WINSTON-SALEM, NC – Republican legislators in North Carolina introduced a bill in the General Assembly Tuesday that would ban drag shows on public property or in the presence of a minor, as reported on Fox News. The bill, which had 17 cosponsors as of Wednesday.
The one-page bill comes weeks after a video went viral appearing to show a drag queen giving a lap dance to a young student at a public school in the state.
So, what woke and wacky sicko is going to defend an adult male predator dressed like a female giving a stripper-type lap dance to a student in a public school?
A video obtained by Libs of TikTok showed multiple adults laughing and watching a drag performer appearing to give a lap dance to a student at Forsyth Technical Community College in March 2023.
There’s your answer. The sickos are school staff.
“After doing a stripper-style dance, the drag queen then gives the student a hug as onlookers cheer, according to the footage, which sparked outrage among some right-wing circles online,” noted The New York Post.
The school confirmed in a statement that students of all ages were allowed to attend and subsequently said it was exploring ways to “revise campus policies” following backlash.
All students were invited to the “drag performance,” hosted by the student-led Pride Club, according to fliers for the event. What adult is the overseer for this student group?
Dr. Janet Spriggs is the 7th President of Forsyth Technical Community College, NC. Find the list of the Board of Trustees HERE.
Democrat Roy Cooper is the governor of North Carolina. Will he speak out to protect students from future drag queen sexualization in public schools? Or will he promote lap dances for all as part of liberal education indoctrination?
Promotional materials for the 2023 Pride Festival, which was held at a restaurant on campus, advertised four drag queens, a “drag performance” and “free food, drinks, music & activities.”
A program of the Forsyth County Health Department, Prevent Ongoing Spread of STIs Everywhere (POSSE), set up a free HIV and STI testing station at the event and repeatedly promoted it on its Facebook page. “So excited to be apart (sic) of Forsyth Tech’s PRIDE Fest!” POSSE wrote Wednesday.
POSSE (aka sickos) needs to be made to return the tax money, be held accountable and be defunded for being a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing.
The Forsyth County Health Department is complicit in the drag queen debauchery event for minors. Where’s the investigation into who, what, why?
Forsyth Public Health Director Joshua Swift issued a statement to Fox News Digital Tuesday evening saying POSSE had spent $58 in taxpayer funds for supplies for the event, but he also disavowed “the actions that allegedly took place.”
“Our staff was aware that there would be drag performances but was not involved with planning the event and had no information regarding the age of the attendees,” Swift continued.
Blah, blah, blah. Cover your own butt, shifty Swift.
Unbelievable. This is me sighing and shaking my head. Swift is passing the buck when he was absolutely culpable. Contact Swift HERE and express your views peacefully.
Where is the outrage of the parents and the sensible citizens in the community?
Relief. Rational, reasonable, and responsible lawmakers in NC step in to save the day.
House Bill 673, which was filed by Republican state Rep. Jeff Zenger, would amend state law to define “adult live adult entertainment” as “a performance featuring topless dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, or male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, regardless of whether or not performed for consideration.”
Transgender cult LGBTQ rights group Equality NC slammed the North Carolina bill as discriminatory in a press release Tuesday.
Obviously, Equality NC is not a member of Gays Against Groomers. “The gay community is not a monolith. Those pushing this agenda do not represent or speak for us all, nor do we want to be associated with them in any way. What we are witnessing is mass scale child abuse being perpetrated on an entire generation, and we will no longer sit by and watch it happen.”
Once again, Kudos to Libs of TikTok, sane citizens, and conservative elected officials for standing up against the indoctrination, grooming, and sexualization of minors by deviant drag queens.
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