting and committing suicide at an alarming rate. 

This is what Heyer writes in the Introduction of his book: 

Perhaps you are about to read for the first time, testimonies of regret and evidence of suicide deaths from people who suffer with gender distress. It takes courage from a whistleblower on the inside to speak out publicly about the massive failure of the current diagnostic approach and treatment for people with gender issues. That whistle blower  

is me – a maverick among transgenders, a male surgically altered to a female who lived eight years as Laura Jensen, now happily living in my original birth gender. 

Yet, for all the pain, we are the lucky ones because at least we did not take our own lives. The cries from dark graves sound deafeningly in my ears, begging for someone to listen and help stop the madness that resulted in their death. 

Heyer list myriad studies about gender dysphoria and suicide. He also purports that childhood trauma contributed to “where the gender depression seed was planted and started to grow.” 

As a former therapist, I would agree with Heyer. Mental health professionals often return to a client’s childhood to look for causes and answers to understand what happened. It’s called trauma-informed treatment. 

“Physical and sexual abuse and family breakups and other dynamics all become factors in the psychological development of gender expression,” he surmises. 

Heyer provides an account of the changing of the causes concerning gender dysphoria (formerly gender identity disorder) in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) by the American Psychiatric Association. He provides names: Dr. Money, Dr. Walker, and Dr. Benjamin.  

Wow. Heyer certainly blows the whistle on the complicity of the American Psychiatric Association in promoting unscientific gender ideology and the denial of biology, anatomy, physiology, and genetics. 

Peruse Heyer’s website HERE. 

(Part 1) He ‘de-transitioned’ back to Walt after living as Laura for 8 years. This is his story. Watch on YouTube. Heyer reconnected with his Christian faith by receiving counseling with a pastor. (Part 2) – Watch on YouTube.  (Part 3) – Watch on YouTube

Heyer’s interview with Daily Wire. “I Became Transgender. Here’s Why I Regret It.” 

Dr. Paul McHugh, psychiatrist and Director of the Department of Behavioral Science at Johns Hopkins Hospital challenged psychiatry colleagues who were performing transitioning surgeries on adults to conduct follow-up research to sex-change operations. A Comprehensive 30-year study in 2011, concluding that patients who undergo sex reassignment surgery are at higher risk for suicide, attempted suicide, and criminal behavior. 

No one is born transgender. If gender identity were hardwired in the brain before birth, identical twins would have the same gender identity 100 percent of the time. But they don’t.” –Pediatrician Michelle Cretella, M.D. 


I have the utmost respect and admiration for Walt Heyer for speaking the truth to help others prevent transitioning and suicide. He is helping gender-confused individuals to return to their God-given sex of male or female for grace, love, acceptance, forgiveness, and healing. God is certainly using Heyer “for such a time as this.” 

The collaborative medical community is contributing to eventual suicide by refusing to consider the long term consequences of giving hormone blockers to pre-pubescent children and cross-gender hormone injections and surgery to the mentally distressed. It is madness.” –Walt Heyer 


The findings of “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases,” published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, lent support to the theory that the surge in gender-switching adolescents is rooted in a social contagion stoked by media, peers and gender clinicians. 

A 2023 documentary Affirmation Generation is viewable for free on Vimeo and tells the stories of six detransitioners. Lisa Littman, the scientist who first identified and named Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) is one of many professionals interviewed in Affirmation Generation.  

Do No Harm has announced its latest initiative “Protecting Minors from Gender Ideology,” an effort to educate policymakers and the public on the disastrous consequences of the unproven and often harmful practice known as “gender-affirming care.” 

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